Status: Active:)

My Dilemma

A Night To Remember

Kylie’s POV:
I woke up at ten in the morning the next day full of anxiety. After two years, I was finally going to find out what happened that night. If it really was his fault. I then got to decide if I would take the risk of going back to him. The risk that I could love and be glad I took, or the risk I’d regret for the rest of my life.
I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to have breakfast.
David was already sitting down at the kitchen table eating cereal while watching TV.
“Hey!” he said as I shuffled into the kitchen.
“Hi.” I replied as I pulled a bowl out of the pantry along with a box of Lucky Charms.
I poured the Lucky Charms into the bowl before I grabbed the fat free milk carton out of the fridge and poured it into the bowl as well. I put everything away and then got a spoon before sitting next to David at the table and beginning to eat my cereal.
“So are you going to dedicate your whole day today to getting all dressed up for Adam?” David smirked.
I rolled my eyes and scowled, “No. I have better things to do then waste my day getting ready for an asshole. It’ll only take me an hour to get dressed.”
“Sheesh somebody is moody.” He snorted.
“What do you mean?” I snapped.
“Well one minute you’re like ‘I hate Adam!’ then you’re like ‘I sort of like him but he’s still an asshole,’ then you’re like ‘Oh I LOVE Adam!’ NOW you’re like ‘Screw, Adam,’ Will you chose a mood please!?!” he explained.
I sighed and said, “I have no idea which mood to chose. Maybe tonight will help me chose it.”
“I hope so.” He muttered.
I laughed and got up after I finished my cereal and threw the bowl in the sink.
“See you later. I have to see if I have the correct attire for tonight.” I said.
“See! Perfect example of changing moods! Now you do care how about nice you look tonight!” he cried.
I laughed as I walked into my room and shut the door. I went to the right end of my closet where I usually kept all my formal and party clothing. I went through dress by dress, debating if it would work or not. I finally narrowed it down to a red, one-strap dress and a strapless, pink dress when I decided to do some other things first before I decided which one to wear so that I would have more time to think about it. I watched TV, worked on homework, read, and even sat down at the piano and learned how to play and sing a new song before it became four o’ clock and I decided it was time to get ready. When I went back to my room I finally decided which dress to wear and chose matching accessories. Then I took a shower and got dressed. I put on my outfit, blow-dried my hair and straightened it, and applied some makeup. I finished at about five forty-five.
I glanced at myself in the mirror and whispered, “Perfect.”
I walked out of my room and into the living room to see my mom cooking, my dad reading, and David working on something for the band.
“Why are you all dressed up?” my dad asked as he glanced at me over his book.
“Oh I’m going out for dinner.” I answered.
“Does this person plan on proposing?” my mom joked.
I frowned and said, “No I’m just going to a formal restaurant. Why? Is this too much?”
“No not if you’re going to a formal restaurant.” My mom quickly insisted as she saw me on the verge of panicking.
“Who are you going with?” Dad asked.
David smirked when Dad asked that question and I quickly looked at the ground.
“Kylie Annabelle, who are you going with?” my dad asked suspiciously.
He threw my first and middle name into the question. That meant he was definitely expecting an answer.
“My ex, Adam.” I muttered.
“Who?” he replied unable to hear me.
“My ex Adam.” I repeated louder.
I closed my eyes ready for him to become furious. He never liked Adam.
“Adam Levine? That cocky singer from that band that only sings songs about sleeping with other people? Not again Kylie!” he cried.
“It’s not a date,” I snapped, “It’s just a dinner so he can explain what happened that night. I know not to believe him immediately and to use my senses, Daddy. I’m not going to get myself hurt. I’m more cautious now. If anything is going to happen between us, it will just be a friendship and that’s rare to occur.”
“But she likes him.” David smirked.
“David!” I cried.
“Do you?” my mom asked.
I looked at her to see that she had set the knife down and had given her full attention to me.
“I’m not sure. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.” I whispered.
My mom sighed and glanced at my dad.
“Kylie, are you sure you even want to go to this dinner to let him explain himself? I don’t like this boy at all.” My dad asked.
“I’m positive that I want to go. Don’t you always say give second chances with caution? Well I am. I ran into him yesterday and he apologized for his actions which really isn’t like Adam. He was different. I’m going to carefully see if he has changed without getting too attached.” I explained.
He sighed, nodded and replied, “I understand but-
“No buts. I’m twenty four Dad. I understand you may not like him but I don’t like that Adam either. If he has changed, I know you’ll like the new Adam. Trust me.” I interrupted.
He bit his lip and finally nodded.
I hugged him and squealed, “Thank you Dad!”
Just as I let go of my dad the doorbell rang. I checked the clock. It was six, not too early, not too late, he was right on time. I grinned as I approached the door to answer it. When I opened it, Adam was wearing a light blue collared shirt with the sleeves pushed up, black suit pants with a black belt, and black shoes. I gulped when my heart started fluttering. He looked really…hot. When he saw me his jaw dropped.
“K-kylie y-you look g-great.” He stammered.
I blushed and replied, “Thanks.”
After he finally recollected himself he said, “So are you ready?”
“Yes sir.” I assured.
“Then let’s go.” He said.
He crossed arms with me and I quickly pulled away.
“Thought that was gentleman like.” He muttered as I closed my front door.
“Yeah but my dad freaked out when he found out I was going out to dinner with you, and I insisted it wasn’t a date so if you do stuff like that he’ll think I lied.” I explained.
“You still listen to your parents? So I see your dad doesn’t like me.” He snorted.
“Yes I do still listen to my parents thank you very much because they are what keep a roof over my head. And yes my dad hates your guts.” I replied.
He laughed as he opened the passenger door to his car for me. I slid in and he shut it and got into the driver’s seat himself. When he slammed his door he winced.
“Is everything okay?” I asked.
He paused and put his hand on his forehead and shut his eyes before responding, “What? Yeah, I’m fine.”
“How drunk did you get last night? Where were you last night?” I questioned slightly angered but yet worried.
“I didn’t go to a club or anything last night, I was just on the tour bus drinking beer after beer after beer. How do you know I’m having a hangover?” he replied.
“I can just tell,” I answered, “Your eyes are a bit red, you seem tired, and it seems that you have a major headache so considering you’re Adam and you tend to drink a lot, I assumed you are having a hangover. Do you want to just do this another time? It doesn’t have to be today.”
I reached for the door handle ready to walk back into my house when he quickly shook his head and cried, “No! I already cooked!”
“Cooked? I thought we were going to a formal restaurant?” I asked puzzled.
“Well we were supposed to but when I called them they were booked so I had to cook dinner myself.” He explained.
“Adam Levine cooked a dinner? I don’t think I can believe this!” I teased.
He laughed, “Well looks like you’ll just have to see it to believe it,” as he turned on his car and pulled out of the driveway.
We got to his condo in about five minutes. When we entered his condo I went into total shock. In the dining room, the table was beautifully set up with candles and fine dishware with the food in the center. My heart started pounding as I became nervous. I wasn’t sure why but something about being alone with Adam for the first time in two years, scared me so much.
“This is amazing.” I awed as my heart began pounding even faster.
“Thanks!” he answered from behind my left shoulder.
I could smell his cologne, the best smelling scent in the world and that just made me even more nervous. Fear filled inside of me as I felt him place his hands on my waist and spin me around.
I was about to scream when he tilted his head and asked, “Why are you so nervous?”
Did he become a mind reader and forget to tell me?
“I’m not nervous!” I denied with fake insult.
“I’m not stupid. I can tell Kylie.” He scowled.
I pulled away from his grasp and whispered, “It’s just that I never saw myself back in this house two years later after our break up, that’s all.”
He nodded as he slowly led me to the dinner table and pulled out a chair for me. He went on the other side of the table and sat down himself.
I could tell that I had now made him a bit nervous too, and to break the ice he asked, “So how’s the singing career going?”
I laughed and said, “Oh I gave up on that a while ago.”
“What?” he cried, “But you were a great singer! How did you just stop singing?”
“Well I still sing and play the piano but I gave up on trying to get famous off of it. I don’t have a unique voice like yours for instance and I needed to focus more on school work.”
He looked confused as he said, “School work? I thought you already graduated from the fancy nerd college, uhh, what’s it called-
I laughed and interrupted, “You mean Princeton?”
“Yeah that school!” he answered, satisfied to know the name.
As we began putting food on our plates I replied, “A bachelor’s degree wasn’t getting me anywhere. I went back for a master’s last school year. I have one more year to go then I’ll graduate with my master’s degree!”
He nodded and said, “Well that’s good I guess. I still think you shouldn’t have ditched music. You have potential and it uses a lot less of your brain.”
I laughed and said, “Yeah but it will just help me barely afford a shack to live in at the start and possibly for my whole entire career.”
“Bullshit.” He replied.
As I ate my food in silence my mind was racing. When was he going to tell me what happened that night? After we finished dinner he showed me his porch and I sat down on the swing bench with my wine as he sat down next to me with his water. Finally I found myself not able to bear the suspense any longer.
I took a deep breath and said, “What happened that night?”
He sighed and set his water down before looking at me.
“I was scared for this part of the night.” He mumbled.
“Why? If you’re telling the truth you shouldn’t be scared.” I said angrily.
I became frustrated thinking that I might have just gotten my hopes up, thinking that he had changed and he was going to tell me the total truth. I was frustrated by the fact that he might just go pull my hopes right back down.
“No I am going to tell the truth,” he quickly replied, “I’m just scared you won’t believe me.”
“If you’re telling the truth I’ll believe you.” I insisted.
He sighed and then began. He began the story that changed everything.
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:DD I'm like in love with this story but it seems as if nobody likes it:p haha if you do love it PLEASE comment and subscribe!!!! I love hearing what you have to say. Do you think Adam's going to tell the truth?:)