Status: Active:)

My Dilemma


Kylie’s POV:
“That night we were at that party of your friend’s that you got invited to. I remember when you asked me to come with you and for some reason I felt uneasy about it but I still agreed to go,” he explained, “When we got there the music was blasting and everyone seemed to be having fun so I thought I shouldn’t be too worried. We were grabbing some drinks when the host of the party, Hannah, asked how we were doing. Then she went into one of those ‘Let’s kiss up to Adam’s ass because he’s amazing’ speeches. After that she asked you to come help her with something and you agreed. You said you would be right back so I waited at the bar for you to come back. After half an hour or so, you had never come back and I had started to get worried. I looked around for you and then found myself outside of the building in the deserted back parking lot. I remember everything from then on that happened as clear as a bell. I cried your name four times before realizing that I was crazy to be looking for you back there and that I should head in.
When I went to go turn around to go back in I heard a voice behind me seductively whisper, ‘Hey Adam.’
I thought it was you and felt relieved. As I turned around I said, ‘Kylie, I was looking all over-
But when I realized it wasn’t you, I stopped. It was dark outside so I couldn’t see very well. I couldn’t tell who she was but I just knew it wasn’t you. I don’t know why but I just knew. When I went to go walk away, she grabbed me and started making out with me. I tried to push her away but she had a tight grip so I thought she might just be an obsessed fan and that I should just give her what she wanted really quickly so that she’d just leave me alone. I still felt guilty and fought with her but not as hard as I had been earlier. Then you came.
I remember hearing you softly stammer, ‘Adam?’
I turned around and saw a stream of tears running down your face.
I said, ‘Kylie it’s not what it looks like,’ but you ran off before I even finished.
I pulled myself away from that crazy chick’s grasp and ran after you screaming your name. But you never looked back. Eventually I lost you and I just stopped running. I couldn’t believe that I lost you, my puzzle piece that I had been looking for for so long just slipped right out of my hands because I was careless. I went home and called you again and again and again. I sent you text messages begging you to answer your phone. Finally my phone rang and I was so happy that you were finally answering your phone but when I read the text it said, ‘Leave me alone or else I’m going to call the freaking cops. Get out of my life you asshole.’ That night I beat myself up for treating you like total shit. I guess I didn’t realize what I had till I lost it.”
I stared at him in awe.
“Is that really what happened? You’re telling the truth?” I whispered.
He nodded and replied, “All of that was true. From beginning to end.”
I wasn’t sure if I should believe him or not. He had this look in his eyes and it was insisting that he was telling the truth. But I didn’t know if I could trust Adam.
He glanced at me then muttered, “Uh Kylie…you’re uh…”
“What?” I snapped as I looked down and realized that my glass of wine was tilted and that it was pouring all over my dress.
“Shit!” I cried as I jumped up.
“Here I’ll get some napkins.” He muttered before jumping up and running into the condo.
He came back out in a matter of seconds and gave them to me.
I patted at the stain and muttered, “Thanks.”
“No problem.” He replied.
When I looked up I realized that Adam was close to me. Really close. I could feel his breath and before I knew it our faces were inching towards each other. Then I felt our lips collide. I dropped the napkins onto the floor and threw my arms around his neck and felt his tongue force its way into my mouth. I remembered the sparks I felt when I kissed him and how I always just wanted more. Something about Adam just made me go crazy. It turned me into an animal. He started slowly backing up to the door and I followed him as we continued to kiss. He opened the door, wrapped his arms around my waist and led me to the couch. I was on top of him kissing him, wanting more and more. Before I knew it I was unbuttoning his shirt and he had his hand on my thigh. Then my conscious started screaming at me.
“You shouldn’t be doing this!” it screamed.
I quickly pulled away from Adam’s lips.
“Damn. I think you got even better at being sexy if that was possible.” He smirked.
When I realized that I was still sitting on top of him, I shakily got off of him and stammered, “No, t-that w-wasn’t supposed to h-happen.”
“Why not?” he asked.
I stared, not sure what to do. I liked him but what I just did was so careless. Didn’t I say I would use caution?
“Oh, it’s because we’re not dating and you think that was a bit slutty. I see.” He snorted, thinking he answered the question himself.
“Will you go out with me?” he asked while wrapping his arms around my waist.
I shook my head and said, “That’s not it. I said I would use caution. I-I didn’t. I-
He put his hand over my mouth and whispered, “You’re not being careless. You’re making the right decision. I’ve changed for the best, Kylie. I’m never going to do what I did to you before. That’s all the past. Step into the future with me Kylie.”
I stared at him, lost for words as he continued, “I know I completely screwed up our relationship so many years ago and that it is going to be hard to gain back your trust. But you have to give me the chance to gain it back. You don’t know how much I’ve missed your smile, your laugh, your kiss.”
His hazel eyes stared right into mine as he grabbed my hand and whispered, “Go out with me Kylie.”
I caved in and nodded. I liked him so much; someone I liked wouldn’t harm me right? If I ever felt like the relationship was going to go downhill I would just break up with him, simple as that.
I glanced at the clock and saw that it was nine thirty-four. How did time go by so fast?
“I need to get home, I have school tomorrow.” I explained.
“Of course you have school tomorrow. I forgot you were a nerd.” He teased.
“Yeah yeah whatever,” I laughed, “Can you please take me home sharky?”
“Ooh you still remember my nickname!” he cried as he grabbed his car keys.
“How could I not? It fits your strong douche personality.” I smirked.
“Gee thanks. You’re such a nice girlfriend.” He snorted.
“I know!” I teased as I searched for my purse.
“Crap, I left it on the porch.” I muttered as I walked outside to grab it.
When I walked onto the porch I realized I had left a huge mess behind and quickly cleaned it up by grabbing my wine glass and napkins. I went back into the condo and entered his messy kitchen to put the wine glass in the sink and to throw the napkins away. When I opened the garbage can, I gasped. Inside were a bunch of Olive Garden to-go containers. We had had Italian food for dinner that night. I quickly walked over to the sink and touched one of the pans inside. It was completely dry and clean.
I scowled, “Adam!”
He walked up to me and said, “Yes?”
“Nice try. I saw the to-go containers you asshole. You lied to me! You said you would never lie to me again!” I snapped.
He stared at me puzzled for a moment before sighing and replying, “Kylie I was just trying to impress you. You have high standards and I just wanted to try to meet them tonight. Please don’t get mad at me.”
“Just take me home please.” I whispered, looking at the floor, my mind racing.
He nodded and grabbed his keys. I was so worried that seeing those containers was already a sign that I shouldn’t be dating him.
When we got into his car, he immediately started blasting Prince music and I couldn’t help but sing my heart out with the music. He joined in and before I knew it we were goofing off, singing the songs in strange voices, as if everything that happened in those last five minutes at his house never happened. He just knew how to make me smile as well as he knew to piss me off.
As I had a hysterical laughing fit he chuckled and cried, “See! You’re a really good singer. I don’t get why you stopped trying to make your music career worthwhile. You would’ve done great.”
“No I would never make it. I tried pulling a Justin Bieber by posting videos on YouTube, but Usher never picked me up. I’m just not the package. I’m not pretty, I’m not funny, my voice isn’t unique, I don’t have this amazing personality, I just don’t have it.” I sighed as we pulled into my driveway.
“Are you crazy?” he replied, “You’re right you’re not pretty, you’re gorgeous and you’re not funny, you’re hilarious! You have a beautiful, powerful, unique voice that can sing any genre you throw at it. You can make your voice strong and powerful perfect a rock song or you can make it soft and sweet, perfect for a pop song, country song, classical song, anything! And you have an outstanding personality Kylie. You have it in the bag and you just don’t realize it! Maybe you won’t get famous off of YouTube. Maybe you’ll get famous by featuring in one of my amazing songs!”
“That wasn’t cocky.” I snorted sarcastically.
“Well, ok that was a bit cocky but there was this song I wrote when we were dating, it’s a bit cocky but I wrote it so that both ends of the relationship speak. I never thought of using it until when I was going through all the songs I’ve written last night. Would you want to feature in it?” he explained.
I stared at him in shock and whispered, “Um matters what I’m going to sing. If I don’t like it then I won’t sing it.”
“Alright well since the rest of the band lives in California, we do band rehearsals over Skype a lot. After you finish school tomorrow, why don’t you come to my place and I’ll show you the song.” He offered.
I nodded and said, “Sounds good.”
He smiled and I looked around and remembered that we had arrived at my house.
“Well thanks for the dinner you wrongfully took credit for Adam.” I said.
He laughed and replied, “Oh you’re welcome.”
I loved this Adam I had never seen before, he was nice and sweet.
As I reached for the car handle he grabbed me and gave me a quick kiss. I found myself staring into his gorgeous hazel eyes and my lips automatically reached for his. We kissed again for a much longer time until we heard a throat being cleared outside of the car. We quickly separated and looked towards the direction of the noise to see my dad standing in front of the car.
“Oh shit.” Adam muttered.
My dad walked around the car and knocked on Adam’s window.
Adam slowly rolled it down and said, “Good evening Mr. Buczkowski.”
“Well actually it isn’t such a good evening because I come outside and I find you, the King of Douches, kissing my daughters face off. If you could please let my daughter out of your car that would be great.” My father spat.
Adam nodded and quickly unlocked the car. I got out and said bye to him before completely ignoring my dad and storming into the house.
“She’s back together with the boy again.” My dad scowled as he followed me into the living room.
I turned around and glared at my dad.
I. Had. Had. Enough.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment and subscribe please!!! I want two comments before I post the next chapter! And they have to be from two different people:p sorry but I dont get any comments on this story and I want to see if anyone is actually reading this