
Chapter 19

“I swear, if that little…fool calls one more time I’m really going to lose it. No offence to anyone with a height complex in the room.” I teased after putting the phone down for the fifth time that night after the person who kept calling would hang up after right after I answered.

“Ha ha, very fucking funny Gerard.” Frank grumbled.

“Frank, don’t you think you’ve had enough brownies? You’ve eaten well over half the box.”

“So? I’ve haven’t eaten for a days and I need to make up for it.” I grinned and yanked the box out of his grasp, holding it high above my head. “NO! Gerard Way, you give those fucking brownies back to me right now or I will…I don’t know, just give them back, damn it! Please, I’ll do anything!”

“You are such a brownie whore Frankie.” I laughed as he launched himself at me the second I lowered my hands enough for him to reach the box.

“I would even fuck a girl for brownies.” He told me solemnly as I laughed. “Actually, that’s disgusting, I don’t think even I’d go that far.” He paused. “You know what I think?” He asked with a mouthful of brownie as I continued to prepare dinner.

“No but I’m sure I’m about to find out.”

“I don’t think you wanted to be religious. Not really. Because otherwise you wouldn’t have given into me so quickly.” I bit my lip and turned around, gripping his hips and pulling him close so he was pressed against me. I leaned in close to his ear, satisfied when I felt him shiver against me and his arms circled my waist.

“You know, I think you’re right.” I whispered, before running the tip of my tongue along the bottom of his ear lobe. He shivered and leaned closer into my chest.

“You’re completely sexually innocent, how do you know to do shit like that?”

“I haven’t been religious all my life; I was a fourteen years old once. I stole a book that my mother owned but would never me or my brother see and well, picked up a few things. Never got a chance to use them before now though.”

“Well you’re driving me fucking crazy.” He told me shakily, I laughed and pushed him away again as the phone began to ring again.

“If that’s that moron again, I’m going to –” I exclaimed, going for the phone. Frank intercepted me and silenced me with a soft, relaxing kiss.

“How about I deal with it this time?” I smiled and kissed him again as he picked up the phone. “Hello?” There was a pause as the person on the other end spoke. “Now listen here you little punk…!” He began to seethe as he left the room, phone pressed to his ear.

Frank’s POV

“Now listen here you little punk…!” I exclaimed as I left the room. The second I knew Gerard couldn’t hear me anymore I apologized profusely. “Mikey, don’t go, I’m sorry! Gerard could hear me and –”

“It’s fine Frank!” He cut me off with a laugh. “I got Gerard the last five times I called; I was hoping you’d pick up eventually!”

“I figured it was you calling. Gee was getting so annoyed! What’s up?” I bit my lip, hoping he hadn’t noticed that I had called Gerard, Gee. But if he had then he didn’t mention it.

“Thursday’s been cancelled I’m afraid, one of my friends can’t make it. But, if you’re interested, we’re going to see some young English band at a club on Saturday.”

“Sure, I’d love to! But I was wondering if I could bring my new boyfriend?”

“Oh! Yeah, sure.” I didn‘t miss the disappointment in Mikey’s tone. He really had hoped I could bring his brother out of his religious shell and clearly didn’t think I could manage it this quickly. Hell, I couldn’t believe I’d managed it this quickly. I knew Gerard wasn’t technically my boyfriend yet, or if he would want to be. But I had seen almost all of his defences crumble and the few that he had put back up were shaky. I hoped he would want to be my boyfriend when he was ready, otherwise being in love with him would be a painful waste.

“Awesome, thanks Mikey.” He gave me the details of the club and the show times and I put the phone down, pleased that I had been able to negotiate surprising both brothers with their meeting. I headed back to the kitchen where Gerard was just serving up dinner.

Gerard’s POV

“You’re busy Saturday night.” Frank told me firmly as he returned and placed the phone back on it’s stand. I felt the confusion flash across my face as I spooned the pasta into two bowls.

“I am?”

“Yep. I’m taking you out somewhere.”

“You are? Where?” I asked as we sat down next to each other on the sofa.

“It’s a surprise,” he grinned at me, tucking into his meal.

“Oh. You were a while on the phone.”

“Yeah, well I sorted it all out.”


“Hey Gerard?”

“Yes Frankie?”

“I don’t want to ruin the light-hearted feel to this evening but there’s something we need to talk about.”

“There is? What is it Frank? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, but we need to talk about us.” Oh.