Status: Contest entry :)

Never Thought I'd Meet You Like This


The girl tied her light brown hair in a pony tail and watched as a light blue car pulled into the driveway of a small flat. She watched as the tall, lanky figure got out and put his bag over his shoulder. It was dark out, so that there was no way that the man that got out of the car knew he was being watched. He unlocked his door and walked in, turning on his living room light.

The man closed the curtains so if someone like the girl in the bushes was out there, they wouldn’t be able to see. But it didn’t matter to her, she had seen enough. He rarely came home, and now that he was, he would only be there 30 minutes tops, and then he’d leave for a business trip.

The brunette girl pulled her old winter coat closer around her body as the night winds flew through the bushes. The old black jacket had rips and tears in it from climbing and crawling through bushes, and even a fight over a bench at the park with another bo. She crouched down and tucked her head into her jacket as another large gust of wind came through. When she looked back up, she saw the man exit his house with a small suitcase and his satchel over his shoulder.

He unlocked the trunk and tossed his bags in there and got back into his car and left. The girl got up and walked across the dark, quiet street nonchalantly. She walked around the side of the house and hopped the gate. She landed in a puddle of mud, splashing it all over herself and the fence and house. She groaned, but she’d have plenty of time to clean it so the man living there would never know.

There was a side window that was never locked that she used to get in. She opened it slowly and before she climbed in, she took off her muddy shoes and pants and set them under the porch. She walked back to the window and slid in, cutting her bare leg in the process. She groaned as she landed in the what should be dining room. The table had books piled on it, and the chairs. She knew this house like the back of her hand as she ran through the dark house to the kitchen. Grabbing a towel, she got it wet and went back to the open window and wiped the blood off the window sill and a small drop on the floor.

After closing the window, she went back to the kitchen and washed off the towel. The girl went to the man’s personal bathroom first and found a band-aide. She put it on and walked back out to the living room and turned on one of the lamps. She didn’t want to draw too much attention to the house because if anyone knew this man, they knew that he usually wasn’t home this much. Usually she would grab a blanket and sleep on the couch, but tonight she lost all senses and walked into the bedroom.

The girl slumped off her dirty old coat and set it on a bench that was covered in books, leaving her in her underwear and a long sleeved, blue and grey striped shirt that went to her knees. The whole house was like a library, something the girl liked. It was the reason she kept coming back to this place. There was so many books. She stayed away from the ones that were in different languages because she was only spoke English and a little Spanish.

She pulled back the covers on the side of the bed that looked very worn and just looked at it. It was the side that the man slept on, she could tell. The bed sheet was ruffed slightly, despite the bed being made. She looked at the bed again, thinking if she should really sleep there or not. She had never done this before. She’s only ever slept on the couch. The girl sat down on the bed, caressing the bed sheet that was cold and wrinkled. She finally laid down and pulled the covers back over her. She hadn’t slept in a bed for some time now.

She buried her face into the pillow that smelled exactly like the rest of the house. Exactly like that man that lived here. Before she knew it, her heavy eyes shut and she had fallen into a deep sleep.