Status: Contest entry :)

Never Thought I'd Meet You Like This

The Second Chapter

“No, its fine,” she reassured him. They were silent for a few minutes. Spencer was trying to think of the best way to bring up what Garcia had just told him. He had never been good with being sensitive to people’s feelings.

“Wendie, you know the guy that hurt you, cant hurt you anymore, right? He’s locked up,” he said slowly.

“He gets out April 24, 2010 though. He said he’d never stop hunting us,” she whispered. She was so scared that he was going to come back and hurt her again. Taken at age 11 and being raped monthly to weekly to daily, it was all that she knew, and she was terrified of it.

“How did you get away?” he asked.

“Sarah said that she found a way out, through the window one day. Amber and Chelsea where scared so they stayed behind and Sarah, Tammy, and I left. There were dogs out back and the other two got ripped apart and I escaped,” Wendie said, tears forming in her eyes. She never wanted to relive those minutes.

The tone of the mans cell phone went off again and he let out a small whine before answering it.

“Reid, were are you?” it was his boss, Agent Hotchner, or as they called him, Hotch.

“I’m at home, sir,” Spencer said slowly before he realized that he was supposed to be at work now. “I’m sorry sir, I woke up late, I’ll be there in 30 minutes.”

“Just get here. We have a new case,” Hotch said and hung up. Spencer sighed and put his phone on the counter. He looked up at Wendie who was just staring at the counter like nothing was going on.

“I-I have to go to work,” he said to the girl. Wendie looked up at him and nodded. “I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I have to leave now, for work.”

“Okay. I’ll just be reading in the living room,” Wendie said and got off of stool and left for the living room. There was a book that she had started last time she was there and she was hoping to finish it. She grabbed the book, Pym, off of the book shelf and opened it, finding her book mark and sat down on the old couch.

“Wendie, if… if you need anything, I wrote my number down by the phone, okay?” Spencer asked, hesitant about leaving. Wendie nodded to let Spencer know that she heard him. “Um, I guess, I’ll see you later…” he said slowly.

“Okay,” she said, flipping the page. Spencer gave her one last look and left, feeling very edgy about the whole thing. He brushed off the feelings and got in his car and drove to work.


When Spencer got to his work, he practically ran to the conference room, he was cutting his deadline close. He almost knocked someone over that was carrying a bunch of files as he made it into the room where his team was waiting for him.

“I’m so sorry that I’m late,” he started.

“It wont happened again,” Hotch said, giving him a stern look. Spencer was a little scared, but nodded.

“Up late Reid?” his colleague, Derek Morgan, asked. Spencer gave him a half hearted smiled because they all knew that he probably spent his free night reading.

“This wouldn’t have anything to do with that girl that you called about would it?” Garcia asked with a teasing laugh. Spencer glared at her.

“Did the Doctor Spencer Reid get some last night?” Morgan asked with his signature smile and taunting laugh.

“That’s enough, we need to work on this case as fast as possible,” Jason Gideon spoke. Gideon was Spencer’s other superior, someone that Spencer respected a lot, and thanks for saving him from embarrassment. Also peoples lack of capability to keep their nose in their own sack of business.

JJ, the teams’ media liaison, started explaining the case. The unsub had murdered 5 victims, all 25 years old, all women, and all blonde. This called for them to fly out to New Hampshire.

“This ones not going to be canceled, right?” another field agent, Emily Prentiss joked. Morgan and Garcia let out a low chuckle.

“Deep down we want it to be, but lets hope it doesn’t,” Gideon said dryly.

“Does everyone still have their overnight things?” Hotch asked. Everyone but Spencer nodded.

“I don’t, I left it at home,” he admitted, he already knew he was in a lot of trouble, but it wasn’t his fault.

“Okay, we’ll leave in an hour and a half, I want everyone back here in an hour,” Hotch said, giving them all a hard look before leaving. Spencer sighed and grabbed his satchel, and case file, and went over to his desk. He took out his cell phone and dialed his home phone.

Wendie was still on the couch, reading. She hadn’t moved since Spencer left, and she hadn’t planned to. The book was so intriguing. She was chewing on the hem of her shirt as she flipped through the pages. A sudden noise started her, causing her to jump. She realized it was the phone. She set her book down, unwillingly, and got up to find the phone to shut it up. It was in the dinning room, on a side table.

Next to it, she saw the number that Spencer wrote down before he left. She hesitated, wondering if she should actually answer it. What if it was a family member? What would she say when they asked for him, and asked who she was and why she was there when he wasn’t. What if it was his girlfriend? Would she come over and beat her up for being there? From the times that she stalked him, he never had company over, so the girlfriend thing was out.

Before she had more time to think about it, it clicked off and the voicemail came on.

“Wendie, I-I kind of expected you not to pick up,” he let out a laugh. “I’m coming home for a few minutes, so, yeah, just wanted to let you know. I’ll see you in about 20 minutes. B-bye,” the machine clicked off and Wendie stood there for a moment before walking back to the living room.

He was going to leave again. Something pulled at her, something she couldn’t explain. She didn’t want him to leave. Now that she finally met him, she wanted to spend time with him, she wanted to get to know him.

Maybe when this case was over.


Spencer was almost home when his phone went on. It was Hotch. Spencer answered it quickly, hoping that they didn’t have to show up sooner. Instead, Hotch said that they couldn’t get the planes ready, so they would be flying out tomorrow, and to be at the bureau, at 9am for departure. Spencer smiled as he hung up. This was good news to him, because this meant that he would be able to spend more time with Wendie. To get to know her more.

He pulled into his drive way and got out. He unlocked the front door, half expecting Wendie to be gone, half hoping that she was still there. She was sitting on the couch, reading the same book.

“Hey Wendie,” he said, casually.

“Oh hey. You’re leaving, aren’t you?” she asked. The man set his bag on the floor by his favorite chair and shook his head.

“We were going to leave in an hour, but something is wrong with the planes, so we’re leaving tomorrow. So this means we can get to know each other more. If… if you want. Unless you want to read,” he said, tucking his hair behind his ear, something Wendie noticed he did when he was nervous.

“I wouldn’t mind talking, I was kind of hoping that we could do that, actually,” she admitted, putting her bookmark in her page and setting the book down.

Spencer sat down in his chair that was across from Wendie and they both asked questions about each other. About Spencer’s dad leaving him, his mom being a schizophrenic, and how he might have the disease. How he graduated at such a young age and how he’s never had a real girlfriend.

Wendie talked about her life before being abducted, and what her life was like afterwards. How he kept them in the basement. He was a stay at home father. While his two sons were at school and his wife was at work, he made them come upstairs and clean the house. It was really hard for Wendie because she went to school with the younger boy. Wendie also told Spencer what it was like after she escaped.