You Were Always Born a Crime...

Paint These Walls In Pitch Fork Red...

"Um... What're you doing here?" Frank asked.

"I don't think that's any of your business..." Wow. I'm rude.

"Geez, it's just a question, don't need to snap..." He smirked and pulled out a carton of cigarettes. "You smoke?"

They're full of date raping drugs, Ryli! Don't take one! "No, I don't."

"Frank!" The one named Gerard hissed. "Is it safe?"

"As safe as ever," Frank replied.

Gerard, who was hiding behind a tombstone, stood up slowly. "Come on Mikey."

Mikey? There was other one? Who was-- Oh my God...

A tall boy, about my age, maybe older, slowly got up from behind the tombstone next to Gerard.

"So," Frank started. "What's your name?"

"R-Ryli..." God, was Mikey beautiful... No. He wasn't. Shut up Ryli...

"Hmm... Ryli... Nice name..." Frank nodded. "As you may already know, I am the amazing Frank Iero." He held out his hand for me to shake.

I looked at it. "Nice to meet you."

He slowly took his hand back, realizing that I wasn't going to shake it.

Frank pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. "The one with black hair's Gerard, the skinny guy's Mikey."

"H-H-Hi..." I mumbled. Stop staring at him. Stop staring at him. Stop staring at him. Damnit Ryli, stop staring at him.

Gerard put out his hand. God, do they just not get it? I don't like shaking people's hands...

"Nice to meet you Ryli."

I tried my hardest to keep my attention away from Mikey. God, he was so... so... ah, I don't even know how to put it...

Maybe... unbelievably attractive...

Yeah, that suits him...

"Isn't it a slight bit weird to be talking to a complete stranger?" I queried.

"Yeah," Gerard started. "It may be. But honey, let me tell you something." He leaned towards me. "WE'RE weird."

I laughed nervously. Not really what I expected to happen on a trip to the cemetery: finding two weirdo’s and a really hot guy. I mean, err... Semi attractive stranger... Yeah, that's it...

"Um, can I help you?" Mikey asked.

Oh God. He saw me staring at him. Dear God. Make something up! MAKE SOMETHING UP!

"I... Err... N-No?" Good lord, my face was burning. Please don't let him notice. Dear God, PLEASE don't let him notice that I was blushing.

"So," Frank put his arm around my shoulder. "You doing anything this Saturday?"

In your dreams. I glared at him "No." I lifted his arm off my shoulder. "Now if you'll EXCUSE me, I'm leaving..."

My only regret? That I was walking away from--

"Hey! Wait a second!"

Whoa... Was-Was he... Talking... To ME?

"Wait up a second." I felt his hand on my shoulder.

My God... He touched my shoulder. Wait, wait. Snap out of it Ryli. You just met the guy. Quit being such an idiot.

"Where're you going?"


"Are you okay? You look sick."

"I'm just... going home..."

"Oh..." He looked at the ground.

Damnit. I'm LYING to him. LYING!! To this wonderful guy! Stupid! StupidStupidStupidStupidStupid!

"I mean..."

Mikey looked back at me.

Come on, you can tell him! Go Ryli! DO IT!

"I'm... not sure where I'm going..."

"Oh. Well, err... Would you like to stay over at my house for the night?"

Sure. Sure, why not. So that Frank guy can rape me...

He smiled slightly. "Don't worry, Frank's not gonna be there."

Oh. Oh, well in that case.

"Sure. Can't see why not." Wooooooooot! Go Ryli!

Mikey's smile widened. "Sweet."

Yay! I'm staying the night at his house!