Status: Writing :D

How He Saved a Life

I'm not a Hero, I'm a Liar


“What are you on about? I’m here to find out what happened to you, who gives a flying fuck what supposedly happened to me,” I finally managed to reply, it had been too long and she was probably getting even more suspicious as each silent second passed. What happened to me wasn’t important; all I wanted to discuss was what happened to her.
The forcefulness of my tone had scared her back into the shell that she had created earlier, further pushing me away from any secrets that she held. Stupid Jack! You shouldn’t be so forceful with broken individuals, you should know.
“Sorry,” My voice was gentler now, “I just don’t see that as being important at the moment. All I want to do is help you; you shouldn’t be the one helping me.” The only thing my mouth could manage was a small smile, as the painful electricity that was pulsing through my veins prevented me from feeling any happier. It seemed to work though, because her mouth slowly began to open.


“It was my sister,” I began, finally feeling open enough to be able to confess everything to him. Around Jack there seemed to be an aura that made me feel safe, it made me feel that I could trust him with anything. It was as if he was holding my heart in his hands.
“Her friends all came round for a party where they all got pissed. She had ordered me to stay in bed, partially because of all the dicks that would be there… I should have listened – no – they should have listened.” Instead of continuing I began to cry, the memories were back already before I had even started reciting them. Jack instantly dragged me to his body, immediately getting the gist of what was going to happen in the story.
He didn’t know the whole truth though. Not yet.


I felt tears swelling in my eyeballs as well. There was no way I wanted to cry in front of Ellie. I wanted her to believe that I was the strong one… the one that would protect her from anything.
Oh shit.
Am I falling in love?


It seemed that rain had penetrated the small piece of shelter that we had, because I felt small droplets of water hit my head as Jack held me in his arms. To see if there was a hole in the protection I looked up.
The flood that had been hitting my forehead wasn’t coming from a pitiful hole; it was coming from the one that had strived to stop me from crying. Jack was in as much pain as I was. It seemed that he was crying more than me.
Now it was my turn to comfort him.
“Don’t cry you big baby!” I joked through my own tears as I ruffled his hair, trying to sweep away those painful memories that had clouded both of us. There was no need to be discussing these memories at the moment.
I was with my favourite band for crying out loud.


Ellie had managed to knock me back into reality. Once again I’d needed to stop myself remembering the past and focus on her. Putting things into perspective, she needed help more than I did.
“Ok I’ll stop.” I managed to fake another smile while I brushed away the tears, “as long as you promise me that you will travel with us to the O2. We will find any friends of yours when you’re there.”
The smile that spread across her face was so real it was heartbreaking.
She was so brave.


Excitement had managed to scare away those memories for the time being. It just felt fantastic to have the opportunity to travel with this remarkable band.
To be fair, I owed them something. Their music had given me the energy to carry on with life when all I wanted to do was end it.
Soon after these positive thoughts had filled my mind however, they were overcome by negative ones once again.
No “friends” would be waiting there for me.
Originally I was supposed to be coming to the concert with my best friend Alicia, only I’d been shutting her out since the event so she abandoned me. I wasn’t even sure if she was going to go anymore, seeing that she didn’t even like their music that much.
Besides, I shouldn’t really be at a concert. Loud music won’t be good for the thing that’s currently growing in my stomach.
They couldn’t spoil my life enough by just raping me; they had to give me this as well... this burden that will never go away.
Not even Jack could fix this problem.