Status: Writing :D

How He Saved a Life

I'm a Walking Travesty, But I'm Smiling at Everything


I was speechless.
Was what just happened a dream or now a memory?
All I could do was stare blankly at the man that had just kissed me. His face was scarlet with embarrassment; he thought that I didn’t enjoy it.
To be honest, I didn’t enjoy it.
I loved it.


She hadn’t said a thing. Any minute now I was expecting her to scream the P word at the top of her voice and have me taken away to an asylum forever. My face burnt with anticipation as I waited for her to respond.
Eventually she returned her line of sight to my eyes and kissed me again.


Kissing Jack wasn’t anything like I’d expected it to be, especially because I’d never imagined me kissing him before. The whole time I’d liked the band, all I could think about was Alex. Jack went unnoticed until I actually met him.
During our second, more passionate kiss, the door slammed open. Our lips violently ripped apart as we noticed the erect figure standing in the doorway.


Alex was looking at our two muddled bodies as we were kissing across the hospital bed. His eyes widened in awe as our faces tore apart.
He grabbed the scruff of my neck so fast that I didn’t even realise he’d removed me from the heavenly cloud I was just on. It was time to cruise for a bruise; time to prep myself for ass kicking…
“Aww little Jackie’s fallen in love with a sixteen year old!” Alex screeched like one of our fan girls as he pulled me through the small opening. This was not the reaction I expected, but it was better than the one I was.
“So what if I have?” I said nervously, not even trying to conceal the truth, “she’s a pretty sweet girl and-“ I had to stop myself before I said the next line, as they wouldn’t understand it. Instead of saying it out loud, I thought it numbly to myself - ‘she understands what I’ve been through’
It was true though. She was the only one that understood my pain. Only her mind could sympathise with the dark memories that succumbed mine.
In those few hours that I had known Emily, she had become my novocaine. She needed to know that.
“Jack don’t bust your pooper, we don’t care who you fall in love with.” Alex winked at me like a proud parent. At least I had the satisfaction of knowing that one person accepted my relationship.
I wonder how the others were going to react. Alex was the forgiving one.
However right now I needed to worry about telling her the truth. She deserved it.


Jack was being too long. My body’s pain was starting to return without my own personal brand of crack there to chase it away.
I looked at the image that was dancing on the monitor. It was a heartbeat, the heartbeat of the burden I was carrying inside my womb. There was no way of getting rid of this thing.
Or was there?
Abortion pills lay on the side opposite my bed. They were nestled appropriately in a safety cupboard as if God had left them there knowing what I dreamed of.
Didn’t I deserve some happiness? The only way I can get this safety shield is to get rid of what is rotting inside of me. Jack would never want something like this dragging him away from his band – they meant too much to him. He was too young for that kind of commitment.
I could either run or get rid of it.
I needed to be selfish for a change.
Slowly I heaved myself from my bed then stumbled towards the cabinet, on my way I caught sight of my risen corpse in the mirror. The shadow that used to be my soul had disappeared, it was now a dancing angel because of what Jack had shown me.
He’d taught me that there was life after rape. I don’t know how he knew this, but I wanted to understand why. Confidently I reached my hands out to open the cupboard.
Just as I was about to grab the tablets, the door opened once again. Feverishly I shoved the tablets behind my back so Jack didn’t know my scheme.


It felt good seeing Ellie walking again. Her body (and baby) had healed up quicker than expected, which made me feel elated. Now wasn’t the time for happiness though.
When she went to embrace me, I had to stop her. Nothing was going to prevent me telling her the truth now. No more excuses.
Slowly I began taking off my shirt, tears swelling in my eyes. Never had I shown anybody my figure without applying makeup first. When foundation was applied to my back, it could conceal all of the marks that will be stained there for the rest of my life. It gave me a chance to forget.
Emily gasped in distraught when I turned to show her my back.
No more makeup.
No more lies.