Status: Writing :D

How He Saved a Life

Just Another Reason I Will Never Forget You


I didn’t expect her to react in the way she did. All I foresaw was shame on her part, she would be angry at me for not telling everyone before. She would think I was weak to not reveal all about my past.
However I got the opposite.
Whilst I was lost in my negative thoughts, I didn’t feel her arms gently wrap themselves around my frozen body. Her arms warmed my flash they arms met on my belly. Suddenly her gentle breathing caressed my ear.
“Tell me what happened, please.” Gently she whispered as she laid her head on my shoulder. All the while I could feel her genuine tears sliding down my arm. Trying not to remember the memories too vividly, I prepared myself to explain.
It was time that someone knew the truth.


Jack untied my arms from around his stomach then turned to face me with a look of complete disgust on his face. I knew that this disgust wasn’t aimed at me though… it was aimed at himself. Sadly, he was ashamed of something that was not his fault.
“When I was 10,” He began, sitting down softly onto the hospital bed that I was previously sitting on, “my mum broke up with dad for awhile. Yes a very short while, but it was still a break-up… During this break-up, my mum got a new boyfriend.” I winced at the thought of his mother in someone else’s arms, knowing and dreading what was coming next in his story of melancholy.
“This boyfriend, he would wait till mum went out then he’d…” his eyes screwed up as they brought back the memories.


Pushed against the wall, my face smashed into the solid concrete. Tears streamed down my eyes as I tried to pull him away, just a failed attempt at begging him to stop. My shirt had already been torn off my back, the scratches visible to nobody but him. He penetrated his sharp nails deep into my skin; much deeper than my flesh could ever conceal…
Even now.
“You don’t need to explain anymore,” Ellie cooed at me when she saw that I had faded away into my nightmares, not being able to respond any longer. Thinking about it made the scars burn, it felt like the wounds were hurting more than when he originally etched them into my back.
Knowing that no amount of words could fix, she stood looking down at the ground. My story wasn’t over yet though, I needed to finish.
“When mum saw what that monster was doing to me, she yanked him out of the house so fast he didn’t even get a last goodbye. Immediately after she’d left him to rot on the curb, she called my dad and explained everything. Since then they’ve never broken up…” I had to smile at that thought. One good thing that came from the darkness was the fact that my parents were brought together by it.
Still though, this new found happiness didn’t fix me.
I smiled remembering what did.


For some reason Jack started to smile. Not a happy smile, but a smile that told me that everything was ok. It told me that he had already allowed himself to get over the memories.
All I wanted to know was how.
“Alex.” He said suddenly, giving me the impression that he’d read my mind. I didn’t speak in order for his story to continue.
This is when we reach the happy ending.


“When I first met him, I absolutely loathed him. To be honest, I think he hated me just as much,” he silently laughed remember the distant memory, “But when we began to speak, I don’t know what happened. It seemed at the time that we were so alike that we were almost the same person. Even though I never told him my secret, I think he always knew that something wasn’t right that first day we spoke; probably because I wasn’t my normal bubbly persona. He helped me shut away those memories in the tightest of safes without even realising…” The smile that was once numb grew more real than any smile I had ever pulled before. I genuinely had never thanked Alex for what he did for me, and this was my chance to through Emily. Sure he will never know personally, but having her know will be enough.
He’s saved so many lives, why would mine be any more important?
When speaking about my best friend, I always got carried away. Not wanting to lose my one person audience, I continued, “We had the same passion for music, that’s what brought us together. That’s what inspired me to start the band. I wanted to help people in the way that Alex had helped me, and I knew we could save lives through his amazing voice.” Once I had finished my speech, I looked up to meet Ellie’s gaze. She was smiling just as strongly as I, with tears just as dominating too.
“He’s taught you well Jack… because I think you’ve just saved mine.” Without another word, Ellie cradled herself into my arms and relaxed against my tattoo. I kissed her on the forehead in silence.
A large weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
Now it was time to move on.


This moment was perfect.
The only thing ruining it was the manifestation sitting beneath my breast.