Status: I'm tryin' guys. Fo' sho'.

Hey Stranger, I Want You to Catch Me Like a Cold

Trick or Treat

The feast that night didn't start until nine. Some kind of Halloween tradition. Around five, after a day walking around with Blaise, Greg, and Vince doing nothing, Draco walked up to us.

"Davenport, I need to tell you something. Come here."

"Coming out of the closet?" I asked as we headed towards the Black Lake.

"No," he said. And didn't even glare at me. Come to think of it, he looked slightly...nervous?

"Well, spit it out."

"I,er..." he put his hand behind his neck. "Will you do me a favor and just go put your Halloween costume on and meet me outside of your common room?"

"How do you even know I have a Halloween costume?" I asked.

"Because before your dreams were crushed you wouldn't stop ranting about how you got to be Batgirl."

"Oh, yeah. Okay," and I started walking to the common room with him. I didn't question this weirdness because I figured he wanted me to help him fufill some gay fanstasy.


When I got into the common room, Ron, Harry, and Hermione were no where in sight. Weird. Anyway, I went up and put on my Batgirl costume.

The people at the common room glanced at me, but they didn't say anything. They were used to my weirdness anyway.

When I got out to the hallway, Draco stared at me.

"Batgirl, at your service." I curtsied.

"Come with me," he grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs to the second floor, the one with all of the random rooms.

"Here," he said, shoving a little pumpkin-shaped bucket into my hand.

"Draco? What's going on?" I was getting excitied.

"Why don't you try knocking on that classroom door right in front of us and figure it out?" he replied slyly.

"Um," I knocked on the door, only to be met by Blaise holding a bowl of candy.

"Yes?" he asked, a grin on his face.

It finally started to dawn on me. "Trick or treat?"

He laughed and threw a...wait for it...snickers into my bucket. Full size, no less.

"OH MY GOD!" I exclaimed. "But, how? What?" I started.

"There's plenty of other doors along here, Silvie. Come back later and I'll give you more candy." he winked.

I turned around to look at Draco, but he was no where to be found. I slowly walked over to the next door, and knocked on it. Low and behold, Greg and Vince opened up. By now, I was grinning like a madman. "Trick or Treat!" Giant Twix.

"Trick or Treat!" Hermione of all people opened up and gave me a Reese's. I was speechless.

"Trick or Treat!" Ron was eating one of the Kitkats in his basket, but gave me one. "Bloody hell, Silvie. You weren't kidding about this stuff, were you?"

"Trick or Treat!" Harry. Yes. Potter. He gave me a candy bar that said Mars on it.

"It's my favorite," he explained. I just gave him a big hug and moved to the next door, curious to who else could be in on this.

"Trick or Treat!" Albus Dumbledore stood before me, and handed out a Milky Way.

"Happy Halloween, Miss Davenport. And nice costume, by the way."

I grinned at him. The next doors were Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout. Woah. Two hours of me running around the hallway later, and everybody had one candy bar left in their bowls. I told them to keep it, and thanked them very much for the great time. They all replied in various ways of niceness, Ron telling me that we would be splitting my bucketful of candy and that they'll see me at the feast in an hour.

Oh, Ronald.

Pretty soon, it was just Blaise and I left.

"Blaise? Who did this?" Blaise just smiled, and indicated to a door I never knocked on.

"I'll see you at the feast," he told me, and left.

Knock, knock. It was Draco.

"Davenport, aren't you supposed to say Trick or Treat? Argh!"

He couldn't say anything else because I was too busy huggling him. When I was finished, I was curious.

"Draco, how did you put this all together?"

He explained that after he saw me mope away after seeing my Halloween disappointment, he figured that he could do something about it.

"Because you're moodiness is quite unbearable."


Anyway, he owled some people about getting his hands on some American candy, and talked to the teachers, Blaise, Greg, and Vince, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

I interuppted him. "Wait, you talked to Gryffindors? As well as your mortal enemy?"

He just shrugged. "They're your friends, aren't they?"

I stared at him for a while.


"That is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me."

He tried rolling his eyes. "I told you, you're unbearable when-"

He was cut off by me kissing him. Right on the lips. It was quite amazing, actually. But I'm not about to describe the feeling of his lips. I am not one of those girls. Besides, that's weird. Anyway, best kiss ever.

"You can try to convince yourself and anyone else that, but you're not fooling me. See you at the feast." I gave him one last hug and walked away.

I glanced behind me. He was still standing there, touching his lips and staring at me while I walked away.


Don't worry, that was a good sigh this time.
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