Status: I'm tryin' guys. Fo' sho'.

Hey Stranger, I Want You to Catch Me Like a Cold

And I Can Count the National Debt on My Fingers

Dinner that Sunday found us Gryffindor kids arguing 'bout Harry's potions book.

Well, they were arguing. Hermione was against it (coughjealouscough) and Ron and Harry were for it. Go figure.

"What do you think, Silive?"

"Well, the potion tips seem to be okay, so that's fine. But the spells could be sketchy. Spells are typically some sort of Latin, or at least sound like what they do. So, doublecheck before you use them."

"Okay," Harry agreed. "What do you think about Mufflato?"

"Sounds like it blocks sound out. Here, try it on me."

Hermione looked scandalized. "Silvany Lana Nicolette Davenport!"

I cringed as she exclaimed so loud that the Slyherins heard her.

"Sheesh, keep it down, would ya?"

"You will not be some sort of guinea pig for a dangerous spell!"

I rolled my eyes. "Hit me," I instructed Harry, but he looked hesitant.

"You guys are such wusses. Mufflato." All of the sudden, I could only hear a buzzing in my ears.

I turned it off. "See, all I could hear was buzzing. Very useful."

Hermione still looked agitated.

"Why are you guys such weenies?"

"Silvie! Don't say that!"

"What, weenie?"


"Wow. Just when I was beginning to think that you guys were okay, and you're all prudey."

'We're not prudey-" Ron began.

"Penis!" I exclaimed loudly to the whole Gryffindor table. They looked horrified.

"See?" I asked them. "Later." And I headed to the Slytherin table.

"Penis!" I exclaimed when I sat down at their table. Most of them just looked at me and continued eating.

"What was that about" Blaise asked.

"The little Gryffindor prudes blush when I say penis."

"Oh, of course they did."

I nodded.

"So how was lazy Sunday?"

"Not so lazy. Harry wanted me to hang out, so we did. Blah, blah, blah."

"Wait," Draco said, "You hung out with Potter. On a Sunday. You don't even hang out with me on a Sunday!"

I rolled my eyes again. "He really wanted to and we haven't in a while," I shrugged. "So what?"

"But I'm your best friend!"

Our whole posse turned to stare at him.

"Says who?" I asked amusedly. "I thought Blaise was your best friend?"

"He's my best mate. I just thought, er, nevermind," he glared at his food and continued eating.

I shared glances with the rest of the guys.

"You are all my best friends." I announced. "Draco, Blaise, Greg, Vince, Ron, Hermione, and Harry. Now Draco, I couldn't say you were the best frannnd out of all of them because that would be rude," I coughed and winked pointedly.

I could sense something in his eyes when he looked at me. Relief? Happiness?

"So, Silvie, I don't know if the guys told you but you're sleeping over at our dorm on Friday night."

"Riiiight. And I can count the national debt on my fingers."

Blank looks.

"That was sarcasm, my friends."

"Well why not?" Draco asked, offended.

"Well, if Hermione found out she would probably spank me with a paddle."

Weird looks.

"In a non-kinky way, I'm not French for God's sake. I'm just saying that Hermie loves mothering me and I would be in very very deep deep shit if she caught me sleeping over at a boys' dorm."

"And you, the Great Silvie Davenport, would let her find out?" Blaise asked, smirking.

"Hmm, good point. See ya then. I have like 5 hours of sleep I have to catch on. Night guys," I stood up. "Night, Draco." I winked at him.

I don't think I've ever noticed what attractive hair that boy has. Oh, how I would like to run these hands through it.

Focus, or I'll run into a wall again.

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