Status: I'm tryin' guys. Fo' sho'.

Hey Stranger, I Want You to Catch Me Like a Cold

Damn You, Guy Fawkes

The week was passing, and before I knew it, it was my birthday. I got woken up by Hermione throwing a pillow at my head. Sheesh, way to treat the birthday girl.

I watched the trio the whole way down to breakfast for them to realize that today was my birthday. Nothing. They just did their typical thing.

When we sat down, I sighed loudly. Harry glanced at me, and then continued eating. I sighed again. Hermione looked at me.

"Silvie, are you having problems breathing?" she sounded concerned.

I decided a new tactic.

"Hey guys, what's today's date?"

"The fifth," Ron informed me.

"Isn't the fifth a holiday or something?"

"Oooh, it's Guy Fawkes day," Hermione said. Harry nodded in agreement. Ron looked as confused as I did.

"Who's Guy Fawkes?" Ron asked.

So Hermione had to explain how he tried to blow up Parliment but his plan got foiled and British muggles celebrate with bonfires and fireworks every November 5th. Ergo, Guy Fawkes day.

Damn you, Guy Fawkes.

I banged my head on the table.

"What is it, Silvie?" Harry asked.

"Today is my birthday."

Ron started to say something, but then oofed.

"Oh, I forgot! Happy Birthday!" Hermione said, glaring at Ron then smiling at me.

"Happy Birthday," from Harry.

"Happa burfda,"Ron said through the menagerie of food in his mouth.

"You guys are kind of terrible friends," I commented.

"But you still love us," Ron said after swallowing.

I thought for a second. "I guess, yeah. I'm going to go see my Slytherin friends who definately did not forget."

"That's what you think," I heard a mumble from behind my retreating back.

"Hello boys!" I exclaimed, sitting down.

"Happy Birthday, Silvie," Blaise said, and Greg and Vince nodded in agreement.

"Thanks guys," I smiled. "What'd ya get me?"

They looked at each other.


"Oh," I glanced at Draco.

"Hi Dracob."


"Did you get me anything?"

"Probably not."

"Poo. Oh well. Drake, we have to meet at the library tonight to work on that DADA project, kay?"


The rest of the day was typical. Not how one's birthday should go.

So I was at the library, with our dear Dracob. I was sitting on the floor, and he was standing in front of me, leaning against a bookshelf.

Have you ever had one of those moments when you notice the guy in front of you's crotch?

And then you can't stop looking at it? Not because you're being pervy, no, because it's just there. And bulgy. And you've never seen one in real life. Yeah, I was having one of those moments.

Glad you understand.

Anyway, the project was on Lethifolds, what they are, and how to defeat them, blah blah blah.

Draco had out Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and was reading me a story about some guy who was sleeping and then a Lethifold started to suffocate him yadda yadda yadda.
Me and his crotch were having a staring contest. It was just a slightly noticable bulge in his black pants. A rather nice bulge, really.


"Silvie? Are you listening?"

My attention snapped back up to his face.

Damnit, I lost.

"Lost what?"

Did I just say that out loud?

"Um, nothing dear Dracob. Why are you still standing?" I indicated to the spot in front of me. "This little piece of carpet is calling upon your ass to sit on it!"

Rather nice ass, as well.

He gave me a weird look and sat down.

"So how are we going to split this up?" he asked.

"Well, you could collect notes and I'll write it."

"You'll write the whole thing?"

I shrugged. "I'm basically incredible at writing essays, so no biggie."

He shrugged as well. "If you say so," and got back to work.

This left be with nothing to do, so I reserved to go back to the staring contest.

Only my opponent had moved, disappeared, if you will. Probably because Draco was sitting criss cross applesauce.


After about thirty seconds, I was bored. Sigh.

Draco looked up at the sound. "So, er, how was your birthday?" he asked me while continuing to write.

"It sucked majorly. But I guess I expected too much of your kind anyway."

"My kind?"

"Yes, my British friend. See, back at home, my friends threw me a wonderful suprise for my sixteenth. They drugged me, and when I woke up, I was in Disney World! It was great."

"...They drugged you?"

"Yup! And I got Cinderella's autograph!"

He looked at me funny. "Some friends you had. But I guess thats what crazy American girls do."

I rolled my eyes. "My friends weren't girls, they were guys, silly. Haven't you noticed that the only chick I talk to here is Hermy? Girls and I don't get along so much."

He snorted, then it was quiet for a bit.

"Who's Cinderella?"

So I had to explain to him what Disney characters were.

"...And all of the Princesses basically have some sort of Prince Charming that completes their 'Happy Ever After'." I snorted. "As if."

"What do you mean, as if?"

"Because, Dracob, Prince Charming does not exist. He is just a figment in the collective psyche of the hopeful sappy female population."

He looked up from his notes. "So you're saying that you'll never meet a guy who cherishes, protects, and loves you all at once?"

I nodded. "The Knight in Shining Armor always turns out to be a knave in aluminum foil."

"I thought you were an optimist."

"Yes, and optimistic realist."

And he went back to his notes.

Before I knew it, it was dark. Almost time for curfew.

"I'll walk you to your common room."

It was silent as we walked. Him absorbed in his thoughts, whatever they were, and I absorbed in mine:

I wonder if the bulge changes forms as he walks.
This birthday sucked.
I'm tired.
My sock is slipping off.

We reached the Fat Lady. Draco looked at her, and she winked and walked out of her portrait.

What the..?
"Happy Birthday, Davenport."

He handed me a black box, which I opened to reveal a silver bracelet with a heart charm. Were those diamonds??

He looked at my reaction. "I know it's not much. But you're, er, my best friend, okay? And I saw this at Hogsmeade a while back and I figured you would like it, but if you don't I can take it back it wasn't really that much but I figured no one was going to get you anything today and I didn't want you to have a completely rubbish birthday so-"

I cut him off by kissing him. Deja vu, right? Now, don't get me wrong. I don't go around giving out my kisses like Easter Eggs. But Draco, now he was an exception.

I pulled away quickly.

"You're a great best friend, Drake. Goodnight."

I smiled, and the Fat Lady appeared, chuckling, and let me into the common room.
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