Status: I'm tryin' guys. Fo' sho'.

Hey Stranger, I Want You to Catch Me Like a Cold

Fancy Eating Dungeon Floor?

Before I knew it, ‘twas time for my sleepover. Now, don’t you worry your little bums off, kiddies, for Ron was covering for me. On the condition that he experiences the best Thanksgiving dinner ever. Which, coincidentally, he will, since it shall be his first.

But I digress.

So I ran up to my dorm after dinner, grabbed my pj’s and other sleepover necessary things, and went about my way to the dungeons, where the Slytherin common rooms are located. After waiting there for like five minutes, who should stroll out but none other than Marcus Flint, the most revolting fellow I have ever had the misfortune to meet.

Another misfortune happened quite soon, actually.

“Wotcher, Davenport. Fancy going up to my room and get to know each other a little bit, if you know what I mean?” His attempt at flirting was futile.

“Whatever Wotcher means, Flint. Fancy eating dungeon floor?”

Oh, how witty I am.

“Nah, not really, love. But I would fancy eating something else of yours,” he wiggled his eyebrows.

I gasped. That dirty bastard. I looked him in the eye. “You, are fucking disgusting, and I would kick your ass right here and now if I didn’t mind getting herpes from touching you. Now, I suggest you go about your business and stay away from me or I’ll beat you so hard Salazar Slytherin will sit up in his grave and go ‘ow.’. You got me?” I said this all in my most threatening voice. I may be only 5’6 and 120 pounds, but I can be rather persuasive when I need to be. It’s the French in me, I’m telling you.

He just nodded meekly and backed away, running as soon as he got the chance.

What a wuss.

He left the portrait hole open, so I climbed inside. There were a few Slytherins in there, so I just gave them a smile and headed up the boys’ staircases. This place was much colder than Gryffindor tower.

I found Blaise, Vince, and Greg to be laying on their beds, doing various things. Draco was nowhere in sight.

“Oh, hey guys, thanks for not letting me in so I had to endure being sexually harassed by a pedophile,” (Flint was a year older than me, 18. He’s legal, I’m not. And that is how it works, ladies and gentlemen.)

They sat up at my voice, and Draco walked in from out of the bathroom.

Insert awkward staring at the perfectly sculpted abdominal muscles that would make Taylor Lautner feel bad about himself.

“Who was sexually harassed?” he sat on his bed.

Ave Maria. Pant, pant.

I finally snapped out of it. “Um, oh yeah! Flint. Yes, he sexually harassed me.”

“And how did he do that?”

“Well, there I was, looking adorable and standing outside of your portrait hole waiting for one of you fine gentlemen to let me in, which you did not. All of the sudden walks out this hideous creature known as Marcus Flint, and said a couple of things that would make me blush, if I were even capable of doing, which I am not. Blushing is a sign of weakness.”

“What did he say?” Blaise asked.

“Well…” I looked around the room. “He basically said that he wanted to, um,…” I went to Blaise’s bed and whispered it into his ear.

“He WHAT?”

Draco sat up. “What did he say?”

They soon all passed the information around.

“Rather disgusting, really," I concluded.

“I am going hex him so,-” Draco stopped, and looked at me.


“You sounded like a Brit, for a second.”

“Oops, now I need some mouth wash, got any?” I gave him a cheesy smile and he just rolled his eyes.

“Well, I shall be going to putteth my pajamas on presently, you all must wait for me to begin the sleepover festivities.”

And I skipped into their bathroom and put on my pjs.

“Nice pajamas,” Blaise commented when I came back in.

“I like your slippers,” Greg added.

“I thought you were Batgirl, not whatever that is,” Draco stated, looking at my shirt.

“You seriously don’t know who the S belongs to?” I asked curiously.

He stared at it.

“Well, once you’re finished staring at my chest…” I said slowly with a smile.

His eyes popped back up. I laughed.

“It’s superman. I couldn’t find any Batman pj’s.”


“So…what do you guys have planned for this lovely night?”

They looked at each other. “Er…”

“You mean to tell me that you invited me to a sleepover with no funness planned? What was even the purpose then?”

All they did was look sketchy. Interesting.

“Fine, I’ll make my own fun. I brought snacks! And we can watch a movie!”

“Snacks?” Greg and Vince perked up at this.

“Yes,” I said, and when to my bag and brought it over to Draco’s bed where I was sitting.

“Hi Draco.”


Sigh, that boy.

“Okay,” I said pulling out the familiar red and orange bag. “These are called Doritos. They are nacho cheese flavored chips. Wait, you guys are thinking French fries, aren’t you…what’s the word for it? Ahh, yes! Nacho cheese flavored crips! They are very delicious,” I opened the bag. “Try one.”

Greg and Vince were first.

“Oh my God.” Was all they could say.

“Go ahead Draco, they’re not poisioned.”

He tried one.

“Eh? Eh?”

He shrugged, but he just doesn’t like showing emotion. I knew he liked them.

“Okay, up next, Oreos-Milk’s favorite cookie.”

“How can milk have a favorite cookie?” I was asked.

I just sighed and pulled one out.

“It consists of two chocolate cookies, and cream on the inside. This is also quite delicious.”

I got pretty much the same reactions. Except when I tried to let Blaise hold the box, Draco snatched them back. Teehee.

“Don’t get so hasty, I also have chips ahoy, and Cheetos.”

Soon enough, the guys were in heaven.

“Stop it! You can’t eat them all before the movie starts! I also brought some nice cold Pepsi, Coke, Sprite, and Mountain Dew.”

I explained what it was, and it was quite interesting to see their reaction to their first taste of carbonation, to say the least.

“Okay, so, movies. I brought the Disney classics, along with some romantic comedies.”

Blank faces.

“Okay, The Lion King it is.”

And I conjured up at TV, much to their confusion.

“Just watch the movie, okay?”

And then I turned the lights down and snuggled into Draco’s blankets. He looked at me.

“Care to join me?” I asked.

And he laid down next to me.

All through the movie Draco was commenting on how ridiculous it was that animals were talking.

That is, until I threatened to knee him in the balls if he didn’t shut up.

When Moufasssa died and I sniffled a little bit, he wrapped his arms around me.

That was nice.

Before I knew it, the movie was over and Blaise, Greg, and Vince were asleep.

That left Draco and I awake.

I turned to face Draco.

“Isn’t it past your bedtime?”

“Isn’t it past yours?”

“Touche,” I chucked. Then, I realized something. “Other than the things I have gained from hanging around you, I really don’t know that much about my best friend. Why is that?”

He shrugged. “What have you gained about me?”

“Well, for starters, your favorite color is Slytherin green.”

“And why do you say that?”

“Have you seen your boxers?”


“Now what else? Oh yes, you despise smiling because you believe that it’s a weakness. You’re a douche to everyone because that’s what they expect of you. You put way too much energy into upholding your family name. For the most part, you don’t hate the people you say you hate. You’re just jealous,” he started to open his mouth, but I cut him off. “Your birthday’s June 5th. You’re a bratty only child. And sometimes, I doubt that we’re even really best friends by the way you act.” I was quiet for a second. “Yet despite all of that, you seem to have a weakness in keeping up your asshole façade around me, and one of these days I will make you smile. Also, you sure blush an awful lot when I get this close to you for a supposed un-virgin.”

He opened his mouth, staring at me, then closed it again.

“Told you.”


“Your full name is Silvany Lana Nicolette Davenport, but you hate when people call you that so you prefer Silvie. You have four names because you’re mum is part French, the Nicolette comes from your grandma on her side, the Lana from your dad’s. You were born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, America, the birthplace of your country. You were never that patriotic until you moved here, though. You’re favorite color is electric blue, but you like wearing purple. When you’re uncomfortable you start playing with your hair, but you never blush. You’re a daddy’s girl, and typically one of the boys. Pretty much everyone who meets you loves you, with the exception of the jealous. When you’re angry you talk with your hands. You love laughing, as well. And, most importantly of all, you’re the first person to take this much of an interest in me as a person, and I feel like I could tell you, well, anything. And I, erm, care for you. Quite much, actually,” he turned red really fast, “as a friend, of course.”

I was speechless. Now, I wasn’t surprised by much, but I couldn’t believe Draco actually paid me that much attention and noticed so much. Just…wow. “And you’ve never said that to anyone before, have you?” I addressed him quietly.

He shook his head.

I stared at his ocean-blue eyes.

Draco Malfoy felt in a way he had never before. He stared into her eyes, as green as clovers.

Nothing could get in the way of this feeling, not now.

A cold feeling started creeping into his body.

He was forgetting his mission from the Dark Lord.

As Draco watched Silvie slowly fall asleep, he decided that at this moment, he didn’t really care.
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