Status: I'm tryin' guys. Fo' sho'.

Hey Stranger, I Want You to Catch Me Like a Cold

Is Lady Gaga a Douche?

I woke up Saturday morning feeling optimistic. Hey, maybe Hogwarts wasn't so bad after all. I looked at my digital clock. 6:45. Nice, oh well. I was up, now time to get down to businness. Then I got my clothes, and took a shower. It looked much nicer and warmer outside than the previous day, so I opted for shorts and a Lady Gaga tank top.

After brushing my hair, I decided to let it air dry. Now, what to do? Find Harry and Ron, as Hermione was still sleeping. I walked down the girl's steps and up the boys'. I soon found Ron's bed, because he was snoring like a hippo. Harry was in the bed next to him. They looked so peaceful...


"Argh!" Harry sat up and hit his head on the canopy, and Ron fell out of his bed. Neville and the other two guys stayed sleeping.

"Silvie-" Harry started, then paused, looking at me.

I bet it was the Gaga tank. Everybody's Gaga for Gaga.

Ron looked at Harry, looked at me, then got back into his bed and pulled the covers above his head. He didn't move. Could've been dead. (I like to rhyme, all the time).

I climbed into Harry's bed.

"Hawwy. Would you pleease give me a tour of loverly Hogwarts."

"You do realize it's seven in the morning, on a Saturday," he said exasperatedly, but I could tell he was gonna cave.

"Yes, which is why I came to you because I know how much you love me and want to please me, even though I just met you yesterday. But I am just that sort of friendly, likable person you just can't help but adore. Also, I fear that I am a bit cocky."

He gave me a long look.

"Fine," I said. "I'll just give myself a tour."

"No," Harry grumbled. "Just let me take a shower and get ready." He slowly got out of his bed.

"Alrighty!" I said brightly, and layed out on his bed with my hands behind my head.

He gave me another look and trudged into the bathroom.

Five minutes later, I was getting impatient. Boys weren't supposed to take this long to shower. They were supposed to be quick. I tiptoed up to the bathroom door and listened. Yup, the shower was still running, so I snuck in, and sat on the lid of the toilet.

Harry was singing something. I giggled. He stopped singing and was quiet for a second, then went back to singing. Eventually the shower stopped running, and he grabbed the towel that was hanging and started to get out.

"You take really long showers."

"AAAGH!" He tripped and fell out of the shower. But don't you worry your little heads, he was convered because he landed on his belly. The other side, however, was kind of showing. I closed my eyes.

"Wha-what are you doing here?"

"I was waiting for you," I said obviously.

"Can you please get out?"

"Okay," I said brightly, eyes still closed. Then I ran into a wall.

"Go to the right."


After he was out, we headed down to the Great Hall, and he pointed out things along the way, like bathrooms, classrooms, where the Ravenclaw common room was.

"I'm going to get lost very often," I commented happily.

"Probably," he agreed as we entered the Great Hall.

The first thing I saw was my Slytherin friends already in there, along with Draco. I waved energetically at Vince, Greg, and Blaise. Harry just shook his head but didn't say anything as we sat down.


"I don't know why you associate yourself with them, but I'm keeping my mouth shut as not to be branded a racist."

I laughed. "Good idea."

Just then, Ron's sister bounded up, glaring at me then looking at Harry.

"Oh look, it's the ginger bitch!" I smiled.

"Can you help me with Quidditch, Harry?" she touched his shoulder. "I know how good you are and I really want to make the team."

"Ginger, bitchy, and a tart!" I commented.

Harry looked at me.

"Go ahead," I consented.

He smiled at me before Ginny pulled him away rudely. I just sighed and reached for the strange goblet sitting in front of me. I took a sip, then spit the liquid out immeadiately.

"Euurgh! What the hell is this?" I asked no one in particular.

No one was around to answer me, so I just wiped my tounge with my napkin and proceeded to get up and head towards the outside. I wanted to explore the ground.

Draco soon caught uo to me. "Oi! Davenport!"

I looked at him. "My name is Silvie."

"What do you think you're doing, wandering the grounds by yourself? Are you trying to get lost?"

I smiled at him. "Why do you care? Do you like me Draco? Do you want to be friends with a Gryffindor? Gasp?"

"No," he said grudgingly. "As prefect, it's my duty to look out for the well being of the students."

I snorted. "Later Draco."

"Hey! I'm serious! You may be a bloodtrai-"

"Do you want me to go off on the Racist Draco tangent again?"

"Fine. Just let me walk around with you."


Then it was silent as we walked.

"So, erm, how are you liking Hogwarts?"

"It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be, given the name. Sure, there's the ginger bitch, and you're kind of a douche, but overall it's pretty good."

Draco stopped. "Ginger bitch?"

"Ron's sister."

He smirked and chucked, then continued walking, and stopped again. "Douche?"

"It's like a mixture between a jackass and an asshole, with a sprinkle of dick."


"No problem."

We continued watching.

'What's Gaga?"

I stopped. "As in my shirt?"


"It's Lady Gaga! You don't know who Lady Gaga is?" I asked incredulously.


"Wow," I sighed. How clueless where British wizards to muggle culture anyway?

"Is Lady Gaga a douche?"


"Is Lady Gaga a douche?"

"... I don't think so."



"Lady Gaga's a singer. I shall have you listen to my ipod one time."

"What's an ipod?"

"My dear Dracob, you have a lot to learn.
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