Remember When?


“Annie is this like one of your jokes?” She said

I think she’s the Jenna girl Noah was talking about, if it was I’m guessing Jenna and Noah are sister and brothers. Wow, I know a lot about myself…

“She’s not joking Jen, she must’ve hit her head hard…” He sounded so sad.

“I’m sorry guys I don’t remember a-a-anything and I don’t even know you guys can I just ppplease get some answers?” I was crying very hard and Jenna and Noah looked so sad. I wish this would stop.

“Sweetheart that’s why I’m here!”

The doctor came right in, she looked happy and acted like she know everything, so I guess I could trust her, and right behind her must’ve been their mother. Wait, where’s my mom? No time to question that, I guess I could act like I’m sleeping and just listen… I drifted to ‘sleep’ and listened to what the doctor was saying.

“Well See Mrs. Jansen Annie has lost her mind, she chuckled, Okay so she’s lost her memory and she should regain it, she’s a lucky one she is because her head looks real bad but her X-Rays alright and she is talking. So yes she should regain it.” She said smartly

Noah walked over to my bed sat on it, he took his hand and placed it on my cheek gently, and a tear drop fell on my eye. All I wanted was to cry so hard and hug him tightly and tell him everything will be alright but it won’t.

He wiped of the tear and kissed my forehead lightly and walked out of the room, Jenna running behind him.

“Where are her parents?” The Doctor asked

“Well, her parents and two sisters left on a business trip she’s the oldest and wanted to stay at a friend’s, well my daughter Jen is her best friend, oh and my sons her boyfriend, teenagers these days, She said shaking her head. She was walking to our house I’m assuming and that’s when we found her in the driveway by a rock and a pool of blood on the floor.” Mrs. Jansen said in a matter of fact tone.

“Wow, is all I have to say, she’ll be leaving tomorrow by the way.” The Doctor said.

“Thanks Doctor her family is so worried. At least they’ll know she’s alright, and will recover.

“No problem, it’s my job.” She smiled while saying this.

I’m in shock and now I really do drift to sleep.
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Erm, so i though i should write more, :)