Remember When?


I opened my eyes and someone was sitting on the side of my bed humming, he looked exactly like Noah, but he was wearing different clothes and he stared at me.

“You really don’t remember anything Annie? You don’t remember when it was homecoming and you knew I liked you and Noah asked you out, and you asked me if it was alright? I said yes because I wanted you to be happy.” He said questioning me

I shook my head and just let him talk.

“You don’t remember my name I don’t think so, huh? Well Connor here, Noah’s twin brother the one that liked you ever since 8th grade, right when you moved here. I stopped liking you after I saw how much in love Noah was in with you, he really likes you Annie, and he’s in the other room crying right now.”

He just kept going and I was in shock, and I wanted him to sop, I just wanted to see Noah

“I don’t think you could forget freshman year when I asked you to the dance, you said no because you said you’re like a brother to me and I don’t want to lose that. Annie, I don’t know if you forgot the first day of eighth grade, everyone single girl wanted to be your friend and all the guys wanted you, why because you were so original, so unique you had such beautiful hair and Noah said you were so pretty that one day, I’ll talk to her, if I’m lucky.”

I sat bolt upright and remembered, the first day of school I was wearing a yellow dress and my hair was in a braid to the side, and I had a yellow bow in my hair ,and he sat next to me in math class, and said I looked very pretty, I remember, at least one thing.

“Bring me to him.” I said

“Your wishes my command Annie.” He laughed

He helped me up and I held on to his arm, and looked at him. Wow, he looked exactly like Noah, but happy.

“Do you want to hold my hand?” He asked.

“No, I’m okay, I’m better with just holding your arm, and isn’t Noah going to be mad?”

“Annie, who really cares, he stole you from me…” He whispered.

I pretended I didn’t hear him and walked away from the room, and into the hall, there were pictures of Doctors and paintings, and in the corner was the door into the waiting room. I opened the door quietly and stepped in, and there was Noah, in a chair in the corner reading a magazine crying.

“Noah?” I said.

“Annie.” He cracked
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Omg, so yeah i hope you like it!!!!!!! (: