Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter One

"Haha, you can't be serious."

"I am! I swear on my life!"

Rien and I were walking back to my place after meeting up at the cafe for a friendly meeting. Rien and I started growing closer to each other like brother and sister. Apparently, Rien said he wanted to show me something which was coincidentally at my apartment.

"Key." he held out his hand for the apartment key. I fished it out of my pocket and handes it to him. He pushed it in the respective key hole and twisted it, turning the knob simultaneously and opening the door.

I heard shuffling but ignored it. I flipped open the light switch and turned around to see everyone jump out of their hiding place and screaming,"Surprise!"

I smiled as I saw Nami and Shizuo holding a chocolate cake with white icing on it that said,"Happy Birthday, Yuki-chan~!"

"Aren't you surprised?" Nami asked as she set the cake on tha table and came to hug me.

"Err not really seeing as how it was my birthday." I nervously rubbed the back of my neck and laughed. She laughed too before showing me around the refurnished apartment. Everything was different.

There was a karaoke machine next to the flatscreen TV, a long table filled with bowls of snacks and drinks, balloons were everywhere, a radio was placed on the coffee table and there was an oblong couch surrounding the front of the TV and a closet.

"Um..where'd you put my stuff?" I asked as she dragged me around the house.

"Oh we put it in your room since no one's going to go in there."

"How'd you afford all this stuff?" I asked.

"Well, Izaya helped pitch in and so did other people."

I nodded as she dragged me to the living room where people were socializing and some dancing.

"Yuki-chan!" I heard a voice say out loud as an arm wrapped around my shoulders. I looked to the side to see Kida smiling.

"Happy birthday! You're now officially 19!"