Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter Ten

I opened the door when the time was up, worried struck my face. Kyou quickly ran out of the closet and sat back next to Jiro, sweat and fear on his face. I watched as a smiling Yuki walked out of the closet, her eyes gleamed with victory and sastifaction. I noticed the samll hole in the wall and stared back at Yuki.

"You didn't hurt him did you, Yuki?"

"No, the coward dodged my punch."

She sighed as she sat back down. A bead of sweat trickled down my face as I laughed nervously.

"Kida, you're sitting there, your body trembling ith excitement. How about you go next?"

He jumped up excitedly and spun the bottle lightly. I laughed when the bottle landed on Mikado.


I clutched my stomach.

"Shut up!" Kida yelled at me angrily as he soun the bottle again, a little harder.

I wiped the tear from my eye.

"That was a good laugh."

The bottle landed on a girl, who I wasn't familiar with, but it looked as though Kida knew her very well. He rubbed the back of his head nervously as he escorted her to the closet. Wow, his excitement switched to nervousness in a heartbeat. I smiled as I shut the door behind them.

"You got seven minutes!" I yelled to them at the door.

I started the timer and waited for their time to be up.