Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Five

Yuki was taking a rather long time. I was really worried. I unplugged myself from the machine and tried to balance myself on my feet.

"Nami, what are you doing?" Mikado asked me.

"I'm gonna look for Yuki. I have a weird feeling that something's wrong with her." I answered as I slowly started walking towards the door.

I didn't know where to look first, so I decided to check the bathroom. As I approached the door, I heard soft sniffling. It sounded like Yuki. Why would she be crying? I quickly opened the door to find her crouched on the floor, holding her face, crying into her palms. I stared at her sadly as I knelt down next to her. I embraced her shoulders.

"Yuki, what's the matter?" I asked her.