Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter One Hundred Fifty

We sat across from each other on Shinra's green medium length table.I cupped my cup of tea with my hands as I stared at the wall behind my so-called mother. "'ve been gone for 19 years and you show up now?" I asked, not daring to look ion her eyes.

"We tried everything to find you but your father's health was getting worse each day."

"So how did you manage to find me here?"

"I suppose word got out and an informant broker called us."

Of course he did.

"Uh huh.." I mumbled, taking a sip of my hot tea. "And what do you want now?" I asked, after setting the cup down and purring an edge to my voice. She sighed, cupping her mouth over her hand.

"We're...we're just glad we could find you. Now....we can be a famil-"


She looked at me with shock. "W-what?"

"I refuse your offer."

"B-but Yuki, we're your family."

"I'm 19; legal. So what if you're my family? You were ever there for me."


"I admit; I love both of you but frankly, that's because you're my parents. You contemplated about keeping me but ended up abandoning me; knowing full well that I could be stuck in that adoption center and would soon be kicked out once I turned 18." I stated.

"We were so poor back then, we couldn't afford to feed another mouth." she tried to explain. I shot up like a rocket, slamming my fist on the table and causing drops of tea to spill. I leaned dangerously close to her face.

"Oh? Explain the trip to America five weeks after you gave me up. Explain the trip to France two years after. Explain the trip to Hokkaido five years later. Explain to me this; if you were so damn poor, why waste money on expensive luxurious trips like that? Explain to me this, if you finally did have the money, why didn't you come and get me? I stayed in the fucking center for 11 years and you never showed up. If you genuinely cared for me, you would've came and get me. It's too late now since I have my freedom." I glared at her, backing away. Fear washed over her facial expressions .

"I won't hit you since you are my birth mother and I don't want to be a horrible daughter. But I guess karma is a bitch, huh?" I said to her, shoving my hands in my pockets and walking towards the door.

"Celty, I'm ready to go now!"
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