Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Five

"Jiro has told me a lot about you."

"They are all good, I hope." I smiled nervously as I rubbed the back of my head with my hand.

"Oh yes. They are good."

"I hope we can become good friends."

She smiled innocently.

"Oh yes,,,me too. May I have a word alone with Miss Tsukiko?" She asked Jiro and Shizuo.

They both looked at me and I nodded at them, so they got up and walked out; Shizuo sticking his hands in his pockets.

"Don't be so formal. Call me Nami or Nami-chan or whatever you can come up with." I told her as Jiro shut the door closed behind him.

Hanaka then stared back at me, her eyes and face and aura changed drastically. If looks could kill, I would have died already.

"Jiro told me how much in love he was with you....He was madly and desperately in love with you."

"I told him not to tell anybody that, especially not to his girlfriend."

"To be honest I don't see why. You don't look all that special to me. You plain."

I let out a deep sigh, trying to push down the anger that swelled up inside me.

"I rather be plain than to be a fake whore."

"Excuse me?" She asked, a tad bit angrily.

"You heard me. You wear so much make up, I don't even know what your real face look like. You look like a clown and the way you dress. You looked like you came straight from working at a stripper bar. I don't think anyone can find worse skimpier and slutty clothes. If they wanted to wear some, all they need to do is raid your closet, since that's probably all you wear. I feel sorry for Jiro-chan. He's dating a whore like you. I bet you have a few other guys on the side that you sleep with, huh? Too be honest, I think Jiro could have done better."

Hanaka bit her bottom lip as she tightly and angrily grabbed the collar of the robe. She pulled me up to her face.

"I'm warning you bitch, if you ever touch or come close to my Jiro again, I won't hesitate to kill you." She warned me.

I scoffed at her threat.

"Don't let me lying in this hospital bed fool your eyes. Your little words, pose no threat to me. I don't even think you the courage to back up your words. As for me, I actually killed before, which was why I moved here. If I sense that my life is threatened by you, I won't hesitate to end you right then and there." I threatened her.

"I promise..." I added.

I swiped her hand away from my collar. She stood back and crossed her arms. We sent each other serious death glares.