Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter Seventeen

I widened my eyes a fraction before swiftly turning around, facing the crowd and pushing everyone back. "Alright, there's nothing to see here, people. Just go back and enjoy the party." Everyone groaned before sighing and walking around to find something else entertaining.

I turned back around at Jiro and Nami who sat at opposite corners before grabbing their arms and dragging them to my room. I shoved them in the room before slamming it shut and pinching my nose.

"What the hell was that?" I barked at them causing them to flinch. They start sputtering nonsense before I held up a hand to silence them.

"You guys have to think about this flirting you too are doing!"

"Its not my fault! Nami kept starting it!" Jiro accused. I whipped my head to Nami who was curled in a ball.


She ignored me.

"Nani Tsukiko, you look at me right now."

She shifted around to say that I had her attention.

"Does being with Shizuo mean something to you? 'Innocently' flirting isn't an attribute to a good girlfriend, even if its just teasing, its still flirting."

"I know..." she mummered.

"Jiro, you better hurry up and run out of the window because I'd say you got about 10 seconds before your life ends."

His eyes widened before he scrambled towards the window and opening it. He quickly fled before Shizuo burst through the door, carrying a table.

"Where the hell is he?"

"Shizuo-san, calm down."





The sound rang clear through the house. My gloved hand was still in the position as if I had smacked him. Nami saw the whole thing, widening her eyes as he dropped the table down.

"I didn't want this drama shit even on my birthday," I spat, recoiling my arm back to my side,"Don't you think I'm fed up with it enough, on a fucking daily basis? Stop being selfish and straighten things out!"

I stomped over the door, opening it and slamming it shut as I walked out of it. I could feel people flinching from the echoes bouncing through the walls.