Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter Eighteen

Awkwardness filled the silent air as I was left alone with Shizuo. His breathing was still rapid, pissed at what he saw. My back was towards the opposite way. I couldn't face him. My heart was breaking into two, thinking about the worse possible scenerio. Would he break up with me? I bit my lip, drawing out blood and wimpering in the process. Hopefully he didn't hear it.

"Is there somthing you want to talk to me about?" Shizuo asked, breaking the silence.

I stayed silent, not saying a word.

"Am I not good enough for you?"

I bit my lip harder.

"Don't get the wrong idea, okay? I was only doing mindless teasing. There was no way I was flirting with him in any way. We have that type of relationship. We tease each other all the time."

"Then why was he on top of you, kissing you?"

"I don't know. He just attacked me."

"What did exactly happened in the closet?"

"I was bored, so I decided to make things more fun and entertaining. So I decided to do some sexual teasing." I explained, mumbling the last part.

Shizuo sighed.

"Sexual teasing?"

I stayed silent again, still not looking at him.

"Nami,the guy is in love with you. You can't just toy around with his feelings like that. You may think it's just all and fun, but to him it's serious."

"I mean we do it all the time! I wasn't expecting him to jump me in the fucking closet! I thought he knew he could talk to me. He could've told me that my teasing was making him upset. How the hell was I'm supposed to know that I was bothering him so much, if he doesn't say anything, huh?"

"Are you in love with Jiro?"

"No!" I screamed at him, turning towards him.

"I could never! I love you and only Shizuo! You're the only one for me!"

"Are sure you aren't in denial?"

"I'm sure! I admit, I'm sort in a way attracted to him, but I have no romantic feelings for him at all! I would never do anything to hurt you or our relationship. Never!"

"I just thought he was a guy that was different. A guy that could control his feelings and not let it get in the way of our close friendship?"

"How is he supposed to control himself, when you are exposing yourself sexually?"

"Damn, I mean it wasn't like I was showing him my nudeness. Only a little skin, that all. Nothing serious. I wasn't exposing myself indecently."

"Ya, but it still had sexual intentions. Nami, he's guy and he has needs too."

"I know....I just wanted him to be different."

"Stop with the sexual teasing."


"Gomen no sai, Shizu-chan. You know I only love you alone. Would you forgive me?" I asked him, staring up into his eyes.

"Ya, I guess" He answered.

I smiled as I tightly embraced him.

"Arigatou" I thanked him happily.

"Shizu-chan daisuki desu!"

I felt Shizuo wrap his arms around my waist tightly.

"Right back at ya" He replied to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwww <3

she said I love you Shizuo.