Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter Two

Yuki smiled down at him.

"Yeah, it's only a birthday, celebrating the day I get older each year."

"You got a point, but it's an excuse to get a shit load of free gifts from other people!" I told her.

She and Kida laughed at me.

"True", Kida replied.

"Speaking of getting older, I'll be turning twenty this year. The big 20. I'll be old!!" I cried.

Kida laughed harder.

"What about Shizuo? He's what? 24? Are you calling him old?"

"No! He's good looking, but I'm a woman! We age quicker than guys!" I cried again.

"Thanks a lot, Nami-chan." Yuki thanked me sarcastically.

I started laughing nervously.

"My bad, anyways, it's your big day! Enjoy it!"

"Oh! Before I forget!"

I ran into Yuki's bedroom and came back carrying a wrapped up box.

"O tanjobi omedetogozaimasu, Yuki-chan!" I wished her as I handed her my present.

She smiled widely at me as she took it and quickly unwrapped it.
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O tanjobi omedetogozaimasu means happy birthday. :DDD