Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter Thirty-Four

I took off my helmet and padding and gave it to the employee that worked at that station. I walked out and searched for a game to play in the arcade room, until I found one.

"Resident Evil?" I read as I walked up to it.

"Hell ya, it's a zombie shooting game. You know I gotta play this." I said excitedly as I grabbed the blue gun.

"Who wanna play me?" I asked.

Yuki shook her head.

"I don't do shooting games."

Jiro shrugged as he grabbed the red gun.

"I'll play you."

"Be warned, Nami rocks at shooting games including shooting sports."

Jiro scoffed at Yuki.

She can't be that good."


"Booya! In your face!"

Jiro scoffed at me as he walked away.

"Yuki warned you." I told him.

"What else are you good at?"

"Hm, boxing games and racing games." I answered him.

"You're so cocky."

"No, she's right. she's great at those type of games."

"Aww don't be a sore loser, Jiro-chan."

He ignored my comment and embraced his arms around the back of his head. I smiled as we searched for a new game to play.