Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter Thirty-Six

I hid behind a wall as I charged up my gun. I constantly checked around my surroundings to make sure I wasn't targeted. Ok, Izaya is using his knives to target his victims. He uses their reflection to pinpoint where they exactly are at. Not only that, he aims the lazer at the reflcetion the knife gives off and shoots his target. Since, he's mainly only targeting Yuki, I have an advantage, but what can I do to get Izaya and not blow my cover? I searched for Yuki to see her straining a bit to avoid getting shot at by Izaya. Jiro and Ichigo guarded her back and front when Izaya targeted Yuki's blind spot. How he found that out, I don't want to know. Shizuo did his own thing. I know very suprising right? He always was the independant one. I pondered about a strategy to get Izaya. He's using tthe knives's reflection, so perhaps I can use that against him? My thoughts were cut off when a knife was thrown at the wall in front of me.

"Shit!" I mumbled.

I quickly ducked and rolled over to another wall and leaned against it.

"Damn, I thought he was only after Yuki? Why is he shooting me too?" I thought.

"He's not catching on to my strategizing, is he?"

"Why aren't you particpating on the fun, Nami-chan?~"

"You aren't planning anything, are you?~"

"Shit!" I mumbled again.

Izaya threw another knife at the wall in front of me.

I ducked and rolled over again to avoid getting shot at. Damn! He was supposed to be targeting Yuki, not me! I hid behind another wall, panting. My breath was trying to catch up to me. The room didn't help either. It was humid. My body started to glisten with sweat. My clothes stuck to my body. I checked around to make sure Izaya wasn't anywhere close by and to make sure he couldn't see me. There I saw it, my ticket to getting Izaya. I saw his reflection on one of the knives he threw at Yuki the first time. A cheshire like smirk played it's way up to my lips. I finally caught him and he couldn't see me. I aimed my gun at the knife and pulled the trigger, firing a lazer at his reflection. I smiled widely, once I heard the beeping sound coming from the vest.

"Yes!" I cheered out.

I threw my arms into the air.

"Good job, Nami-chan.~"

"Using my weapons against me. Nice strategy.~"

"I know." I bragged.

I snuck back to where Yuki, Jiro and Ichigo was. Jiro and Ichigo both high-fived me.

"Nice job, Nami" Ichigo congratulated me.

"Arigatou", I thanked him.

"Nice strategizing." Jiro complimented me.


"How goes it with Yuki?"

"I'm straining, but it's nothing I can't keep up with." She smirked at me.

I high-fived her right hand.

"I knew you'd be fine. Nobody can get you in lazer tag."

"Same with you."

We both laughed as we continued our game.