Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter Four

I smiled as I watched Izaya embrace Yuki-chan.

"Ooolala!" I teased her.

She tried to force down a blush when Izaya parted from her.

"O tanjobi Omedetogozaimasu!~" He wished her.

"Arigatou", She thanked him.

"Oh and um thanks for um helping with buying me a cellphone."

"Anything for my Yuki-chan!~"

I smiled and embraced my arms around Yuki.

"Well, let's go sing to the birthday girl!"

I pushed Yuki back to the living room. Everyone gathered around her, while Shizuo lit the candles on the cake. We all sung to her, wishing her a happy birthday. Yuki blew out the 19 candles after closing her eyes and making a wish. Everyone clapped and helped themselves to some cake and continued to socalize.

"So, what did you wish for?" I asked her, curiously.

I took a big bite of my cake.

"Now, it won't come true if I told you, now would it?"

"come on, I'm your best friend! You can tell me!"

Yuki shook her head from side to side.

"Nope", she told me.

I huffed and puffed as I took another bite of my cake.