Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter Forty-Six

I rolled my eyes and shoved the phone back in my pocket. She didn't even let me talk! What the hell? Before I could think of a way to get her back, something poked my side causing me to jump and scurry to the corner of the seat. I clutched the sides of the seat amd glared at Izaya who smiled innocently. Innocent my ass.

"What?" I snapped at the ravenette.

"The Ferris whell is going to be working for another half hour. What should we do to pass the time~?"

"Well I have no fucking clue. Look at birds and shit?"

"Don't curse, it makes you look manlier."


"How about we play a game?"

"You sound exactly like Jigsaw from Saw."

"Good. You scared yet~?"

"Izaya, if I were to fall off of this seat, I wouldn't even be scared."

"Is that a bet?" He smirked, leaning closer. I rolled my eyes before crossing my arms and turning my head to the side to cover the pink covering my cheeks.

I would either be called weak or be thrown off.

"Hell yes."

He grinned widely before lifting the bar up and snatching my hand.

"What are you doing?"

He stood up, making the seat shaking. I clutched on his hand tighter earning a smirk.


"Stand up, Yuki-chan."

I looked down. We weren't that far down and we were jumping down the side so we could easily grab the rail. I looked back up at him, the wind blowing my hair in my face. I pulled my legs on the seat and stood up, griping his shoulders to steady my balance.

He smirked at me as I wobbled. "Ready?" I took in a deep breath and nodded before jumping off the edge with his hand connected with my hand. We were in the air for a few seconds before he grabbed a rail and held us up.

I grabbed a rail under him and held myself up before letting his hand go. We climbed down a few rails before we met on the same rail and jumped down the rest.

"That was amazing!" I exclaimed as I stood back on ground. "Its like you do that stuff everyday!"

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't."

"What do you do everyday?"


"Like? Besides being an informat broker."

"You'll find out soon~.