Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter Forty_Eight

"Izaya, what do you think that cloud looks like?"

We laid on the grass, our hands folded on out stomachs. He chuckled as he watched me point at the puffy white cloud.

"A heart."


"What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing, really. Just curious."

The awkward silence made me fidget nervously. I was never good with starting up conversations, it was a bad trait that I had.



"Are you good with computers?"

"Three hundred words per minute. Why?"

"Nothing. Just curious."

"Of course you were."

"Do you know what last week was?"

"Umm... a Tuesday?"

"You're so oblivious."

I sat upright, leaning on my arms as I stared down at the informant broker who currently laid at his side, his elbow supporter him up. "What was it last week?"

"Our anniversary."

"We aren't even officially together."

"To you, of course."

"And to you too."

"You're so confusing."

"You're one to talk."

"Yuki-chan, do you know why I love humans?"

"Because they're amusing."

He chuckled, staring up at me with his brick red eyes.

"Yes and they're so different. So unpredictable."

"And I'm supposed to care why?"

"Because you're my girlfriend and you're supposed to listen yo what I have to say."

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