Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter Fifty

'It's really beautiful, isn't it?"

"The clouds?"

"Yeah, they're so..."


"Yeah, that."

Izaya sighed at my response. I could already tell he was bored with this small talk and just wanted to go somewhere else.

"You can leave if you want to, Izaya."

"What makes you say that?"

"Nami isn't the only one perceptive."


"You just failed to notice. You're a horrible boyfriend."

"Really? Am I now?"

"You don't bother to tell me what you do all day, you constantly tease me, you..--"

"Alright, I'll tell you."

'He was just playing with you. Don't let him get in control, Yuki.' I thought to myself.

"I suggest the idea of suicide to young girls."

My eyes flashed open as he stopped talking. He sat up, looking down at my laying form. He was wearing that damn smirk on his face like always. Like this was all just a game to see who breaks the first.

"Okay...sounds boring."

It faltered.

Inside, I really wanted to yell at him.

"In my opinion, it's amusing to see what choices they make. But knowing humans, they always take the easy way out." he shrugged.

'Was I ever next on your list?"

"Hmm? Oh no, you aren't suicidal, are you?"

"And if I was, does that make a difference?"


"Wait," I sat up, staring in his eyes,"You're telling me, that you meet up with younger girls when you're supposed to be"


I quickly got up, dusted my pants, and walked away.

"Yuki-chan?" he called after me.

"Yeah, thanks for the awesome birthday, Iza-chan." I spat out, my voice leaking with sarcasm. I quickly fished out my phone out of my pocket and called someone.

No way in hell was I going to cry over him.
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