Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter Fifty-Eight

"W-what?" my eyes widened as I stared at the grim face of Rien. He nodded, telling me that he was being serious. His lips were pursued in a flat line as he pushed up his glasses.

"Yuki, before you say no, let me explain."

Not knowing what to actually do, I nodded slowly.

Taking in a deep breath of air, he started.

"Things with my parents are going a bit rough since my dad lost his job. Seeing as how they can barely feed themselves let alone me, I decided to run so they can live leisurely. Besides, I'm already a burden so why not?"

"Rien, that's not a good reason to run away!"

"Let me finish."

I shut my mouth and nodded as we started walking, less and less people blocking our path.

"So I decided to take along a good friend of mine."

"Why not Satoshi or Ichigo?"

" missing and Ichigo declined. He refuses to leave his robots."

"What do you mean Satoshi's missing?"

"No one knows where he is. Police are still searching for him."

"Ichigo said he was on vacation so I assumed..--"

Rien sighed, taking off his glasses to wipe them with his shirt.

"Ichigo was lying to not cause panic. Can I continue?"

I nodded.

"Seeing as how you and I are like sister and brother, I thought asking you."

"Rien, people keep telling me..--"

"That I still have feelings or you?"

A tint of pink dusted both of our cheeks. He balled up his hands and coughed on it awkwardly.

"W-well..maybe but Yuki, think about it! I'm leaving to Barcelona and we can travel there!"

"We're giving on a lot of things though! Like school, friends...--"

"Drama, Dairin, everything unneeded."

I looked down at my feet, realizing his point.

"Rien, I don't know if I can leave. It just seems to hard to do."

"Look, in two weeks, at ^pm, I'll be wainscoting at the Ikebukuro train station for you. Just think about it."

He sighed before leaving, just letting my knees buckle and fall to the ground. I sighed, resting my back on the stone circle behind me.

What was I going to do?
♠ ♠ ♠
What will she do?



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