Marriage in Ikebukuro

Chapter Nine

I grabbed a pair of black gloves (that Shizuo had given me for my present) and slipped them on. They reached my elbows and the fingers were cut off.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Hm? Oh, I don't want your blood on my hands so I'm wearing gloves."


"Besides you could have HIV or something. I wouldn't want to risk that getting into my bloodstream, now would I?" I smiled innocently. I turned on the closet light before looking at him.

"B-but I'm sure w-we can t-talk things th-through!"


"Why'd you dodge?" I whined, recoiling my fist from the wall. A small hole was punched through it as I scoffed.

"Tch, now you have to pay for that hole!" I exclaimed.

"M-me?! You punched the hole!"

"Well you dodged!"

"What was I supposed to do? Stay still so you could punch me?!"


"One minute left!" I heard Nami's muffled voice call from outside.

"Tch. I'll get your ass somehow." I threatened before shaking my hand to relieve some of the pain. It didn't hurt that much, just a little.

The door flung open to a worried Nami.