Undisclosed Desires

First Encounter

Lori stared at the door Sam had just exited through for a few minutes, her hand closed tightly around the small gold heart necklace she always wore.

She never grew use to his comings and goings. Each time he left, she felt even more alone in the world - another reminder of Dean. Her hand slipped from the necklace at the thought of him, her cheeks burning. Here her boyfriend had just left and she was thinking of him. She needed to distract herself.

Noticing the messenger bag on the small dining room table, her thoughts immediately went to the library. That's what she'll do. She'll study for the tests coming up.

Crossing the room she retrieved the bag and left her dorm room, locking the door behind her.


Sam stared up at the clock on the wall in the small diner. It was almost noon now, having only seen Lori's face two hours ago, and he was already missing her.

But it wasn't just her he was missing. He was missing college. Missing the friends' he made and the places he'd been. But in the end, the person he was missing - the thing that had meant the world to him for so long before Lori - was Jessica. For some reason memories from long ago seemed to flood his mind as he thought about the girl he was once going to marry.

He ran a hand down his face and sighed. It had been only at least a year or so since her death and he was still mourning - even after finding love once again. He supposed it was wrong in a way - to still love somebody you could no longer have when you were now seeing someone else. But then again, Jess had been his whole world until her death, and maybe still mourning after her was normal, not wrong.

"Sir?" a suddenly unfamiliar voice said, interrupting Sam from his thoughts. "Sir, are you going to order?" the voice finished.

Sam looked up and met the gaze of a girl with blue eyes and long, curly black hair. "No, I'm just waiting for somebody, actually," he replied with a kind smile.

The waitress returned the smile - hers' plastic though - and walked away, muttering something under her breath.

Suddenly Sam's phone vibrated in his pocket and he retrieved it, noticing that his phone now read one missed phone call. He pressed send to listen to it and suddenly he found himself frozen.

"Sam..." the familiar voice whispered, it's cries for help ghostly, "...Help... Me..."

It was Jessica.


Lori, hands in her coat pockets, walked quietly to the library, her headphones pressed into her ears as she listened to her iPod. The music made her feel better about Sam's sudden absence and she found herself not thinking about Dean.

She hummed to the tune, noticing the library's familiar structure in the distance. She suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder and jumped, her iPod falling from her pocket and onto the cement. The music ended aruptly and Lori found herself face to face with Brady.

"Oh!" Lori exclamied, shocked. "Brady, it's you."

"Hey to you to," he smirked, shoving his hands into his jean pockets as he watched Lori bend over to retrieve her iPod.

She stood up, shoving the undamaged iPod back into her pocket. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, it's just you surprised me that's all." She tried to ignore the look he was giving her - it was a look she couldn't quite place, but she knew she didn't like it.

He shook his head and looked down at the ground for a moment before replying. "I do that to people," he said, meeting her gaze when he looked up. Before she could ask him what he meant by that, he went on. Clearing his throat he said, "So, heading over to the library to study?"

"That was the plan."

"Take it Sam has left already then," Brady guessed.

"Yeah, but he'll be back soon."

"I know, I'm just saying," Brady said.

"Saying what exactly?" Lori asked, crossing her arms over chest defensivly.

"Nothing," Brady shrugged, "Just saying." He smirked and Lori felt herself relax a little bit. "Didn't catch you at Anne's party," he said casually, walking past her.

Lori, standing still for a moment, decided to join his side. "Yeah, well, it was a school night."

"Didn't stop you from attending the last one."

"Well I wasn't in the mood this time."

"Right..." Brady laughed.

"What the hell is so funny?" Lori snapped.

Brady stopped suddenly, causing Lori to stop a few feet ahead of him.

"Come 'awn Lori, we all know you didn't go because of Sam."

"Wha-? Sam has nothing to do with why I didn't want to go-"

"Then was it Dean?" Brady broke in suddenly.

Lori tensed up, her cheeks flushing at the thought of him. How did Brady even know him. Lori had met Dean in a completely different state, years ago. Finally she managed to find her voice, and when she did, her voice was soft, just above a whisper.

"How do you know Dean?" she asked, balling her hands into fists to keep them from shaking.

Brady just smirked, and suddenly in shock Lori watched as Brady's eyes flashed black, the whites of his eyes disappearing completely. She found herself unable to move, although every bone in her body told her to run.

"You can say we're old friends," Brady said finally. Lori finally finding the ability to move turned around and tried to run, but Brady had already grabbed her from behind, knocking her out. The last thing she saw was her bad hitting the pavement.
♠ ♠ ♠
Music for this chapter:

Monsters by Matchbox Romance
From Where You Are by Lifehouse

So this takes place in season 4, despite the fact Brady makes his apperance in season 5. To say the least, Sam doesn't find out about Brady until much, much later (when he does in the show).