Arms of the angel

The dare

I always dreamt of what heaven would be like, I always imagined the color white, Innocence. Everyone in gowns! I will find out sooner or later though right? My name is Jamey Jackson, I am 15 year old! I guess you called call me a creative person when it comes to writing. I have pink hair, blue eyes pale skin, I’m 5’3 and I am in the 9th grade. I hate high school sometimes because it just remind me I’m getting older and the kids get really mean sometimes, but I guess it is just something I will have to deal with. My birthday is on Halloween, what a coincidence!

Today October 13, 2004


“Yes?” This is my friend Alexis she is the weird one out to.

“Do you want to come over later? My mom will be at work tonight.”

“Sure!” She said!

I smiled; the classes were going by quickly. I was now up in my room doing homework and I heard a light tap on my door.

“Hey Alexis,”

“Hey, so I want to show you something but your going to have to lose the nerd glasses.” She said.

“Alexis I can’t see what I read without them, my baby sister got a hold of my contacts and ruined them!”

“Fine, but lets just go like now.” Was all she said before she pulled me out of the door.

We ran and ran and ran, taking unknown turns.

“Where are we going?”

“We are here” She said pulling me to a stop.

“Why are we at a graveyard?

“You know that myth that says, if you have someone spend the night here, that they would be found dead in the arms of an angel statue?”

“No, and I don’t believe it.”

“Yeah well, they don’t either, so we are going to find out!”

“They?” I asked.

“Hey guys.” I looked over and saw Ethan, Sarah, and Lynsey walk up.

“So why are we here?” Lynsey asked in her heavy British accent.

“We are here to figure out which people would want to spend the night in the graveyard remember!” Alexis said.

“Why don’t you spend the night since you believe in this crazy myth!”

“No!” She said firmly.

“Why not?” Sarah asked.

“She is scared!” Ethan spoke.

“I am not!” She shouted.

“I’ll stay with you!” I said.

“You will?”

“Yes.” I said.

“Ok then it is settled, see you in the morning.” Ethan said and walked off with the girls.

“What if it gets cold? Do we get pillows or blankets?” I asked.

“Let’s just get this over with.” Alexis said.

As we walked though the gates I got this creepy feeling, Alexis was unsure about it to! We watched bats fly and cats run. We sat down near a head stone.

“You see this?” Alexis spoke!

“Yes, I see it!”

“This grave belongs to the girl who spent the night here in 1994. Her name is Miranda! She spent the night here and woke up in the arms of the angel statue located in the center of the grave yard! She was 17 she-“

I cut her off.

“How do you know?”

"It is one of the towns greatest stories, how could you not know?" She asked.

I just stared.

“Any ways as I was saying, she had red hair and blue eyes. Not a very popular girl, most of out teachers know of her. She was Mrs. Woods’ best student she was happy. Did you know people say that you have her soul, The way you smile, sing, think, the way people feel around you.”

“People talk about me and I don’t even know it?”

“Yeah, but its good mostly!”

“Why do people say I have her soul?” I asked.

“Your personality mostly, plus she died the day you were born.”

“So what she is a cat and has 9 lives?”

“No, but It would have been nice to meet her. Poor girl her life was taken over a stupid bet.”


“Come one it is getting dark, I’ll show you the statue she died on!”

I got up and followed her to the center of the grave yard to see an angel, like she said with arms wide out, looks like she would have been the nicest person ever if she was alive! Even thought she is a statue, she looks so …Caring!

“This is where she died!” Alexis spoke. I felt tears start to sting in my eyes and slowly fall.

“Jayme? Oh my gosh, come here!”

Alexis pulled me into a hug.

“Don’t worry I’m scared to.” Alexis said.

“I’m not scared; it would have been nice to know her! Don’t you think this is dangerous”?

“Yes it is dangerous, but you never know.”

We stood there holding each other looking at the statue, as we stood there the night grew darker and we had to hide because people were going around lighting up the pumpkins around the grave yard. As we got out from our hiding spot we sat in the now dying grass.

“I’m getting tired!” I spoke.

“Are you kidding me?” She looked at me as if I had two heads.


“You are going to sleep? What if you wake up dead?” She said.

“Ok you see, you can’t really wake up dead.”

“How do you know?” She asked.

“I’ll be dead!” I winked at her and lay down and looked at the sky.

“I don’t even think I’ll be able to sleep, I’m so uncomfortable.” I spoke.

“Wait! …Do you hear that?” Alexis asked.

“No, I don’t!”


I sat straight up,

“I hear it now!” I said a little spooked.

“Maybe it is a animal though.” I spoke again.

“Well, let’s go find out!” Alexis said.

“And I am supposedly crazy?”

“Yes you are!” Alexis said.

“This place is like so big it would take until morning to find the sound.” I said.

“Then let’s split up!”

“No! I am not exploring the graveyard on my own!” I said.

“You have light because of the jack-o-lanterns, I’m pretty sure you are fine.” She said

“Or are you scared?” She spoke with a smirk.

“No, let’s go!” I said standing up.

“Ok not we are talking; I go this way you go that way!”

“Okay, Bye!” I said walking a separate way.

I walked around light form candles and carved pumpkins, it is so creepy out here I will admit that I am a little scared. I was looking around for any animals or teens rummaging around here, nothing. I stopped a couple times to see anything I felt like I was being watched! Usually when you feel that way people expect you to run but you can’t.


I yelped and turned around to see a red head girl, a little taller than me, shiny blue eyes she was really pretty!

“I’m talking to you.” She said again.

“Oh I’m sorry, hello.”

“Hi, why are you out here so late?” She asked.

“I’m visiting someone’s grave.”

“Yeah, nice cover,” She said.

“Excuse me?”

“I know what you’re doing here, don’t you think it is a bad idea?” She asked.

“No, it is jest a grave yard.”

“Well-,” She was cut off by something.

“I have to go.” She spoke.

“Wait what is your name?”

“It would be better off if you didn’t know.” She said backing up.

I turned around to see where the noise of a bell would be ringing, but I couldn’t find it. I turned around to get the girls attention but, she was gone.