Unlikely Places

The greatest secrets are often hid in the most unlikely places.

Scarlet Christine Myers
Her long brown hair cascaded down her back and her crystal, blue eyes glimmered in the sun. Everyone around her admired her beauty and personality. To them she looked perfect, they all wished they could be her. In reality, no one really knew her. Her parents were gone, and now it was her responsibility to take care of her 3 siblings. To them her life looked perfect, but really she was struggling just to survive.

Jasper Chris Hallow
He was independent and desperate, desperate to break away from his parents. His whole life he felt they were holding him back. He was the best football player on the team, but only because it made his dad proud. He would do anything to get away from them. He didn't realize how lucky he was to have a good family, a family that cared for him so much.

He wants her. | She thinks he's selfish and immature.

He won't give up | She keeps her walls built high.

He wants to know the real her. | She'll make sure that never happens.


The story line and all characters belong to me, they were thought up in my little brain. The picture is from We Heart It. The quote is credited to Roald Dahl. Please don't steal, stealing is bad.