Nothing to Lose

change in a minute

“Mommy has to go now, Casper,” a mom was saying to her four-year-old son.

The boy begged her not to go by gripping her sleeve tightly in his grasp and shaking his head.

His silent plight didn’t faze her as she tried to pull his hand from her blouse sleeve.

Suddenly, a blonde blur popped into his focus.

“Hiya! My name’s Jatie!” the little girl shouted, proudly. “What’s yours?”

When he didn’t reply, the teacher leaned down. “Jatie, this is Casper, he’s new here,” she explained, lightly.

“Oh.” She pondered this statement for a few moments.

“Casper, would you like to go play with me?” Jatie asked, finally.

The boy looked her with huge, tear-filled eyes.

Jatie grinned and took his free hand. “Do you like blocks? I love the blocks! C’mon, I’ll show you them!” she told him, dragging him along behind her.

During the rest of the day, the two were nearly inseparable.

When it came to going home, Jatie and Casper ended up being picked up at the same time.

"Mommy, this is my new friend, Casper!" Jatie exclaimed happily, pulling the boy over with her. "Can he come live with us?"

After several laughs from the moms, a play date was set for the weekend.

It took only a minute and a loud statement to pave the path of their friendship.