Status: Trust me, this will be completed.

It Doesn't Feel a Thing Like Falling.

I love you more than you will ever know.


I stayed in bed for the rest of the day and once the sun went down I tried to talk myself into gettin up, but I just couldn't. Nothing in me would let me. I just wanted to lay here and hope that any minute things would go back to normal even though I needed to do a lot.

I needed to text Dan and tell him I was sorry for leaving him the other day.

I needed to apologize to Oli and Jona who was just trying to help.

I needed to probably eat something before I died.

Yeah, I needed to do a lot, but all I could manage to do is to lay here and cry about how Matt and me were over in more ways then one. Yet, I found myself hoping he'd come over in typical Matt fashion and pretend nothing happen, but I knew that wouldn't happen this time.

So instead I forced myself to sleep because it was the only time I was calm and not thinking about this disaster.

"Get the fuck up Holly. It's been 3 bloody days yeh look like shit yeh haven't eaten and i'm done wif bein' nice!" I heard as someone pulled back my curtains blinding me with sunlight.

I groaned and squinted to see Jona standing there with a determined look.

"No." I mumbled, "Just let me die."

"Yeh over dramatic." He said stomping off and I closed my eyes again.

I heard the shower turn on and I opened my eyes in time to see Jona walking towards me.


He igored me and grabbed me from the bed causing me to squeal, "you all need to stop doing this!"

"Shut the hell up Holly. Yeh and Matt are drivin us all insane!" He said putting me back on my feet in my bathroom.

"Get the fuck in the shower or I'll put you in there. Trust me." He said seriously and I crossed my arms.

He closed the door harshly and I sighed realizing I had no choice which was ridiculous.

I won't lie, I felt a bit better once I got out.

I wrapped a towel around me so I could go out to get some clothes since Jona gave me no time.

Once I walked out though I came to a halt.

If I knew anything it was how Matt smelled. The cologne he wore always filled my apartment no matter how little he put on and right now it was making me dizzy.

Surely I was just going insane now. I hesitantly stepped from my bed room into the living room praying it was just Jona since I was only in a towel.

Of course things never turn out how I want them to because when I turned the corner I saw Lee, Oli and Matt who seemed like he'd rather be stabbed than to be here and I froze. Why was he here?

I quickly ran back into my room.

Nope. I was not going to do this. I quickly got dressed and braided my hair to the side not wanting to spend time drying it. I grabbed my phone as I slid on my flats.

It's sad when you have to sneak out of your own house.

As I reached my bedroom door Jona popped up and I jumped back.

"Where yeh goin?" He asked placing his hands on the door frame.

"Um, out?"


"Because Matt's here. I cant believe you'd do this." I said seriously.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed me pulling me into the living room as I tried to fight him off unsuccessfully.

He threw me down next to Oli and I glared at him, "I hate you."

"Yeh hate everyone so what's fuckin' new there?" Matt mumbled.

"Yeah? Well I hate you the most." I said trying to get up and Oli pulled me back down.

"Let me fucking go!" I yelled angrily, "I mean did you forget this is my house?!"

Oli's grasp on me tightened and I just gave up. I was sick of fighting.

"What is it? What are we here for?" I asked softly trying my hardest not to look at Matt.

"Because yeh and him are driven us mental!"

"Then stop hanging out with us." I mumbled.

"Yeah there's this thing called privacy I'd like ta try." Matt chimed in.

"So yeh two can sulk and cry about how yeh both miss each otha?" Lee asked loudly and I bit my lip.

"I don't fuckin' miss her." Matt mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

"Reallah? No? So yeh cryin like a bitch for the past two days were ova what?"

The room grew quiet and I crossed my arms nervously.

"Can I leave?" I asked softly feeling my chest tighten into that familiar feeling.

"No." Jona said sternly and I looked out the window beside me as my eyes began to water.

"Yeh two need ta fix this."

"Nuffin ta fix. What's done is done, isn't that what yeh said Hols?" Matt asked and I didn't bother to speak or look over at him since tears fell were now falling from my eyes.

This was getting old.

Oli rubbed my arm lightly and I wiped my cheeks as Jona spoke, "This is all over nuffin. If yeh two would juss stop bein so bloody stubborn this wouldn't be an issue and yeh two would be togetha like yeh both wanna be."

Oli tugged on my arm and I looked over at him with i'm sure, already red eyed from my tears. He sighed and pulled me to his chest. It was always easy to make Oli be on your side.

I buried my face into his shirt as he held on to me.

"Stop bein a bloody bitch Matt and man the hell up." Oli snapped.

"Me?! I don't even wanna be here! In fact I'd be fine and she'd be not cryin' if yeh would stay out of our fuckin' business!" Matt said heatedly.

I knew the look Jona had without even looking at him. Not like I could anyways because I was crying into Oli's shirt.

"Now I'm fuckin' leavin! Leave me the hell alone." Matt snapped and Jona of course spoke, "Why yeh leavin? Cause yeh scared?"

"No! Cause I don't like seein' her cryin' and maybeh yeh should leave her the fuck alone so she won't."

"She isn't cryin' because of meh. She's cryin' because of yeh."

"Yeah? Well this isn't my fault this time."

"It's both of your faults! I mean yeh stupid, she's beyond stupid..."

"Oi, don't talk bout her like that." Matt said defensively.

"Or what Matt? Why do yeh care if she cries?"

"I...I don't." He mumbled and I looked at Oli who gave me a small grin and kissed my nose as if to tell me to ignore everything around me.

"Great. Then shut up. Cause she's stupid. Holly do yeh wanna be alone forever? Cause that's where yeh headin'. Cause yeh stubborn and..."

"Seriously mate, sop talkin' ta her like that!" Matt said loudly and I couldn't help but look over at them. Why he was taking up for me I didn't understand.

"Matt, I can talk to her how ever I like." Jona said too calmly for my liking. This was a set up. It was all clear now.

"No, yeh can't." He said glaring at Jona.

"Oh? Who said?" Jona asked crossing his arms.

"I did."

"And what are yeh gonna do bout it Matt?"

"Just leave her tha fuck alone before yeh piss me off anymore than I already am!"

"Oh Matt's pissed. I'm scared." Jona said rolling his eyes.

Matt's jaw clinched together and Jona looked back over to me.

"Oh but let me ask yeh. Was it yeh plan ta sleep wif Matt and then dump him? Who's next? Oli? Yeh too really close lately..." Jona said with a grin and I swear I could see Matt's chest rising in anger from here.

"Jona shut tha fuck up." Matt said through clinched teeth.

"So yeh gonna be like tha bring me the horizon whore?" Jona continued and well, Matt punched him.

I gasped as Lee jumped up from beside me and Oli and I looked on stunned.

"Wanna keep goin?" Matt asked loudly as Jona held his hand to his jaw.

I guess even Jona didn't expect that outcome because he didn't take it well and the next thing I knew he tackled Matt to the floor.

"Jona!" I said loudly as Oli and Lee tried to pull Jona off Matt as they wrestled on the floor.

Once they had them apart both breathing heavily and a little banged up Jona yelled at Matt, "Why the fuck did yeh hit meh?!"

"Don't fuckin' talk about Holly like that. She's not a fuckin' whore and yeh know it! Wanna talk about that then yeh need ta look at some of tha slags yeh have dated." Matt said harshly as he brushed his hand against his bleeding lip.

I know it's screwed up, but a part of me found it adorable that Matt was taking up for me.

"Oh right. She's only a whore for yeh." Jona spat back and I knew he was just trying to mess with Matt.

Matt tried to lunge at Jona once more, but Oli pinned him back down.

"Take Jona outside." Oli said to Lee and Lee pulled Jona from the floor and dragged him to the door.

"I'll go get somefin for yeh face." Oli said leaving me and Matt alone. I stared at Matt who was sitting on the floor staring at his shoes.

I sighed and moved from the couch and sat on my knees in front of him.

"Let me see." I said softly as I touched his chin. He looked up at me and clearly Jona didn't hit him that hard because it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Oli walked back in and I could tell a bit surprised I was helping Matt. He handed me the washcloth and I handed it to Matt who wiped the back of his hand off.

Being this close to him made my heart beat faster and I watched him gently brush his lip.

"I'm gonna um, go check on Jona..." Oli said before heading for the door.

"Why did you take up for me?" I asked bluntly.

"Just because yeh hate meh doesn't mean I want someone ta talk to yeh like that. Cause yeh not a slag." He mumbled looking at his hand.

"I don't hate you..." I said softly.


I sighed and stared at him as he looked any where but at me.

"I could never hate you..."

"Yeh juss said yeh did a few minutes ago."

"Saying it and meaning it are two different things."

"Feels bout tha same." He mumbled as he moved from the floor leaving me on my knees.

"I'm gonna go. Tell Jona...well, tell him I'm not sorrah but I hope he isn't too banged up."

I nodded as he adjusted his shirt and placed the washcloth on the table as he headed for the door.

"We'd be perfect togetha yeh know? I know yeh betta than yeh know yehself and yeh know me betta than I do. I juss, wish yeh could see that Hols, cause I love yeh so much..." Matt said as he stopped at the door not bothering to turn around probably because he wouldn't be able to say all this if he did.

"...and there isn't anyfing in the world I wouldn't do for yeh. I juss, fought yeh knew that. That it was obvious how I'd bend ova backwards ta make yeh happy. Not that yeh made me do that Holly but because I love yeh and yeh make me so happy that I want ta make yeh feel that way too. I guess, I guess it was wasn't taken like I wanted and I'm sorrah." He said softly.

"But then again, how could yeh not know?" He asked turning around to face me and I didn't dare move as he continued, "How could yeh not know? I treat yeh betta than I treat any bird I was eva wif. I'd break dates juss ta hang out wif yeh. I juss..."

"Except for Morgan." I interrupted.

"Holly! The only reason it changed was cause I needed ta get ova yeh! I needed ta try and put somone else before yeh cause I knew if i didn't i'd neva get ova this!"

" But, no. No one compares ta yeh. No one is as sweet as yeh, no one has such a cute laugh like yeh do, no ones hand fits mine like yehs..." He said finishing at a whisper and I swear I could cry again. What was happening to me?

"No one is like yeh. No one is as perfect for me as yeh are." He said walking closer to where I was still sitting on the floor.

"Yeh complete meh Holly. Yeh have since I was 12 and it hasn't changed and I don't want it to. I want yeh foreva." He said kneeling in front of me his eyes now leveled with mine.

"And I know yeh feel tha same way, but have it yeh way. We will spend time apart even though it kills meh every houa I'm wifout yeh. When we find out that Morgan's baby isn't mine and when yeh find out that there isn't anyone in this world that I want more than yeh, then, we're gonna be togetha Holly and yeh betta be certain it's what yeh want cause i'm gonna want ta keep yeh foreva." He said seriously.

I was, well speechless this was coming from him. Speechless that he had the nerve to actually say all this and yet I was a bit excited that he finally said what he was feeling.

He leaned in and kissed my forehead, "I love yeh Holly." He whispered and I watched him stand back up and walk out the front door as calmly as he wuld if things were fine between us.

What the hell just happened?
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Ughhh! I'm so sorry! :| things are crazy right now. I can't promise daily updates like normal, but I swear there will be one every two days. No later! I promise. :)

Thanks for the comments and subscribing. :)