Status: Trust me, this will be completed.

It Doesn't Feel a Thing Like Falling.

Such good things.


Once I said yes to being his girlfriend he pulled me up from the couch and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm gonna have ta get use ta that."


"Callin' yeh my girlfriend instead of my friend." He said with a grin.

"Well you don't have to."

"Oh no. I'm goin' to." He said smiling.

"Oh ok." I said laughing.

"And i'm gonna take yeh on dates and kiss yeh in public and walk yeh to yeh door like a gent." He said with a grin and laughed, "settle down Romeo."

He laughed and kissed the corner of my mouth, "I love yeh."

"Love you too." I whispered and he kissed my lips.

"Now what does this mean?" I heard and looked over at the stairs to see Jona.

"That we're togetha. Obviously." Matt said rolling his eyes.

"Oi!, Don't get snappy wif meh." Jona said with a grin.

I giggled and Jona spoke, "I need ta send out a mass text sayin' tha war is ova." He said as he headed back up the stairs.

"Yeh don't know how less stressed this is gonna make meh feel." Matt said pulling me to his chest.


He pecked my nose and ran his hand into my hair.

"Promise not ta leave meh when whateva happens, happens?"

"Yeah, I promise." I said softly as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I wouldn't be able to leave him even if I tried.

"Ok." He whispered and I kissed him which caused a grin to hit his lips.

"Usually, I kiss yeh, now yeh can kiss meh first."

"Right. Now I can kiss you whenever I want."

He grinned, "Yeah. Yeh can. Like, right now."

I laughed before kissing him.

"Wanna help meh cook?" He asked.

I nodded and he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the kitchen.

I sat up on the counter and he laughed, "is this yeh helpin' meh?"

I nodded, "I'm making sure you don't catch anything on fire."

"Oh supervisin' huh?" He asked chuckling as he stood in front of me.

I nodded and he kissed me.


"Lata." He said wrapping his arms around my waist causing me to laugh.

"Right now I wanna kiss my girlfriend."

"I think you just like saying that."

"Maybeh I do." He said with a grin.

I laughed, "Oh my gosh..."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead before he removed his arms from me.

"What are you making?" I asked.

"Oh something new." He said getting a pan from the cabinet.

I chuckled, "I'm scared."

He laughed as I watched him get the bread and some cheese from the refrigerator.

"Are you making grilled cheese sandwiches?" I asked laughing.

He smiled, "it's tha only fing I can cook..."

"I have got to show you how to cook something besides that."

"One step at a time my love."

I laughed as he looked at me with an amused grin.

"Stop looking at me or you're going to burn the only thing you can cook!" I said loudly.

"I can't stop lookin' at yeh." He said leaning in and pressing his lips to mine.

"Matty." I said grabbing his chin and he grinned, "What?"

"Do I need to cook?" I asked seriously.


"Kiss?" He asked poking his lips out and I laughed before kissing him.

"Ok. I'll focus." He said with a sigh as he went back to what he was trying to do for ten minutes now.

I watched him as he whispered some song and focused on what he was doing.

In a way I now felt complete. Not only did I have Matt back but I had him the way we should have been forever ago. It was an amazing feeling and it oddly made me love him even more.

"Stop starin' at meh. Yeh make meh nervous." He said grabbing a plate from the cabinet.

I smiled, "I will stare at you if I want."

"No." He mumbled as he turned the oven off.

I grabbed his arm and tugged him to me. He sat down the plate and stepped over so he was in front of me.

"Yes my love?"

I shrugged and he chuckled, "What is it?" He asked bringing his hand to my cheek.

"I hope yeh stayin' tha night." He added before I could respond.

I nodded and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Is that a yes?"

I nodded and he laughed, "why yeh not talkin' ta meh?"

I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him to me until my face hit his chest.

"Yeh bein' propa sweet. What for?"

"Why do you act like I'm never sweet to you?!"

"It's been a while..."

I glared up at him and he grinned before pecking my lips.

"I love you." I said into his shirt as I breathed in his cologne.

"I love yeh more." He whispered, "and I can't wait for all of this that's goin' on ta be behind us."

"Me too."

"It will happen. I promise my love." he said cupping my face and kissing me.

I nodded and he rubbed his nose against mine causing me to giggle.

He smiled, "Now our foods goin ta be cold."

"You act like you slaved over it..."

"I did! Propa exhaustin'!"

I rolled my eyes, "Well since it was you probably so."

"Ha, ha." He said as I hopped down and grabbed my plate from him with a grin.

He rolled his eyes and I kissed his cheek before walking to the table.

"So is this our date?" I teased.

He glared at me and I laughed, "Just kidding!"

"Oh no. No worries though. I'm gonna take yeh out tomorra. Don't want yeh ta go tellin' people that on our first date I bloody made yeh sit at my dinin' table wif a cheese sandwich."

I busted out laughing at how serious his tone was when he said that and a grin hit his lips.

"I might do that now just because..."

"Oh? Yeh do that and I'll break up wif yeh."

"Why am I not scared?"

"Oh I dunno, but yeh bloody should be." He said not able to keep a straight face as a grin hit his lips.

"You're not really intimidating."

"Oh reallah? Want meh ta hit someone 'gain and find out?"

I giggled, "Sure. Why not. Was kind of hot."

He raised an eyebrow, "Oh reallah? So I juss need ta be a bad ass ta keep yeh?"

"Yep." I joked as I tried to finish eating.

"Guess I need ta fink of how ta go bout that huh?"

"No rush. Once a month is fine."

He chuckled, "Yeh silly."

" love me." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeh right. Silly meh." He said with a grin before finishing off his sandwich.

"So, what else do we do on this date? Drink wine from a box and play cards?" I teased as I placed my arms on the table.

"Yep. All part of my plan ta get yeh in my bed." He said with a smirk as he copied me and placed his arms on the table.

"I don't sleep with someone on the first date."

"Oh right. Yeh only do that a week or so before tha first date huh?" He asked smiling because he knew he got me.

"Date is over." I said standing up from the table and he laughed as he quickly got up and grabbed me around my waist.

"Juss messin' wif yeh my love." He said kissing my cheek as he chuckled.

"Stop ittt."

"Oh so yeh can be witty, but I can't?"

"No. It's not so cool..."

He laughed, "Oh, yeh a sore losa."

"Uh no."

He chuckled before pressing his lips to mine.


"I don't know which is worse. Seein' yeh two fight all tha time or havin' ta now see yeh two kiss and shit." Jona said causing me to look over at him quickly.

"Probably fightin' at least when we kiss yeh can't hear us."

"Yeh make a solid point. I shall agree. Kiss away. Juss not in front of meh." He said causing us to laugh.

"Come on my love." Matt said grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

"Can we sleep. I'm tired." I said covering my mouth as I yawned.

"Why yeh tired? Jona said yeh've been in bed for two bloody days."

I glared at him and he sighed, "Ok. I know cause of meh and I'm propa sorry. If it makes yeh feel any betta, as did I..." he said softly as we entered his room.

"Yeah I think Jona said something about that and you crying." I said because I didn't believe that part. Matt wasn't the type to just cry.

He shrugged, "I'm sure yeh did."

"Of course I did."

"Then why does it have ta be different for meh?" He asked as he sat on his bed.

I shrugged.

"Maybeh I was upset Holly. Did I not have a right ta be? Yeh my life and I fought we weren't gonna be anyfing anymore and yeah juss maybeh I fuckin cried like a bird, but only cause I love yeh so much." He said shrugging as he fiddled with the hole in his jeans that rested on his knee.

I walked over and sat beside him causing his eyes to shift
from his hand to me. I wrapped my arms around him from the side and kissed his cheek.

"I love you." I said softly my lips still lingering on his cheek.

"I love yeh more." He mumbled.

"Do yeh want a shirt ta sleep in?" He asked kissing my cheek before standing up from the bed.

I nodded quickly as i kicked my flats off.

"Ok." He responded as he pulled his own shirt off on his way to his dresser.

He quickly returned with a shirt in his hand and I thanked him as he placed it in my lap.

"Um, should I like, I dunno, leave tha room?" He asked nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

I chuckled, "Matt, although you being like this is super cute, you've seen me with less on." I said whispering the last part and his cheeks turned a bright red.

"So I don't think it's going to be weird..." I added.

"I juss, I mean, I didn't know how yeh felt so..." he fumbled.

I started laughing and he glared at me, "stop laughin' at meh."

"It's just funny! I've never seen you like this. Awe, is this how you are with girlfriends?"

"Shut up." He mumbled.

I smiled, "You're cute."

"Ugh!" He groaned as he walked to his bathroom.

I changed out of my dress I was still in into his too big shirt before walking to the bathroom where he was brushing his teeth.

"Juss shut up and brush yeh teeth." He said which came out muffled.

I giggled as I grabbed my toothbrush from his hand.

"Oh I forgot to ask, does this make you nervous? Should I brush my teeth in Jona's bathroom next time?" I asked sitting my toothbrush back onto the counter as i shut the water off.

"Sod off." He mumbled as he brushed past me back into his room.

I laughed as I walked back into his bedroom and pushed past him to get onto the bed.

"Yeh reallah pushin' it." He mumbled as he kicked his jeans off.

I laughed as I laid down, pulling the cover over me as he turned his light off and i eventually felt him lay beside me.

"Can I talk now?" I whispered and he chuckled, "Yeh goin' ta anyways aren't yeh?"

"Yes...more than likely."

"Of course. Well then by all means, talk."

"Well I don't have anything to say at the moment but when I do I'll let you know."

He laughed, "Fuck. What have I gotten myself into?!"

"Well, don't act like you haven't had years to figure that out."

"Yeah, but now I can't get rid of yeh."

"Yes you can. You say, Hey Holly, it's over."

"Yeah, that's neva gonna happen."

"Then don't complain."

"I'd neva complain bout bein' wif yeh. I juss like messin' wif yeh." He said wrapping his arms around me, "kind of like how yeh like messin' wif meh bout how nervous yeh make meh."

"Yeah why is that?"

"I dunno, it's juss because 'us' stands for a different kind of 'us' than it use to. Not that it's a bad fing I juss, gotta get use ta certain fings."

I kissed his cheek and he spoke softly, "Like that."

"Oh. Sorry..."

"No. Don't be! I like it, it juss still takes meh off guard that yeh wanna kiss meh. I know it sounds stupid, but yeah..."

"I think it's adorable." I said with a smile causing him to roll his eyes.

"Course yeh do and if yeh tell anyone it won't be cute. Truss meh."

"Is that a threat Mr. Nicholls?"

"I don't know, but yeh shouldn't try ta find out."

I laughed and he pulled me to him.

"Get some sleep prettah girl. I need yeh well rested for our date tomorrow." He whispered tangling his fingers into my hair.

"Ok." I mumbled closing my eyes as I leaned against his chest.

"I love yeh."

"I love you more." I whispered causing him to laugh softly before kissing my head.

I wasn't sure who loved each other more, but what I did know was that I didn't love anyone but him and everything else would just fall into place.

♠ ♠ ♠
Oh such fluff. Sigh.

But they've been fighting/crying/yelling so much that I figured a chapter of happiness and gooey lovey stuff was needed. Yeah?

Thaks for the comments and. Subscribing. :)