Status: Trust me, this will be completed.

It Doesn't Feel a Thing Like Falling.

We got each other now.


Once we got seated in the small room waiting for the lady to come back, Matt was completely in fear. Staying seated wasn't working for him. He got up and began to pace the room.

"Matt, please sit down." I said trying to stay calm for the both of us.

"I can't. Oh my god. I fink i'm gonna pass tha fuck out." He said tugging on his hair and I sighed as I got up quickly and stood in front of him causing his pacing to come to a halt.


He breathed in deeply and I placed my hands on his arms.

"Sit down."

He nodded and I pulled him to the chair closest to us.

He sat down just in time because the lady walked back in with a folder and I could hear Matt breathing from here.

"Hi, so you're here for paternity results?" She asked all to happily.

"Yeah he is." I spoke for him since he seemed to be in a state of pure shock.

If this kid turns out not to be his I definitely would laugh about this later.

"Ok. Let's see here..." she said looking over the paper.

"Oh here it is. It's negative. I don't know why they dragged you in for that. They could of just told you over the phone." She said with a smile.

"So who do I sue for that?" He asked and the woman laughed.

"So negative means?" I asked just for clarification.

"Meaning it's not his." She said as she stood up quickly.

"I'll give you two a moment." She added with a smile before walking out closing the door behind her. I knew he felt better. Hell, I felt relieved. He looked over at me and a grin finally hit his lips.

"So, no? I mean, yeh heard that, right?" He asked.

I laughed, "Yeah. No baby."

His grin turned into a smile and he got up and picked me up from my chair, spinning me around causing me to laugh.

He kissed me quickly before placing me back on my feet.

"Lets get outta this bloody place." He said grabbing my hand and I couldn't help but laugh at how happy he was as we basically skipped out of the hospital.

"Yeh know what this means?" He asked happily as we got ino the car.

"No what?"

"I'm free."

"Not really. You have a girlfriend." I said whispering the last part sarcastically.

He smiled, "that is a jail I choose to be in."

"Oh jail huh? Ok. I see." I said with a grin and he chuckled as he grabbed my hand.

Once we got back to his house he busted in causing the guys who were sitting around to look at us strangely.

"Guess what?" He said happily.

"Yeh found out yeh were a girl?" Oli asked and Matty ignored him, "guess who isn't gonna be a baby daddy? Me!"

I laughed as I sat beside Jona who patted my knee lightly.

"Fank god! Who would want ta be yeh kid?!" Oli said loudly.

"Sod off!" Matt said sitting down beside Lee who patted his back and congratulated him.

"I feel like we don't hang out now that yeh got that idiot." Jona said placing his arm over my shoulders.

I laughed, "well all you have to say is hey Hols lets hang out."

He chuckled, "Hey Hols, let's hang out."

"Ok!" I said causing him to laugh and pull me into his side.

"Oye, what yeh doin wif my bird?" Matt asked.

"Don't worry Matt. I'm not knockin' her up. So we won't have ta go through that 'gain." He said causing everyone to laugh.

"Ha ha." Matt said rolling eyes, "eitha way she can't hang wif yeh cause we're goin on a date tonight."

"Oh reallah? Well, bout time. I mean I fought yeh two were havin' a date eatin' grilled cheese sandwiches last night." Jona said causing me to bust out laughing.

"High five to that." I said and Jona held up his hand.

"Yeh told him that didn't yeh?" Matt asked.

"When would I have Matt? I've been with you all night and morning."

"Great minds fink a like." Jona said shrugging.

"Whateva. We won- go out then." He mumbled.

"Oh no. We're going out or I'll tweet that in fact last night was our first date."

"Yeah? Yeh do that and I'll tweet right back my love." He said with a smirk and I glared at him.

"I won't ask..." Jona said laughing.

"Yeah and somefin' tells meh mine is worse than yeh date in my kitchen."

"I don't know what you're referring to but I won't ask."

He shrugged with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"Take me to my house."


"See, he finds out he's not havin' a kid and he's back ta bein a douche." Oli stated and I giggled.

"Am not. Come on." Matt said getting up from his seat quickly.

"So demanding you are." I mumbled and Jona laughed as he removed his arm from me.

"Yes. Tha worst boyfriend eva." Matt said grabbing my hand.

"Bye guys." I said as he pulled me to the door.

"What's the rush?" I asked as we got to his car.

"Yeh and Jona gang up on meh!"

"Do not."

"Oh yeah yeh bloody do."

"I didn't say anything! He did."

"Yeh agreed."

"Well it was true!"

He shrugged and we got into the car

"Hey Matt?"

"Mhm?" He mumbled as we headed to my place.

"I love youuuu." I said leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"Matty. Don't be mad at me." I said frowning and he glanced over at me.

"Do yeh have yeh seat belt on?" He asked.

"Yesss." I said showing it to hm.

He nodded and I sighed giving up.

Once we got to my apartment I walked ahead of Matt to my door trying not to seem like I cared.

"I love yeh." He said wrapping his arm around my waist as I tried to unlock the door.

I shrugged as I opened the door and pulled myself from his grasp and walked in.

"Don't be mad at meh." He said closing the door behind him.

I shrugged once more and before I could sit down I felt his arm wrap around me.

"I love yeh." He whispered as he kissed my jaw.


"We're goin' on a date lata." He said against my shoulder.

"You said no."

"I was juss kiddin'. I wanna go on a date wif yeh." He mumbled.

"Oh so we can change it up and sit at my table?"

He moved enough to glare at me ad i shrugged.

"We're goin out." He stated.

"Ok. Jeez. What time?"

"Like 7. No rush." He said falling onto my couch and bringing me with him.

"How bout that nap?" He asked softly and I nodded as I cuddled against his chest.

"Don't be mad at meh when we wake up." He mumbled.

I giggled, "I'm not mad at you."

"Yeh were."

"Because you were being mean."

He brought his hand to my cheek and he kissed my lips.

"Sorrah I threatened our date."

He pecked my lips once more and spoke, "Sorrah for not tellin yeh loved yeh in tha car. Did I cova it all?"

I nodded and he kissed me once more, "forgive meh?"

I nodded as his fingers tangled into my hair.

"Yeh have no idea how happy I am. Done with all that Morgan drama, I have yeh, I am so selfishly happy right now." He said and I laughed, "Me too..."

"Good. I'm glad ta hear that." He whispered kissing my neck. He was right though. I hadn't been this happy in forever. The only thing that worried me was not knowing how long it would last.

When I woke up to Matt's phone alarm he had set before we slept, he was fumbling for it in his pocket as buried my face into his shirt.

"Fuckin stupid fing." He mumbled as he finally got the beeping to stop and he threw it onto the floor.

I giggled softly and he wrapped his arm back around me.

"Need ta get up my love." He whispered.

"Skip the date. I want to stay here."

"Yeh tryin' ta get out of anotha date wif meh? I'm beginnin' ta fink yeh avoidin' it."

"Matt, I will go out tomorrow in broad daylight with you and hold your hand in the middle of the road if need be, but right now I'm sleepy and too warm to get up."

A grin hit his lips before he kissed my forehead, "Ok. But wanna move to yeh bed?"


He chuckled before picking me up from the couch and carrying me to my bed. We both kicked off our shoes before climbing into the cold blankets.

"The bestest boyfriend comment still stands." I said as he pulled me to him.

He chuckled, "two for one isn't bad I assume."

"Don't you need to call your mom and tell her she isn't going to be a grandmother?"

"Yeah eventually..."


He laughed, "relax. I will. I mean, do you want meh ta do it now?"

"You can."

He rolled his eyes, "my phones on tha floor in tha livin' room..."

"Well go get it." I said patting his butt causing him to start laughing, "Yeah, still doesn't botha meh." He said before hopping out of the bed.

"Happy now?" He asked walking back showing me his phone.

I shrugged and he laid back beside me as he dialed his mom's number.

He stuck his tongue out at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Hello mum." He said and I chuckled at how sweet he got.

"Oh not much sittin' here wif Holly."

"Yeah she's ok. Bein' a propa brat like always, but she's doin' fine."

I shoved him causing him to laugh.

"Anyways mum, I've got some good news."

"No mum, I'm not goin to college."

I laughed and he rolled his eyes.

"That baby isn't mine." He said and he started laughing at her reaction I couldn't hear.

"Yeah. I know. Oh also Holly and I..."

"No mum! She's not pregnant for fuck sake!" He said causing me to laugh even more.

"Sorry..." he mumbled I assume getting in trouble for his language.

"We're togetha mum." He said and I patted his cheek causing him to glare at me.

"Um, I dunno, since yestaday..." he mumbled uncomfortably.

"Mum! I'm not goin to!" He said loudly.

"Bloody hell, I'm gonna go. I'll talk to yeh tomorra."

"Yeah, love yeh too." He responded before hanging up.

I giggled as he let out a sigh.

"What did she say?"

"Sh was like yeh betta have not knocked her up too!"

I laughed as he continued, "then when I told her she was like, awe about time. I'm so happy. Matthew if yeh hurt her I'll kill yeh." He said seriously and I chuckled as he pulled me back to him.

"And I told her I wasn't goin' to." He said into my hair.

"You called me a brat!"

"Oh? Did yeh want meh ta tell her I shagged yeh instead?"


"Juss sayin'!"

"Those two have nothing in common!"

"Yeah they do. Yeh a brat unless we're shaggin'."

My mouth fell open as I stared at him and he laughed.

"I'm not a brat."

"Yeh bloody are."


"Yeh spoiled beyond belief. I juss bloody carried yeh to yeh bed cause yeh didn't want to move!"

"I didn't ask you to." I said crossing my arms.

"Exactly. Spoiled."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever." I said turning to face the wall so I wouldn't have to talk to him anymore.

His arm went around me and he pulled me to his chest.

"Stop." I mumbled.

"But yeh my brat." He whispered.

"Oh great. That makes it sound better." I said sarcastically.

"Yeh spoiled cause we all let yeh be! Cause yeh round a bunch of boys 99% of tha time. I fink we all feel obligated. I fink Jona and I are tha worst though."

"I love Jona."

"What bout meh?" He asked as I moved enough to look at him.

I shrugged, "Jona's never mean."

"I'm neva mean ta yeh!"

"You called me a brat!"

He rolled his eyes, "fine. Yeh not a brat, yeh juss spoiled."

I glared at him and he kissed my cheek, "I love yeh so much."


"Wanna go wif meh tomorra to my mum's house?"

"yeah because I'm telling on you."

He chuckled, "Oh? Is that so?"

I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips.

"Then no. Yeh can't come."

"You can't stop me."

"Yes I can. Don't make me lock yeh in tha closet or tie yeh to tha bed."

"Kinky." I said wiggling my eyebrows causing him to laugh.

"Yeh would say that."

I laughed, "so what time tomorrow?"


"Do you ever plan ahead?"

"Nope. Not often." He said with a grin.

"Yeah I know. It bothers me."

"Well 'parently not that bad."

I rolled my eyes and he kissed me.

"Yeh not tired anymore huh?"

"No not really."

He smiled, "come on." He said as he got up quickly.

"Where to?"

He pulled me from the bed before sliding on his shoes.

He didn't answer my question and I sighed as I slid my own shoes on.

"Here, put this on my love." He said sliding one of his hoodies on me.

"Where are we going?"

"For once stop askin' questions." He said with a smile as he pulled my hair out from under the sweater.

"Fine." I mumbled as he kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand.

He led me outside into the chilly air and I wrapped my arms around one of his trying to stay warm. We walked a good bit until we came upon the park we always use to go to in high school when we would skip class.

"Don't yeh say it." He said with a grin as he pulled me into the park.

"Say what?"

"Is this are date?" He said in a girly voice causing me to laugh, "that doesn't sound like me."

"Yeah, not really huh?" He said with a chuckle as we sat down in swings.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Why not?"

I shrugged as I swung slowly and stared into the darkness.

"I fell in love wif yeh here." He said softly and I looked over at him quickly, "What?"

A grin hit his lips as he looked at me.

"Memba when we skipped school that day when yeh and that bloke John broke up and we came here cause yeh were really upset?"

I nodded quickly and he continued, "yeah...yeh were so upset and I dunno, it juss hurt meh seein' yeh like that and I rememba finkin' bout how from that moment on I was not goin' ta let anyone hurt yeh 'gain. I juss, I don't know, it juss really got to me and made me change tha way I saw yeh..."

"That was like..."

"Year 10. Yeah..." he said cutting me off.


He shrugged with a grin as he stared at his foot that was kicking the dirt.

"Should have told me."

"Nah. I don't regret it. I mean, everyfing happens for a reason. Maybe then would've been too soon, yeh know?"

"You're starting to sound like me."

He smiled, "wonda why."

I gave him a grin as I leaned against the chain my hand was resting on.

"I love you."

He gave a lopsided grin in return, "I love yeh more."

"Aweee." I said getting up from swing and moving to his lap.

He chuckled as one of his arms went around me and I placed my arms around his neck.

"You're cute." I said softly as I touched my nose to his before kissing him.

I relaxed my head against his shoulder as he swung us lightly.

This was turning out to be everything I hoped for. Maybe happily ever after really did exist.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is sort of a filler. :|

I'm excited for next chapter and I didn't want to cram it all into this one so I had to split it up! Wanna guess what happens?! :p

Thanks to:
Pretty Optimistic
As Above_So Below
And colorful dinos (it's ok I forgive you haha)
For the comments.:)

You can tell I'm doing nothing this weekend...I've updated every day...haha.