Status: Trust me, this will be completed.

It Doesn't Feel a Thing Like Falling.

Didn't see that coming.


"Hols are yeh ok?" Matt asked standing in the bathroom doorway the next morning.

"No. I'm dying." I said sitting onto the floor. I wasn't sure where this came from but in all honesty I was sure this was in fact what death felt like.

A worried look hit his face before he grabbed a washcloth and turned on the water.

I watched him as he wet it carefully then moved to sit beside me.

"Wanna go to tha docta?" He asked handing me the washcloth before he placed his hand to my forehead.

"I fink yeh gotta feva." He said brushing my hair away from my face.

I sighed and leaned my head against the wall.

"Look, come lay down. I'll call and get yeh an appointment."

"No, it's ok you..."

"Holly. Yeh sick. Yes." He said cutting me off and I felt too horrible to argue.

He gently picked me up and carried me to my bed.

"Were yeh feelin' bad yestaday?" He asked and I shook my head no.

He nodded before walking out of the room. I could hear him talking in the living room and I closed my eyes.

His little night trip to the park probably made me catch the flu! Yeah, didn't seem so cute anymore...

After a few minutes Matt reappeared and sat on the bed gently.

"I made yeh appointment. Yeh fink yeh can get dressed?" He asked brushing my cheek with the back of his hand.

I nodded and he helped me out of the bed before leaving me to get dressed.

I slowly but surely got ready, brushed my teeth and tried to do something with my hair.

"Ready love?" Matt asked and I nodded as he grabbed my hand and we walked to the car.

"I hate that yeh feelin' so bad." He said softly and he kissed the top of my hand as we drove to the doctors office.

"Not your fault."

"Probably is, shouldn't have kept yeh out as late as I did tha otha night."

"Well I let you."

He shrugged and I knew he felt guilty.

"Matt, it's fine. It's not like I'm dying."

"Oh as I recall yeh said yeh were."

I chuckled, "well hypathetically speaking I am."

He grinned before kissing my hand once more.

Once we got to the doctor's office I sat in Matt's lap as he treated me like I was a baby.

"Yeh ok?" He asked for the millionth time.

"Matt! I'm sure it's just a cold! I'm fine!" I said chuckling.

"Well sorrah! I juss worry bout yeh!"

I kissed his neck not wanting to kiss him and get him sick.

"Guess I need ta call my mum and tell her we won't be comin'."

"No. You can."

"Uh no. I'm not gonna leave yeh when yeh sick!"

"Ok, ok. Jeez." I said kissing his jaw.

"I muss love yeh a lot."

I chuckled, "why?"

"Cause yeh know how I feel bout doctas and yet here I am for tha second time this week."

"Best boyfriend ever remember?" I said with a grin.

"It's a tough job but someones gotta do it."

I giggled right as a lady called my name. I grabbed Matt's hand and she led us to a room.

"I'm going to take your blood then the doctor will be here in a moment." She said too happily for my liking.

Matt stared at the wall as the woman took my blood and I couldn't help but laugh at how much of a baby he was being.

"It's over Matt you can look." I said causing the nurse to chuckle as she gathered her things and left.

"Sorrah! Blood makes me dizzy!"

"To look as manly as you do you're a pansy."

"Yeh fink I look manly?" He asked with a grin.

I rolled my eyes, "only when your drumming."

He shrugged, "I'll take that."

"Of course you will."

"Are yeh feelin betta? Yeh a bit chatty now."

I shrugged, "still a bit nauseas but yeah a little better. See we shouldn't have came."

"No. Betta safe than sorrah."

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the seat as we waited.

"Can we just go. This is taking foreverrrr." I said with a sigh and he patted my knee, "patience is not yeh strong suite."

"You're one to talk." I said and he chuckled as the doctor walked in to the room.

"Well, no medicine will be needed." He said looking over some paper work and Matt raised an eyebrow at the doctor who hadn't even looked at us.

"Um, but she's sick."

He looked up at that and chuckled, "there's nothing we can do for morning sickness."

"For morning what?" I said seriously.

"Morning sickness. Woman usually get that 4 to 5 weeks into their pregnancy."

"What?!" I asked loudly.

"Yeah. Don't worries. It should pass. Congratulations though. If you need anything else just let me know." He said in a rushed tone with a smile before he left as swiftly as he came.

Matt's face was as pale as I imagine mine was.

"Yeh pregnant." He finally said and I couldn't even move.

"Bloody hell, why does this keep happenin' ta meh?!" He said looking over at me and I groaned as I placed my face into my hands.

"I hate you." I mumbled finally able to breathe again.

"Meh?! I did nuffin!"

"Oh apparently you did!" I said loudly as I pointed to my stomach.

"Oh my god. I'm going to throw up. This time in complete horror." I said groaning as I got up from my seat not believing this was real.

How could this be happening?! I mean, I know how it happened but you know what I mean...

He followed behind me as we left the doctors office. An awkward feeling took over that we've never experienced and he kept his distance as I tried to wrap my head around what we just found out.

Once we got in the car it seemed to be consumed with uncomfortable silence.

"We gotta talk bout this." He finally said before starting the car.

"What's there to talk about?" I asked as I looked out the window.

"I mean, Holly, yeh havin' my baby."

"Mr. Obvious..." I mumbled.

"Holly, dont do that...look at me." He said and I sighed before looking over at him.

"What do yeh wanna do bout this?" He asked and I shrugged, "I don't know Matt! I haven't even had time to process the news!"

He sighed and began the drive back to my place. Once we got into my apartment I prepared myself for the conversation Matt was going to make me go through.

I looked at him as I sat down and he sighed.

"I mean, I guess, I'll just get rid of it. You don't want kids, I don't know how to take care of one so yeah." I said shrugging and his eyebrows knitted together, "I neva said I didn't want kids. I juss didn't want them wif her."

"So, what are you saying? You want to keep it?"

"I mean, it's yeh body, whateva yeh wanna do, i'll support yeh."

"That didn't answer my question."

He sighed, "I mean, I, I dunno, wif yeh I juss, I fink we could do it."

"But Matt, you were freaking out over Morgan."

"Cause I don't love Morgan, Holly. I love yeh. That makes a huge difference."

I just stared at him in debate as he grabbed my hand, "But like I said. It's up ta yeh. I don't want yeh ta do anyfing juss cause I want it."

I sighed and brought my hand to my face.

"I mean people do not need to sleep with you!"

"Oh so now this is my fault?"

"Yeah kind of is."

He rolled his eyes, "is it possible for yeh ta already be moody?"

I pushed him and he grabbed my arms, "juss let meh know what yeh wanna do Hols. I love yeh and no matta what yeh decide I'm gonna still be here." He said seriously before kissing me softly.

"I don't know what to do." I said frowning.

"It's ok. Yeh have time ta decided love. Don't stress bout it." He said placing his hand on my cheek.

I crawled into Matt's lap and cried against his chest. This was just all too much to take in.

"Please don't cry." He whispered as he rubbed my back.

"It's gonna be ok." He added and I cried into his shirt.

"Is not." I sobbed and he held on to me tightly.

"Is so. I promise."

"No it's not. Even you said it wouldn't be. I mean, your never home and I mean..."

"Holly." He said cutting me off, "stop it. It's different. Everyfing is different wif yeh. Don't yeh get it?"

I sniffled as he wiped my tears from my cheek, "everyfing is diferent wif yeh cause I love yeh. Does the idea of a baby scare meh? Yes. It propa does. But known it's mine and yehs makes me, I dunno, kind of excited cause I'll be going through it wif yeh and that makes meh feel betta bout it."

"We're meant ta be togetha Holly. My future is meant ta be wif yeh that I am certain of." He added.

"But not with a baby."

"Why not? Do yeh fink we wouldn't be good at it?"

"I don't know..." I said sniffling.

He cupped my face and gently placed kisses everywhere.

"So you want to keep it?" I asked softly.

"I'm not goin' ta say yes or no cause I don't want it to determine what yeh do. It's not my choice. I gave yeh my input."

"But I want to know."

He sighed and pecked my nose, "I wanna keep it cause it's part of yeh." He whispered as he touched his forehead to mine.

"But aren't you scared? Because I am."

"Terrified, but I believe in us and I love yeh so bloody much."

"Why are you so sweet?" I asked softly as I closed my eyes.

"Cause yeh mean so much ta meh." He whispered running his hand into my hair.

I closed my eyes tightly as my tears subsided. This was so didn't even seem realistic.

"So, what do yeh say?" He asked and I opened my eyes to come in contact with his soft, sympathetic eyes.

"I'm scared." I whispered.

"Nuffin ta be scared bout. I'm gonna be here."

I nodded and I breathed in deeply, "Ok..."

"Ok?" He asked and I nodded, "Ok. Let's keep it."

What was I doing?!

A grin came across his face and he spoke, "yeah?"

I nodded and he kissed me quickly, "I love yeh."

"Love you." I whispered as he held me to his chest.

"We should probably I dunno, make yeh an appointment wif a uh baby docta." He said seriously and I couldn't help but laugh at his lack of knowledge, "a baby doctor?...yes we should."

He smiled and kissed my cheek before he pulled me down to lay on the couch.

"It's gonna be ok Holly. I promise." He whispered.

"Yeah you should know how this goes huh?"

He glared at me, "No. I don't. I wasn't wif her to know."

"I was kidding." I mumbled.

He sighed and relaxed his head on my shoulder as he brought his hand to my stomach.

"It is mine right?"

"Oh now you're asking for it..." I said seriously.

He chuckled, "kiddin' love." He said rubbing my stomach lightly.

"Yeh gonna be propa cute pregnant." He said and I glared at him, "um no. I'll be fat."

"No cute."

I rolled my eyes and he kissed my neck.

"You sure about this?" I asked and he leaned up to look at me, "Holly, yes. I'm not gonna change my mind."

"Ok." I whispered and I cuddled against his chest.

Everything was going to be fine.

I hope so anyways...
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh. Did you see that coming?! :X

Thanks for the comments and subscribing. :)