Status: Trust me, this will be completed.

It Doesn't Feel a Thing Like Falling.

Hell or high water.


"We gonna tell yeh mum?"

"No. We're going to just wait until it comes out." I said sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes as he placed his cereal bowl in the sink.

"Hey good fing bout our parents been close we can tell'em all at once!"

"Something tells me mine will be more shocked than yours."

"Hardy har." He said glaring at me.

"And you're going to get the blame." I added as I ate another grape.

"Course. Cause I juss apparently love knockin' people up." He said throwing his hands up.

"Apparently." I said with a grin.

He rolled his eyes and I got up from the table.

"How does it feel ta be datin' a slag?" He asked and I laughed as I stepped over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Not so bad."

"Mhm. Whateva. I mean now we haven't even been on a real date and i've already knocked yeh up!"

I laughed and he frowned, "It's not funny."

"Well, take me on a date right now." I said with a grin.

"No." He mumbled.

I kissed his jaw, "Please?"

"Where yeh wanna go?" He asked.

"Wherever you want to take me."

"Maybeh we should stick ta somefin traditional for once like a dinna and movie tonight."

I laughed, "sounds good."

He smiled and kissed me.

"How yeh feelin'?"

"Fine actually."

He kissed my cheek, "good."

"My appointment is in 3 days." I said laying on the couch.

He nodded, "ok."


"What do yeh fink?" He asked looking down at me.

I shrugged, "I mean you don't have to..."

"I want to." He said sitting on his knees in front of me.

"Ok." I whispered and he leaned down and kissed my lips.

"I told yeh I was goin' ta be wif yeh every step." He said placing kisses on my stomach.

Although I was still terrified about this he was beyond cute now. The way he treated me and how excited he seemed to be made me feel better about it.

"Yeh fink it's gonna be a boy or girl?" He asked his hand running over my stomach repeatedly.

"I don't know." I said chuckling, "what do you want it to be?"

"I don't care reallah. As long as its healthy and ok..."

"...And likes music..." he added and I laughed, "I'm sure it will like music."

He nodded with a grin as he stared at my stomach.

"I can't wait til it moves." He said and I smiled, "you're cute."

"What?" He asked innocently and I shrugged, "you're going to be a perfect dad you know?"

"yeh gonna be a perfect mum." He said kissing me softly.

"Yeh know I was finkin..."

I smiled, "About what?"

"That, I dunno, we should find our own place." He said fiddling with my fingers.

"You want to live together?"

He nodded and moved his eyes to mine, "I juss, fink it would be good to. I mean, that way we can have room for a baby and I mean, I dunno..." he fumbled.

I smiled and leaned over kissing him softly, "we should."

"Yeah?" He asked hopeful.

I nodded, "I mean you stay with me every night anyways."

He chuckled, "yeah sort of."

He laid beside me and kissed my cheek, "house or flat?"

"I don't care."

"I'm finkin house. Cause, that way we can have a yard for our boy or girl to play in."

"I think you're more excited than anyone." I said with a grin.

"I've fought bout it and I am. I mean, this is our baby. I dunno, it juss propa excites meh." He said with a grin.

"Jona's goin to pass out." I stated and he chuckled, "About my realization or yeh bein pregnant?"


He smiled, "Let's go tell someone." He said excitedly as he pulled me from the couch.

"Shouldn't we tell our parents first?"

"Nah. The guys are closer." He said with a grin and I rolled my eyes as he dragged me to the car.

Jona was going to flip his shit.

Once we got to Matt's house he busted in and lucky for us all the guys seemed to be accounted for including Tom.

Just great.

"Was that neccesary?" Oli asked glaring at Matt.

"Yep. I got somefin ta tell yeh." He said and I sat in Jona's lap.

"Is he on crack?" He asked at a whisper and I laughed, "I wish."

"Well we got somefin ta tell yeh." Matt said and Oli rolled his eyes, "well what the fuck is it mate?"

"We're havin a baby."

"Come again?" Lee said quickly and Jona's mouth fell open.

"I fough Morgan's baby wasn't yehs?" Oli fumbled out.

"It's not. Holly is pregnant."

"What?!" Tom shouted and I winced, "Yeah..."

"Is this some sort of joke I don'lt find funny?!" Jona asked loudly.

"I wish."

"Why tha fuck is he actin' so bloody happy bout this?!"

"Apparently he is..."

"Oh? Was the first scare not enough for yeh mate?" Oli asked and Matt glared at him, "well I'm sure this isn't a scare."

"So yeh genuinely ok wif this? Somefin is fucked up in yeh head." Jona said and he looked at me, "No offense love."

I chuckled as he sighed and Matt spoke, "no. I mean, we can't do anyfing bout it so I mean were gonna keep it and do what's right."

"Yeh don't even look pregnant." Oli said seriously.

"You dont get big right away Oli." I said laughing.

"Oh." He said staring at my stomach in thought and Jona rolled his eyes, "so...yeh keepin' this idiots baby even though he knocks up everyone?"

"First off mate, I'm wif Holly. No one else."

"Yeah we're keeping it." I said rolling my eyes.

"Havin' anotha Matt runnin' around is propa scary. I hope for our sake it's a girl." Tom stated and Matt shot him a look.

"Yeh know, if yeh two are ok wif it than we're happy for yeh." Lee said sincerely and Matt gave him a smile, "fanks man."

"Awe. Yeh gonna be a motha!" Jona said hugging me to him.

"How many weeks are yeh?" He asked.

"I don't know, I go in a few days."

He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"Can I touch yeh stomach?" Oli asked and I laughed, "I mean if you want. There's nothing there yet."

"I'm gonna like feel it every month." He said and I laughed as I moved beside him.

He placed his hand on my stomach and he spoke, "wonda what it looks like now."

I shrugged, "I don't know Oli."

"Hope it looks like yeh lata. Matt's not that fit..." he said and I busted out laughing.

"Sod off." Matt mumbled.

"Awe yes he is."

"That right there proves they love each other." Oli said and Matt threw a bottled water at him.

"Owe! Yeh could've killed yeh kid!"

"It's already gonna like meh betta. Im gonna be like tha cool uncle who let's him get away wif shit." Oli added and Jona groaned, "great. It's gonna be wild as hell."

I laughed and Matt rolled his eyes.

"What if it's a girl?"

"Well, I dunno..." Oli said seriously.

"He'll probably be whipped by a child is what'll happen." Lee said laughing.

"Lil girls are propa cute." Oli said shrugging.

"Yeah the cool uncle? more like the nieve uncle."

I laughed as Matt sat beside me.

"I fink it needs ta be a girl juss so Matt can have a dose of his own medicine. Bet he'd fink differently bout a guy doin what he does if it was his daughta."

Matt's face grew serious, "I'll murda someone."

"Poor bird won't eva be able ta date." Tom stated.

"Yeh right. This isn't fun anymore." Matt mumbled and I laughed as I patted his arm, "it'll be ok."

"Easy for yeh ta say. Yeh tha only bird I treated right."

"So you treated everyone bad?"

"Well no, juss not like I should have treated a girlfriend."

"Jona, I need you to knock someone up so our kids can date." I said. Jona's face turned into a horrified expression.

"I love yeh Hols but not that much." He said causing all of us to laugh.

"But it would be so cute! Then we'd be related!"

"Oh and I need that? Yeh basically are now."

"Not the same."

He rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

"Come on love. We gotta go to our parents." Matt said grabbing my hand and I groaned, "nooo."

"Gotta get it ova wif." Matt said pulling me to the door.

"Later guys." I said with a wave before I walked outside.

"Do we have to? I mean shouldn't we wait? Until we find out how far along I am?" I asked not really feeling the need to tell my parents the truth.

He looked over at me, "I mean, do yeh?"

"I'd rather wait until after I see the doctor."

He sighed, "Ok."

"Why are you so anxious?"

He shrugged, "Juss happy is all. I guess tha feelin' isn't mutal."

"I didn't say that. I just, why are you so happy? When you found out Morgan was pregnant you didn't seem so happy."

"Holly, look, if I could choose yeh not bein pregnant ova yeh bein pregnant I would, but I can't and the fact of tha matta is that yeh are. I love yeh so much that I'm ok wif it.I know it will work out and everyfing will be ok cause it's wif yeh and yeh tha one person in this world I can imagine this happein' wif." He said seriously as we headed back to my place.

"So thats why I'm happy because if this had to happen I'm glad it's wif yeh and not someone I don't even wanna be wif." He added.

I couldnt help but stare at him in thought as we drove in silence. When did he become so grown up about things? When did he become the rational, sane one?

"I love you." I said out of the blue and a grin hit his lips, "I love yeh more."

I smiled and looked out the window. He was right though. If this had to happen I wanted it to b with him because I knew even if we werent in a relationship no matter what happened we would always be close.

"Goin' ta let meh take yeh out tonight?" He asked once we got into my flat.


"Awe, our first date. How propa lovely." He teased and I rolled my eyes, "oh yes."

"Yeh sound so excited."

"I am." I said chuckling.

"Well, you should be."

"I am. Where are you taking me?" I asked sitting in his lap.

"Well, where do you want to eat? I figured I'd ask yeh instead of juss takin' yeh somewhere since yeh stomach seems ta not be agreein' wif yeh."

"Right. I want a hamburger."

"Wait. What?" He said a bit taken a back seeing as how I was a vegetarian.

"Yes. A cheese burger to be exact."

He started laughing, "well, didn't see that comin'."

"I know. Me neither."

He kissed my cheek, "alright. If yeh wanna hamburga yeh gonna get one."

"Thanks." I said with a smile causing him to chuckle, "doesn't take much ta make yeh happy."

"Nope. Lucky you."

He smiled and leaned up to kiss me.

"I'm sleepy." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Yeh've been tired a lot." He said running his hand into my hair.

"I know. I'm sorry..."

"No. Don't be. I fink this happens, yeh know? I should like buy a baby book or somefin'..."

I chuckled before laying against his chest, "going to be mad if I take a nap before we go?"

"Course not love." He whispered rubbing my back.

"Ok. You can leave if you want or whatever." I said as I got up from his lap.

He rolled his eyes, "go sleep."

I ruffled his hair as I walked passed him to the bedroom.

I passed out as soon as I hit my pillow and the next thing I knew I was waking up on my own. It was now dark outside and I rubbed my eyes before slowly climbing from my bed and going into the living room to see if Matt had left or stayed.

Once I came in view of the couch he was sitting where he had been, his feet propped up on the table as he flipped the pages of a book he was reading.

"Oh, hey love. Yeh know, yeh can't eat sushi?" He asked glancing from the book to me.

"What are you reading?"

"I went ta tha book store while yeh slept." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me into his lap.

"You bought a baby book?"

"Yeah a few actually."

I smiled and he looked at me, "what?"

"Nothing." I responded kissing his cheek.

"Go get ready. We're leavin' in an houa." He said with a grin.

"Ok." I whispered kissing his cheek once more before climbing from his lap.

One thing I was sure of was that Matt was dedicated to this and if anything that made me feel confident with my decision about keeping the baby and mostly in how much I loved him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bit of a filler. Sorryyy. :| But, I think there is only going to be 2 o 3 more chapters after this! :(