Status: Trust me, this will be completed.

It Doesn't Feel a Thing Like Falling.

Just you and me.


Matt kept looking at me as he held on my hand as we walked down the sidewalk in a brightly lit Sheffield.


He smiled, "Nuffin. Can I not look at yeh?"

"It's just a bit creepy."

He chuckled and pulled me closer to his side, "yeh propa beautiful." He whispered kissing my cheek and I felt myself blush. His random compliments still caused that to happen.

"Still want that hamburga?" He asked and I nodded causing him to laugh.

"Then we shall eat right here." He said pulling me into a restaurant.

I sat across from him and a grin hit his lips.

"Should I make this awkward since this is our first date?"

I laughed, "No please don't."

"Well, can we make out durin' tha film?" He asked with a smirk and I laughed, "sure. Why not?"

"Yeh my kind of girl." He said causing both of us to laugh.

Once we ate we decided to walk to the theater since we had time to kill and no idea what we were even going to watch.

"How's our date goin'? Yeh fink yeh gonna let meh see yeh 'gain?" He teased and I laughed, "I don't know yet."

"Still up in the air huh?"

I nodded and he chuckled before placing his arm around my waist.

"I love yeh." He said bringing my face to his so he could kiss me while we were waiting in line to get movie tickets.

"This is only our first date. Love is a strong word..."

He laughed as he pulled me to the window and paid for our tickets. He led me into the building and to the theater where our movie was playing.

"Wait. What are we seeing?" I questioned as we sat down. He laughed as he raised the arm rest up and placed his arm around me.

"Oh now yeh ask?"

I frowned and he kissed my nose.

"Is this scary?"

"Look, I reallah, reallah was gonna get tickets ta see that chick flick but tha words wouldn't leave my mouf."

I rolled my eyes and he grinned, "then again, its good ta see a scary movie on yeh first date so yeh bird can cuddle up to yeh."


"Yeahhh worked in grade school so why not now?"

I laughed and he smiled, "seems to work." He whispered as I cuddled against his side.

"This movies going to suck. We're the only people here!" I stated.

"Anotha plan of mine..."

I laughed, "oh gosh. Why girls dated you in school I'll never know."

"Cause I'm propa cute."

"If they're in to cheesy cute."

"Yeh seem ta beh." He smirked.

"Yeah. Stupid me."

He chuckled and kissed me.

"The movies about to start." I stated as his hand slid to my face.

"Mhm. Ratha kiss yeh." He mumbled against my lips.

"You can do that at home."

"Wait. Question." He asked and I laughed, "what?"

"Can we still...yeh know..." he said softly like we had people around us.

I nodded with a laugh, "I believe so."

"We need to find that out." He said and I laughed, "Pay attention." I said hitting his chest lightly and he groaned.

"Look you've already gotten way more than anyone on a first date gets."

He laughed, "oh I have?"

I nodded and he chuckled, "I feel honored."

I laughed and we finally got into the movie.

"You know you're staying the night right?" I asked once we walked out of the theater.

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did." I said wrapping my arms around one of his.

"Actuallah I can't..."

"Matty...seriously? You make me see a scary movie and then you leave me?!"

"So that's what it's about." He asked with an amused grin.

I nodded and he kissed my cheek, "I'm not leavin' yeh. I'll protect yeh all night." He whispered wrapping his arms around me.

"You're mean..."

He chuckled, "I juss wanted ta see what yeh were gonna say!"

I glared at him and he kissed me once we reached his car.

"I said i'd protecta yeh that isn't very mean of meh."

"After you almost made me cry."

"I did not." He said leaning against the car and pulling me to him.

I nodded and he smiled, "Hols, why would I go home wifout yeh? Makes no sense."

"You could've gotten tired of me."

"Non-sense." He said rolling his eyes.

"Yeh tired my love?"

"Yes! It sucks!"

He smiled, "well how else is our baby gonna grow?"

"Our baby..." I said out loud but it was really more to myself than to him.

"Our baby." He whispered against my lips before he kissed me.

For the first time I now found mself a bit excited about this.


"I'm nervous." I said fiddling with my nails as we sat in the waiting area at the doctor's office.

"Gonna be ok love. We already know yeh pregnant." Matt teased and I smiled, "shut up."

He laughed before kissing my cheek right as the nurse called my name.

Matt of course went back with me and I think that's when he got impatient. He began to fiddle with everything and pace the floor.

"Matt. You're making me nervous!"

"Sorrah." He mumbled moving beside me and brushing my cheek lightly.

The doctor came in for about 10 minutes and left without telling us much. Soon the nurse came back in and we both looked over at her, "want to do the ultrasound?" She asked happily and Matt seemed a bit nervous now and simply nodded.

She chuckled and started messing with some machine before telling me to raise my shirt in which she put some cold stuff on it and Matty stared at the machine waiting for something to appear.

"Alright." She said sitting beside me and moving the machine over my stomach. Once the heart beat filled our ears Matt seemed to freeze up as he stared in awe.

"You're 5 weeks." She said as she tried to point out the baby.

"Are you ok?" I asked Matt who just nodded.

"I assume you're the father?" She asked and he nodded yet again.

"I swear normally he talks."

She laughed, "it's a lot to take in. I know."

"So like, when can we find out what it is?"

"Oh you have a while. Usually around 4 months."

He nodded as the girl wiped the gel off my stomach for me.

"Congratulations. We will give you some mediciation you need to start taking and then we will see you back in a few weeks."

"Thanks." I said with a smile and she walked out as I sat up.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. It's juss, makes it more realistic." He whispered.

"Scared now?"

"No. Not at all. I juss, I dunno. It's juss like, how can I love somefin that isn't here yet?" He asked seriously.

"Like I now feel the need to be even more protective of yeh and I don't fink that was even possible." He added.

I laughed and leaned into him and kissed him.

"I love you."

"I love yeh more." He whispered, "and our baby." He added gently touching my stomach.

The nurse finally came back and gave me tons of stuff and Matt happily held my hand as we left the hospital.

"We need ta find a place ta live, oh and fink of names yeh know?"

I laughed, "I honestly cannot get over how you areabout this."

He grinned, "What?"

"It's just strange!"

"Well sorrah!"

"No, but it's absolutely adorable."

"Oh is it?"

I nodded and he kissed my cheek as he opened my door for me.

"Well do tell me Matt, what names do you like?" I asked just to see him smile again.

A grin hit his lips, "girl or boy?"


"Yeh tell meh first."

I laughed, "No you."

"Well for a girl I like Lilly." He said and I smiled, "That's cute. Lilly Nicholls. That's definitely it if it's a girl."

He laughed, "and a boy, I dunno, I kind of want it ta be a lil girl."


"Yeah. I juss, I dunno. She'd probably look like yeh and I juss know, she'd have meh." He said and I couldn't help but smile, "I think she would."

"I mean, yeh see how I am wif yeh imagine how bad it would be."

"Spoiled is what she'll be."

He shrugged, "so be it."

"When we get home you're getting a lot of kisses." I stated and he laughed,"What for?"

"Because I love you."

He reached over and grabbed my hand with a laugh, "good to know."

Once we got to my apartment Matt led me in and we sat on the couch as I yawned.

"Before yeh sleep give me my kisses." He said with a grin and I laughed as I placed my hands on his face and kissed him several times.

"Fanks." He said with a smile, "Want meh ta nap wif yeh?"

I nodded and he led me to my bed and we both laid down. This wouldn't be so bad after all.


A few months passed and Matt some how managed to find us a small house that we were now settled in even though he didn't let me move anything or basically do anything. He wasn't lying about the being more protective part.

"Only a few houas." He said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me.

"I know. I think it's a girl."

He kissed my cheek, "we shall see." He said rubbing my stomach lightly.

"Now people are probably like oh is she fat or pregnant? " I stated and he laughed, "no one thinks that."

"People who don't know me do."

"Who cares?! I fink yeh absolutely beautiful." He said kissing me sweetly.

"Wait until I get fatter."

"Yeh still gonna be beautiful ta meh." He whispered holding on to me tightly.

"You have to say that."

"I do not."

I nodded and he rolled his eyes, "get yeh shoes on baby so we can go."

"Ok. Your fat girlfriend will go put on her shoes." I said and he chuckled as he grabbed my hand pulling me back to him.

"Yeh not fat." He whispered brushing his hand into my hair.

"Well I feel like it." I mumbled and he kissed my lips, "yeh not. I promise. In fact I fink yeh more beautiful if possible." He stated.

"Still want to shag me?"

"Um, hell yes." He said seriously causing me to laugh.

He chuckled, "Yeh asked. Now off yeh go." He said shooing me our room.

"Ok, ok."

I went and put my shoes on and grabbed my things before Matt led me to the car.

"I'm sick of going to the doctor." I mumbled.

"Yeh bein really negative today, love."

"Not in a good mood for some reason."

"Oh and it begins..."

I glared at him and he chuckled, "Ok, I'm sorrah. Yeh should be happy though. We get ta find out what our baby is gonna beh."

"I know."

He kissed my hand and the car grew quiet as we headed to the now all too familiar office.

Once we got into a room at the hospital I found myself a bit excited. Matt held my hand tightly as we waited for the nurse.

"Alright. Are you ready?" The woman I now knew as Judy asked.

I nodded and Matt sat up straight as she got the ultrasound ready.

"Excited?" She askd with a smile.

"Yeah but I think he wishes he was having this kid." I joked and she laughed as Matty rolled his eyes.

"No fanks." He stated as she placed the machine on my stomach. We watched the screen intently and she smiled, "it's a girl."

Matt smiled as the lady spoke, "already thought of names?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Lilly." Matt said with a smile.

"That's adorable." She said cleaning up my stomach and he kissed me softly.

"I'll print out the pictures for you." She said leaving the room.

"Lilly." He said as he rubbed my stomach and I couldn't help but be happy with this moment.

Once we got our pictures we headed home and Matt seemed to be on cloud 9 the whole way there.

"Now we can buy her fings. Her. It's weird sayin that. I mean, now she's a person."

I laughed, "and what was she before?"

"Yeh know what I mean." He said as he held my hand into the house.

I pulled him to the bedroom where I laid down.

He laid beside me gently as he rubbed my stomach which was now a habit of his.

"Yeh fink she knows when it's meh?" He asked and I smiled, "I'm sure she does. She moves a lot when you talk or touch me."

"She knows I'm her dad." He said kissing my stomach. Could he be any more perfect?

"I'm sure she does."

"Hey my Lilly bear..." he whispered as he gently ran his hand over my stomach along with a kiss.

"Is that what you're going to call her?"

"Yeah. Cute huh?"

I laughed, "you're cute."

He looked up at me with a grin before hoovering over me.

"I love yeh." He said pressing his lips to mine, "and I want yeh ta be more than my girlfriend."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took forever! :| I'm pretty sure the next chapter is the last. :(

Thanks to:

And colorful_dinos for the comments. :)