Status: Trust me, this will be completed.

It Doesn't Feel a Thing Like Falling.

This photograph is proof.


The next day Jona woke me up at like 10 telling me to get ready. I think he was more excited than I was and of course Oliver wasn't to happy about being woke up so early either.

"This is fuckin stupid." Oli mumbled tugging on his beanie and I laughed as I slid on my shoes.

"I mean we don't have to go." Jona said throwing his hands up in defeat.

"No. I want to." I said wrapping my arms around Jona's torso.

"I love you." I said into his shirt.

"I don't give Matty enough credit. It takes a lot to put up wif yeh."

I frowned up at him and he chuckled before kissing my forehead.

"Ruined my good mood." I stated.

"What? why?" Jona asked laughing.

"Now you made me think of Matt."

"I didn't know yeh were forgettin' him all togetha!"

"Well I'm not..." I mumbled as he dragged me to the car.

We finally arrived at the zoo and actually had to wait in line to get tickets. Of course we didn't have to worry about the kids harassing us because once their eyes landed on Jona and Oli they seemed terrified.

"Bleh!" Oli yelled at a kid who was staring at him and the kid turned around screaming as he ran away.

I was in a fit of laughter as I pulled him into the gates.

I swear, it's like baby sitting.

Once we started our journey, I held onto Oli's hand simply because I was scared he'd take off and we wouldn't be able to find him.

"Awe. I wanna pet it." Oli said with a pout as we passed the giraffes.

I laughed, "it's like a two year old trapped in a 24 year old body."

Jona laughed before coming to a halt causing Oli and I to run into the back of him.

"Oh fuck."

"What?" I asked looking over his arm and gasping as I saw Morgan kissing a boy that clearly wasn't Matt.

"That bitch!" I said loudly and Oliver covered my mouth.

"Take a picta!" Oli said holding out his phone for me and I quickly grabbed it. If this was anymore epic i'd pass out. Once I got the picture Jona pulled us quickly in the opposite direction.

"I hate her." I said calmly and Oli ran his hand through his hair, "what do we do?"

"Tell him." Jona said crossing her arms.


"She can tell him. He'd believe her and there hangin' out tamorra." Jona stated.

I groaned, "Noooo."

"Holly. Yeh got ta..."

The rest of the day would have been fun if it wasn't for the whole I have to tell Matty his girlfriend is cheating thing. I hated it for several reasons, the main one being that he was so happy that I hated the thought of being the one who hurt him. Knowing the sad look I'd get, hurt me already.

"I'm going to cry." I told Jona as he stood in front of my door where he was dropping me off.

"What? Why?"

"I can't hurt Matty..."

"Are we still on that?!"

"Jona! Yes! This is horrible!"

He sighed and cupped my face, "Holly, yeh gotta tell him. He's yeh bess mate and do yeh want him ta keep gettin cheated on?"

I shook my head no an he spoke, "Exactly. Juss fink bout it ok. I know yeh gonna do it cause yeh always do tha right fing and yeh love Matt."

"I know." I whispered.

He kissed my forehead, "see yeh tomorra. What time are yeh two goin out?"

"I'm meeting him at your house at 1 I think."

"Ok. See yeh then." He said giving me a reassuring smile. I'm glad someone was confident in this because I was a mess on the inside.

Yes, I'm not going to lie, a part of me was happy this happened simply because I selfishly missed Matty, but I would rather him be with the bitchy girl then hurt him like I had to. Either way it sucked. It was a lose, lose situation.

I sighed and fell onto my couch debating on how exactly I'd tell him this. I couldn't just be like, oh hey your girl chooses the zoo of all places to cheat on you, just thought you should know.

Yeah no. But then again, I guess there was no easy way to tell someone this so I'd just have to suck it up and do what I needed to do...

I pretty much had a restless sleep that night knowing what waited for me the next day. By the time noon came around I was a nervous wreck. Driving to Matt's was like driving to an early death. Once I pulled into Matt's drive way I breathed in deeply. I needed to get myself together. I could do this. I had to do this. Not just for him but for everyone else.

Once I got out I made my way to the door and of course I didn't knock I never do. But this time I wish I had. When I walked in Matty was sitting on the couch with Morgan and I almost started laughing at the whole ironic situation.

"Holly!" Matty said quickly as he stood up and walked over to me. Yeah, he better have a good explanation. I crossed my arms as he seemed to grow nervous.

"Morgan, stopped by and she forgot yeh and I were hangin out. Is it ok if she comes with us?"

I then just started laughing. I couldn't believe him.

"No, it's ok you two go."

"What? No. I want yeh ta come. I miss yeh."

I shook my head with a weak grin, "no you don't Matt. Just go. You two have fun. Is Jona here?"

He shook his head no, "he went to the store..."

"Ok. Well I'll just wait for him."

He stared at me with a look of hurt in his eyes and I sat on the couch as Morgan walked to the door.


"It's not a big deal." I said pretending to be very interested in texting at the moment as I heard the door opened and looked up to see Morgan walking out.

"What's happenin ta us?" Matty asked seriously.

"Ask yourself that Matt. Nothing has happened to me." I said as Jona walked in looking confused as he carried a few grocery bags. Seeing him just made me want to cry for some reason. I mean, was this it for me and Matt? Where did this leave us?

"Hi? I fought yeh were goin out wif Matty." He said as Matt stood in the doorway staring at me.

"Things change..." I mumbled and Jona soon joined me from the kitchen.

"What happened?" He asked looking from Matt to me.

I shrugged and Matt spoke, "we're talkin bout this lata..."

"I'm sure. Just go..." I said softly and Jona's eyes grew more and more confused.

Matty sighed and closed the door behind him as he walked out. Once the door shut I began crying.

"What the fuck happened?!" Jona asked alerted by my tears.

"Morgan was here so I told him to just go without me." I managed to get out and Jona pulled me into his lap.

"He invited her?!"

"Apparently she showed up. Whatever."

"Oh. Hols, don't cry..." he whispered brushing my tears away.

"How can I not?! I'm losing my best friend and I don't know how to stop it. I just want him back." I said pressing my face into his shirt.

"Shhh." He whispered trying to calm me as he rubbed my back.

"It's gonna be ok. We're gonna tell him bout that slag and he's gonna go back to normal." He added.

"And what if he doesn't believe us?"

"Give him some credit Holly. He'd believe yeh ova anyone."

"I don't know anymore." I said sniffling.

"Well what's left to lose?"

I nodded and he gave me a weak grin as he brushed his fingers over my cheek to wipe away my tears.

"Well, guess yeh get ta spend tha day wif meh."

I laughed softly, "Yeah."

"Don't sound too excited now..." he said jokingly and I giggled as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Thanks Jona. I love you." I said into his chest.

"I love yeh too Holly. Everyfing is gonna work out. I believe that." He whispered stroking my hair gently.

"I hope so."

I ended up spending the rest of the day with Jona and fell asleep on his couch around 9 which was early but probably due to my crying spree earlier.

"Hols..." I heard which caused me to wake up.

"Mhm?" I mumbled not wanting to open my eyes at whoever it was because I was sleeping good.

I felt someones hand hit my cheek which caused me to open my eyes because I wanted to know who the hell was touching me. When I did though I wish I hadn't because I locked eyes with Matty's brown ones.

I stared at him and he grabbed my hand before laying beside me pulling me to his chest.

"Holly..." He whispered wrapping his arms around me.

"Why do I feel like I'm losing yeh?" He asked and I held onto him tightly. Simply because I had missed him so much.

"I don't want to lose yeh. Yeh've been wif meh for so long and yeh my best mate. I'm sorry I haven't been round lately. I'm goin ta make time for yeh Hols. I really am. Wifout Morgan." He said running his hand into my hair as he kissed my forehead.

I didn't say anything. I was too tired to argue with him or to tell him how he and I both knew that wouldn't happen. I just cuddled up to him and let him hold me because I knew this would be the last time things were normal between us.

When I woke up the next morning I was still tangled in Matt and I couldn't help but stare at him. I brushed his hair from his forehead gently. Debating on waking him up or not. Knowing he wouldn't stay this peaceful for long.

He slowly began to wake up and his sleepy eyes hit mine for a second before he pulled me to him and buried his face into my shoulder.

"I've missed yeh." He whispered.

"Matty..." I said softly just going to man up and do it.

"Mhm?" He asked pulling back to look at me.

"I've got to tell you something..."


I breathed in deeply, "so yesterday when Jona and I went to the zoo, Oli went with us."


" trust me right? I mean, you know i'd never lie to you right?"

"Yeah. Of course... Holly, what's goin on? Juss tell meh."

"Well as we were walking around we ran into Morgan, well not really run into her but we saw her..."

"Yeah she was takin her brotha I fink..."

"Does she kiss her brother?" I asked calmly.


"We saw her lip locked with some guy."

His eyebrows knitted together, "yeh lyin..."

"Matty, like I just said, i'd never lie to you. I didn't even want to tell you but Jona made me be the one!" I said as he quickly got up from the couch.

"I knew yeh didn't like her but this is a low." He said angrily and I sat up as Jona came from upstairs.

"Dude. We have a pictua." Jona said coming to my defense.

"Well let me see it!"

I fumbled for my phone and finally found the picture Oli sent me and handed it to Matty.

He stared at it intently, "this could be anyone."

"Matt! Why would all of us lie about it?! Do you think I want to hurt you?!" I asked raising my voice.

"I don't know apparently!"

"Would you rather me not tell you?"

"I can't believe yeh!"

"Stop yellin at her!" Jona yelled back at him.

"I can't believe yeh would do this to meh Holly. I don't wanna see yeh right now." He said crossing his arms.

"Yeah?! Well too fuckin bad guess yeh can stay wif yeh slag of a girlfriend because I pay half tha shit here and she is fuckin stayin." Jona said harshly.

Matt glared at us clearly angrier than I've ever seen him and I honestly was already upset about all of this.

"Look what she's done to you. She's thrown us against each other. You know i'd never hurt you. I love you and even though I hate her I kept my mouth shut because you were happy!" I said seriously as my eyes began to water.

"I've never lied to you Matty. And why do you think all of us would? I hate her because she doesn't deserve you and you're too blind to see that. She even told me at Oli's party to stay away from you. Did I say anything? No. Because she could be mean to me as long as she wasn't to you. But you know what? I don't care anymore. Let her treat you like shit Matt because I hate you. I hate how you let her in between us, I hate how you completely threw us all out for her and I hate how you believe her over me. Over me! The one person who has been here for you and always been on your side." I said not even paying attention to the fact that I was crying beyond belief.

Matt stared at me in hurt and Jona wrapped his arms around me.

"Come up stairs love." He said calmly before looking over at Matt, "I can't believe yeh. Who the fuck are yeh?" He asked glaring at him before he pulled me up the stairs.

I sat on Jona's bed and cried for the 2nd day in a row.

"He's just hurt Holly. Give him some time ta come around." He said holding me to him.

"But it's not fair. I hate her so much." I said crying into his shirt.

"I know love. I know."

"I just want her to go away and I want my best friend back."

He sighed as he rubbed my back, "I know. So do we..."

"So you should kill her since you aren't from here..." I stated.

He laughed, "I didn't really kill anyone..I know I say I killed the prom queen but not really..."

I laughed, "damn..."

I sighed and got up from the bed as I wiped my face.

"I'm going to go..."

He stood up quickly, "afta I fought for yeh?!"

I chuckled and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Thanks Jona, for everything."

"No problem buddy." He said messing with my hair and I glared at him causing him to laugh.

"I think I'm just going to head home. I've had enough drama to last me a life time."

"Want me to send Oli over?" He asked and I chuckled, "No."

"No? Jeez...this is worse then I thought." He said seriously.

I forced a smile, "i'll be fine. See you later."

He nodded and pulled me into a hug before I walked out of his room still sniffling. I couldn't believe how hurt I was. I mean, I also never assumed he would do this so this whole siutation was new to me but stilll...

As I came down the stairs Matty was sitting on the couch texting away on his phone.

He looked up at me as I hit the last step.

"Don't worry. I'm leaving." I said walking over and grabbing my converses and my bag.

"Why are yeh cryin?" He had the nerve to ask and I let out a harsh laugh, "Really Matt? Seriously! Oh I don't know, probably because my best friend called me a liar! Just...don't talk to me." I said with a sigh as I left the house not giving him a chance to respond.

So this is what it takes to end a ten year friendship? Something so simple? A part of me was hoping it would take something more like the killing of a person or something over the top like that, but apparently not.

All you needed was proof and a shitty girlfriend and that was enough! Who knew?!
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Thanks to you lovely subscribers. :)