Status: Trust me, this will be completed.

It Doesn't Feel a Thing Like Falling.

This is what we're up against.


"You're right. Disaster in the making." I stated as we started our walk.

"I knew it!"

"He like...I don't know...I'm really confused. Like last night, I don't know and then today he's being all different and kissing me and I'm like, what does that mean!"

He chuckled, "doll I fink he likes yeh."

"I don't know. He seems so calm about it and I can't read him."

"He's calm about it because it's yeh Holly. He already loves yeh so it's not anyfin scary."

I sighed, "I just think its not a big deal to him."

"Is it to yeh?"

I ran my hand into my hair, "I wish it wasn't. And what makes it worse is this whole Morgan thing."

"I just don't know what to do." I mumbled.

"Yeh gonna stop likin' him if he has a baby?"


"Then juss tell him."



"Because, he doesn't like me."

"Bullshit! Look, let me find out."

"What?! No! Hell no."

"Fine. How about a plan?" He asked as we sat down at a table at some restaurant we just randomly walked in to.


"Like, you should be like, I have a date this weekend. Juss ta see how he acts. That will determine everyfing."

I rolled my eyes, "I disagree."

"I'm a fuckin' guy! I know! Truss meh. If I liked a bird and she told me she was goin' on a date I'd freak. Juss do it."

"And who will this date be with?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I'll find someone. Sure it won't be hard."

"I need a name for the plan.

"Good point...heyyyy remember Dan? You two got wasted on our tour together." He said laughing.

"Oh yeah! I love that kid."

"Say it's him and he's a drummer which adds on to it."

I sighed, "Why does this feel like a bad idea?"

"It's not. Stop over thinking it."

He must have forgotten who he was talking to. I over think everything.

By the time we got back to his and Matt's place Jona had the whole story written out for me. Now all I had to do was tell it and be convincing. Which I knew would be hard since it was to Matt of all people.

"Alright. Well, let's get the show on the road." He said too happy for my liking as we walked up the stairs to the porch.

I walked in and Matt looked up from his position on the couch.

"Food?" I said holding up the bag I had brought home for him.

"Awe fanks sweetie." He said with a grin as he looked back at his laptop and Jona nudged me as he walked past me.

"And you want me to do what with it?" I asked dangling the bag.

He closed his computer and looked up at me.

"Yeh always this happy afta hangin' out with Jona?" He asked sarcastically and Jona laughed, "Oh she's happy don't let her fool yeh. Especially afta tha lunch she juss had."

Matty looked up from the bag I had sat in his lap, "what's that mean?"

"Meaning remember a mister Dan Flint who got her wasted a few months ago? He rang and asked her on a date." He said too calmly and I felt my nerves kick in as Jona chuckled and looked at the television.

Matty's eyes shifted back to me and his eyebrows knitted together, " yeh said yes?" He asked and I fidgeted with my nails.

"I mean, yeah what was I going to say?! I was taken off guard."

"Well do yeh wanna?" He asked seriously.

I shrugged, "I mean, I don't have a reason not to."

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "Yeah...I guess not..." he mumbled focusing on pulling his food out of the bag and I looked over at Jona who had a smirk on his face.

I sighed and sat beside Matt who looked over at me.

"What?" I asked and he shrugged, "I juss...I don't know...neva mind..." he fumbled shaking his head as he looked back at his food.

Jona snickered as he got up and walked up the stairs I assume to his room leaving me with this mess he had came up with.

"What? Do you not like Dan?" I asked.

"What? Of course. He's...brill I juss...well one, I'm a betta drumma..." he said seriously and I laughed, "I never said you weren't."

"Juss makin sure yeh knew that...." he mumbled and it grew quiet as he finished eating.

Maybe Jona was sort of right...

"Yeh stayin?" He asked once he walked back into the living room from throwing his trash away.

I nodded and he grabbed his laptop and my hand before dragging me up the stairs.

Once in his room he dropped my hand and fell onto his bed. Leaning his head against the headboard as he opened his computer back up.

I kicked off my shoes before laying on his bed, my head resting on the crook of his arm.

"Yeh tired, love?" He asked looking down at me.

"Mmhm." I mumbled closing my eyes as his cologne filled my nose making me feel even more comfortable.

I heard him close his laptop and he moved a bit until I felt his free arm wrap around me.

"Yeh reallah like Dan?" He asked.

I started laughing softly and opened my eyes.

"Matt, it's a date. I'm not marrying the boy."

"I know..." he mumbled.

"Then what's the problem?"

"Nuffin..." he whispered pressing his face into my neck.

"Liar. But ok." I said as I started playing with his hair, "you going to be ok tomorrow?" I asked.

"I don't know..."

"What time is it that thing at?"

"I fink like 9."

"Good. I'll still be asleep so I'll be here when you get back."

"Good. Guess Dan doesn't do mornin' dates?"

"Matt." I warned.

He chuckled before giving my jaw a gentle kiss.

"I'm kiddin'. If yeh happeh I'm happeh." He whispered.

He looked at me and pecked my nose.

"I love yeh."

"Love you too."

The next morning I slept through Matt leaving and only woke up because when he got back he felt the need to shake me to wake me up.

"Holly. Wake up." He whispered and I moaned, "No."

"Hols, I need yeh."

I sighed and opened my eyes slowly.

"What is it?"

He looked stressed and I made myself sit up as I covered my mouth yawning.

"Oh, are you back already?"

"Yeah." He whispered sitting beside me placing his face in his hands.

"Matty, what happened?"

"I can't do this." He mumbled.

I pulled at his hand making him look at me.

"What happened?"

"It's like a baby. Yeh could hear it's heart beat and see it...and Holly...I can't do it. I mean, if it's not mine..." he said and I bit my lip as he tugged on his hair.

"Matty..." I whispered and he looked at me.

"Don't go to another appointment then until they can do a test."

He sighed and stared at me with sad eyes.

I gave him a forced grin of sympathy and brushed my hand against his cheek.

"Everything is going to be fine Matt. I promise." I whispered and he closed his eyes, "I believe yeh...I juss need it ta hurry up."

"I'll go celibate if this baby isn't mine." He mumbled causing me to laugh, "Oh really?"

"Yes! I'll wait until I get married. Yeh hear that man upstairs?" He said looking up at the ceiling.

I laughed and he smiled before pulling me onto his lap.

"Did yeh sleep good?" He asked his hair running from my cheek into my hair.

I nodded as the butterflies filled my stomach yet again.

"Good. I don't understand how I can be goin insane and then see yeh and feel so much calma..." he whispered.

"Because I'm the logical one out of us."

"Yeah I know...yeh complete meh." He said with a grin.

"That's so cheesy." I said and we both laughed.

"But propa true, love." he said softly brushing the back of his hand against my cheek.

I sighed and brushed my fingers through his short hair.

"You ok now?" I asked.

"Yes, because I have yeh." He whispered pulling my face to his and pressing his lips to mine.

Here we go again.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pecked my lips as his arms wrapped around me.

He sighed hugging me to him, his breath hitting my neck lightly.

"Tell me everyfing is gonna be ok again." He whispered and I closed my eyes.

"Everything will be fine Matt. I swear."

He nodded and kissed my collar bone.

"Can we go back to sleep?" He asked.

I nodded and got up from his lap laying back down as he got up.

I watched him sleepily as he took off his shoes and dropped his wallet and phone onto the dresser.

He finally crawled into the bed and laid down, facing me as he got comfortable.

He stared at me as his breathing grew evenly with mine and he placed his hand on my hair.

He moved in enough until his nose touched my own and I closed my eyes trying to contain my feelings.

"Don't go out wif Dan." He said softly and my eyes shot open.

"Why not?" I asked backing up a bit and he opened his eyes, "I juss don't want yeh to."

"Oh ok..." I said rolling my eyes.

"I want yeh ta not want to."

"That makes no sense."

He sighed, "It does, Holly."

I relaxed on the pillow and just stared at him not knowing what he was trying to say.

He grabbed my hand and gently linked my fingers with his.

"Juss...don't. For meh. Please."

"Matt, seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously." he said softly kissing my cheek as he pulled me closer to his chest.

"I mean, why? Is something wrong with him?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

I laughed nervously, "Matt, I'm not going to not date him just because you say not to. That's not a good reason here. We aren't in High school anymore."

"Look." He said hovering over me and I looked up into his brown eyes, "Once all this shit wif Morgan pans out I'll tell yeh."

"Tell me what? I mean are you worried if I date him I won't be here for you? Because, that's stupid."

"I know yeh would be. Juss don't. Ok? If yeh want to once all this stuff is ova then yeh can."

I was very confused now as he spoke again, "I don't fink yeh will want ta be though. I hope not."

"Matt! I don't like your subtle way of talking."

He chuckled, "I know, but it's all yeh gonna get right now."

I sighed in defeat and he pressed his lips to my cheekbone.

"I love yeh." He whispered his lips now hitting the corner of my mouth.

My heart began racing at the closeness of his lips to mine. Even though I've kissed him more times then I should have.

His hand tangled into my hair and he kissed my lips softly.

"I'm sorrah. I kiss yeh all tha time and I neva even asked how yeh feel bout it. I mean, if yeh don't want meh to or somefin juss tell me."

I just stared up at him unsure of what to tell him. I mean, if I didn't want to kiss him I wouldn't.

"I juss, I mean, kissin' yeh is so different then kissin' any otha bird. I don't know why. I juss know I'd ratha kiss yeh then anyone else." He said softly not making eye contact with me.

I swear my breathing stopped at his words and he finally looked at me once again, "I guess I am bein' selfish. Holly, if yeh wanna date Dan. Date him. He's a good lad. I want yeh ta be happy, that's all that mattas ta meh."

I bit my lip as he laid back down onto his pillow and I made myself sit up.

He looked up at me as if I was about to get up and leave.

"You make me happy." I finally managed to say.

He reached up and played with the end of my long hair, "Yeah, but it's different."

"How so?" I asked and he sighed as he removed his hand and placed his arms behind his head.

"Just is..." he whispered.

We stared at each other for a few seconds until he closed his eyes with a sigh. What was he trying to say?

"Come here doll." He mumbled and he grabbed my hand pulling me down on top of him.

"Go out wif Dan, love."

This was not going as planned. I was going to kill Jona later.
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks to Pretty optimistic and As above_so Below for the comments. :)