Status: Trust me, this will be completed.

It Doesn't Feel a Thing Like Falling.

Don't lose your faith in me.


"Ok." I mumbled climbing off of Matt and the bed.

He sighed and covered his face with his arm.

"Are yeh leavin'?" He asked as I slid my shoes on.

"Yeah. Go to sleep. I'll get Jona to take me home."

"Why are yeh mad at meh?" He asked propping himself up at look at me.

"Mad at you?"

"Yeah. Yeh are mad at me, or frustrated. Something that isn't good."

"I'm not any of those."

"Yes. Yeh are."

"I might be if you keep asking me." I said rolling my eyes as I fixed my hair in the mirror.

He sighed and got up from the bed.

"Dude. Go to sleep!"

He wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek.

"Can I go?" I asked annoyed.

"No. What the fuck is botherin' yeh?"

"You at he moment."

He groaned, "I didn't do anyfing."


He sighed and dropped his arms from me.


"See you later."

He nodded as i walked out of his room.

"Jona!" I yelled as i walked down the stairs.


"Take me home oh and fyi I hate you."

"What did I do?!"

"Get in the car and I'll tell you." I mumbled and he sighed, "Ok. Let's go."

Once safely driving to my house he glanced over at me, "What happened?"

"Oh. He thinks it's fucking great and I need to go out with Dan. Well at first he was like I don't want you to blah, blah but now apparently he wants me to."

"Cause he likes yeh but he doesn't fink yeh like him so he's tellin yeh ta juss go date Dan."

"Only you would see it that way."

"Well, betta than yeh negative way!"

"I hate Morgan. This is all her fault."

He laughed, "How?"

"It just is!"

"Yeh mental."

"Probably..." I said sighing as I stared out the window.

"He's just stressed right now with everyfing goin on."

"I know..."

Once I got back home I showered and tried to clear my head. I just needed to get over this feeling I was having and yeah, maybe I needed to go on a date so I could do just that.

Maybe I'd call Dan myself...ok, I knew I wasn't going to do that. I was just out of luck.

Why me?!

"Oi! Holly!" I heard and walked into my living room to see Oliver. I needed to lock my door.

"Yes just walk in whenever."

"Fanks. Anyways, we're goin out tonight. Wanna come?"

"You couldn't call and ask me that?"

"I would have, but I was already by your house and I'm starvin' so I was like, I'm sure my sweet Holly will go get somefin wif meh."

I rolled my eyes, "fine."

"Don't sound to happy..." he joked and I chuckled as I grabbed my phone.

"Well, let's go."

"Oh and the guys are meeting us." He said once we got in the car and I groaned, "Oliver!"

"What's the problem now?!"

"I just need time away from Matt..."

"Why? What happened?"

"Nothing. You wouldnt believe me if I told you." I mumbled and he laughed, "at this point, everyfing that happens between yeh two isnt shockin' anymore."

"I know..." I said with a sigh as we drove to wherever we were meeting them.

Once we got to the diner I followed Oliver in and made sure to sit next to him even though it was across from Matt. I wasn't avoiding him it just now felt a bit awkward. I don't know why...

His eyes locked with mine instantly and I bit my lip. I wish someone would just smack me because the only thing that crossed my mind was how damn cute he was.

He kicked my foot under the table causing me to look back at him. He gave me a smirk and I rolled my eyes. Of course it was impossible for things to stay uncomfortable around him.

"I talked ta Dan." Jona whispered in my ear as he leaned over to me.

I looked up at him with a glare and he smiled, "Friday night ok?"

"Jona!" I hissed at a whisper and he chuckled, "good because I told him yes."

I groaned and he patted my back before looking back at the menu i'm sure they all knew by memory by now.

Matt kept kicking my foot under the table and i glared at him, "Matty stop!"

He grinned, "come sit by meh."

"No. Today you are annoying me to no end."

He chuckled causing me to roll my eyes.

"Oye yeh gotta date this weekend?" Lee asked and I shot my head to his direction.


"Date wif Dan right?"

"Oh...yeah." i said nervously not wanting to even look at Matty but it was kind of hard not to when he was right in front of me.

I bit my lip before glancing at him and he was fiddling with his hair looking down at his menu. Maybe he really didn't care.

I placed my elbow on the table and rested my chin in he palm of my hand with a sigh as I watched him study the menu like he's never seen it before.

I took that opportunity to kick his foot lightly and his eyes shot up to me.

I couldn't let this go so easily. I felt too much for the boy. Pathetic I know.

His lopsided grin hit his lips and he closed his menu. I felt his foot hit mine back and i laughed.

"Stop playin footsie unda tha table! he kicked meh a moment ago!" Oli said and I felt my cheeks redden as Matt began to laugh.

"Go sit by him." Oli said pushing me lightly and I glared at him.

"Go." He said shoving me from the booth and I pushed him before sitting beside Matt.

"Yeh showed meh." Oli said smirking.

"Stop bein mean ta her." Matt said defending me.

"Oh, Matty ta tha rescue."

"Yep. Usually how it works doesnt it?" Jona said not bothering to move his menu from his face. I knew there was a smirk on his face so I didnt have to see it.

I rolled my eyes as Matty looked at me with a grin.

"Of course it does." He said nudging me gently.

"You all are annoying today." I mumbled and Matt slid his arm around my waist.

"Cause we love yeh is all Hols." He said kissing my cheek.

"Mhm right."

"I do anyways." He whispered kissing my cheek again causing butterflies to errupt in my stomach from his words alone.

I looked at him and he gave me a grin before kissing my nose. This kissing stuff had to stop for my own health.

Thankfully the waitress walked up causing Matt to remove his arm from me. I breathed in deeply, this should not be this difficult.

"Yeh comin wif us tonight right?" Matt asked as we waited for the girl to bring us our checks so we could leave.

I nodded and he grinned, "is that a yes? Maybe? I'm thinkin' bout it?"

"Usually a nod means yes, Matthew."

"In yeh world not all the time."

"Should I be offended by that?"

He chuckled as the girl came back over. Matt handed her his card, "mine and hers."

I rolled my eyes. There was no point in fighting with him about it.

"What time are we going?" I asked as we all walked out of the diner.

"Bout 8." Lee stated and I nodded.

"Is that an ok or..." Matt teased and I shoved him causing him to laugh.

"Oh juss messin wif yeh Hols." He said wrapping his arms around me as we walked.

He kissed my jaw as we headed to their cars.

"Ride wif meh. I'll take yeh home." He said kissing me once again.

"Ok." I said softly. Of course I gave in to him.

"Oli, she's ridin wif meh." Matty said releasing his arms from me.

"I bet she is..." Oli smirked and I rolled my eyes. He was an idiot.

Matt grabbed my hand ignoring his comment, "see yeh idiots tonight."

The drive back to my place was silent as his hand stayed firmly in mine as he drove. I couldn't help but to watch him. How calm and focused he seemed when my heart was racing just holding his hand.

His fingers linked with mine once we were out of the car and he lead me to my door.

"Are you staying?" I asked as he unlocked my door. Of course he had a key. I mean, ok I could see how that made this seem worse...

Hopeless is what this was becoming.

I closed the door behind us and he turned around to face me. I leaned against the door due to his closeness and he placed his hand on my waist.

"Yeah. I am." He said pulling me to him and his lips connected with mine.

He pressed me up against the door as our kissing continued.

"Matt..." I managed to say as we parted enough for me to breathe.

He brought his hands gently to my neck and kissed me twice more before he pulled away.

"Sorry. I juss... yeh propa cute today and I couldn't help it."

I felt myself blush as he brushed back my hair and kissed my forehead.

This was not normal at all and yet here I was letting him continue to kiss me whenever.

"How come yeh so chill bout it?" He asked placing his hands on the door behind me.


"I juss, neva mind..." he said shaking his head as he moved back.

"No, what is it?" I asked grabbing his arm and he sighed, "Nuffin forget bout it."

"Why I'm so calm when we kiss?" I asked boldly and he nodded.

"Well you are." I stated and he stifled a laugh, "I guess it comes off that way..."

"What does that mean?" I asked still holding on to his arm and he shrugged, "juss that I dunno, I look calm but i'm propa freakin' out in here." He said placing his hand over my heart.

"Kind of like yeh are righ' now." He said softly obviously because he could feel my heart beating so fast I thought I would pass out at any moment.

"Yeah..." I managed to get out.

"Am I makin' yeh nervous?"

I nodded and he removed his hand from my chest, "why is that?"

"I...i dont know..."

He brought his hand to my cheek and inched closer to me.

"Cause i'm always this way wif yeh..." he whispered.

"No. You don't kiss me."

"So me kissin' yeh makes yeh nervous huh?" He asked with a grin.

"Stop Matt. This isn't funny."

"I know it's not." He said placing kisses down my cheek gently. I sighed and closed my eyes. I had no control when it came to him. Why?!

His arms wrapped around me and his nose brushed mine.

"I love yeh, yeh know?" He whispered.


He kissed me softly, "go do what yeh need ta do so we can leave on time."

"Are you not going to go home?"

"Nah, I have shit here."

"Yeah, I know."

He chuckled, "go, love."

"Well let me go."

He sighed, "guess that is needed huh?" He said removing his arms from me.

"Sort of." I said chuckling as I walked past him to my room.

There was no way I was going to get over him even if I tried.

Matt stayed in the living room while I got ready which I was thankful for since I needed time to think. Although, it never helped because my thoughts were scattered about, thanks to him.

I decided to dress up for once instead of my usual converse attire and once I was done with my hair and make up I slide on my heels.

Well, me and Matty would probably be the same height for once.

See, even a simple thought goes to him.

It's ridiculous.

"Ready?" I asked as I headed into the living room.

He looked up from his phone and froze.

I stared at him with an confused look plastered on my face.

"What's wrong?" I asked slowly.

"Um...juss...I mean..." he fumbled.

"Are you ok??"

He nodded, "Yeah. Yeh juss, yeh look really prettah tonight Holly."

I felt my cheeks redden and I crossed my arms, "Oh, um thanks."

He nodded with a grin as he got up quickly. Clearly his confidence back in tact.

"Yeh know what I feel like?" He asked causing me to laugh as he grabbed up his keys.

"No but i'm sure youre going to tell me."

"Indeed I am. I feel like a starvin' child in Africa who's havin' food throwin' in front of him but he can't have it."

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow before busting out laughing.

"It's a metaphor." He said chuckling.

"No kidding me, but what for? Are you hungry?" I asked stopping on the way to the door.

"Well, me bein' tha child in Africa..."

"Is there only starving kids in Africa?"

"No, but it sounds betta."

"Ohh ok. Well finish..." I said amused by this.

"Me bein tha starvin' kid and yeh bein' tha food."

I laughed, "i'm not really following..."

"Yeh such a daft bird some times."

"That's offensive." I said with a grin.

Of course I got what he was saying but I was too nervous to point that out.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Let me kiss yeh." He whispered causing my stomach to go insane.

"I have lip gloss on."

He brought the end of his jacket to my lips and wiped them gently.

"Now yeh don't."

I rolled my eyes with a grin and he smirked before pressing his lips to mine.

We had to stop his, yet I couldn't seem to bring myself to push him away.

I slowly moved my arms to his shoulders as his wrapped around my waist.

"We need to go." I managed to say and he shook his head no as he pressed his lips back to mine and pulled me away from the door.

Well at least I tried to do the right thing. That had to count for something.


Once we fell back onto the couch. I knew this was going too far. His hair tangled into my just curled hair and I pulled back to speak. His chest was rising heavily as he stared up at me.

"Matt we have got to stop this." I said breathing heavily.

"Why? What's wrong wif it?"

"I feel like we're becoming friends with benefits."

His eye brows knitted together, "I mean..."

"We can't do that. That will ruin things..."

"Ruin what?"

"Really Matt?" I asked and he sighed, "I don't see that happenin but ok."

"Plus, I have a date tomorrow."

He made a face of distaste, "Yeah. I rememba." He mumbled.

"But..." he said proping himself up on his elbows as I straddled his waist.

"Is that reallah what yeh want?" He asked staring up at me.

I bit my lip debating on what to say to that.

He leaned up and kissed my lips, "is it?"

"I think so..."

"Yeh fink so?"


"No. I need to know."

"Why does it matter?"

"It mattas ta me Holly."

I sighed and climbed off of him, "come on. We need to go."

he stared at me as I fixed my shirt nervously.

"Ok." He mumbled dropping the conversation as he got up and walked to the door.

Great. This would go on forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks for the comments
pretty optimistic
As Above_ So Below who told me that "They both need to just make their own baby and get married! XD" haha. made me laugh.