Status: Trust me, this will be completed.

It Doesn't Feel a Thing Like Falling.

If our lives were diamonds we'd be rich.


The ride to the pub was awkward and quiet and by the time we arrived I almost hopped out while the car was still on.

Luckily when we walked in I spotted Oliver and the guys and quickly walked over.

"Hey." Jona said and Oli looked over and his eyes got side, "Oi!....ello..." he said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and the guys laughed as Matt sat beside Lee.

"Jona, come with me to get a drink." I said tugging on his hand.

He gave me a curious look as I pulled him to the bar.

"What now?"

I breathed in deeply and went into the story.

"So yeah, here we are." I stated once I was finished.

"He propa likes yeh! Why yeh so slow?!" He asked loudly.

"Shh!" I said hitting him as the bartender sat our drinks down.

"I mean yeh make out, he hints around that he basically wants yeh and yeh say oh i'm goin' on a made up date! This is neva gonna end." He said throwing his hands up.

"Jona." I hissed covering his mouth.

"Well why don't yeh open yeh eyes." He said pulling my hand from his mouth.

"Who invited Dan?" I asked quickly as I saw Dan walk in with some friends.

"No one!" Jona replied turning around in his chair.

"Fuck..." he mumbled.

"Someone hates me." I groaned as I quickly started drinking.

Jona started laughing and I looked over at him.

"What now?"

"Look at Matty lookin at Dan." He said and I followed his eyes to where the guys were at.

If looks could kill, Dan would be dead.

"Lets save this." I said grabbing my drink and Jona as we walked back to the table and he groaned.

Luckily we made it over before Dan and his friend I remembered from the tour but couldn't remember his name, did.

Matty was already on his third beer and Jona was giving Oli looks I didn't understand.

"Hey lad what's up?" Dan said coming up to Oli who got up and gave him some sort of hug.

I bit my lip nervously and Dan looked over at me and Jona. Well, the kid was cute I had to give him that.

"Hey Holly." He said giving me a wink and I gave him a smile.

Matty rolled his eyes as he brought his bottle to his lips. A few more of those and he wouldn't be just rolling his eyes he would be vocal. Matty wasn't really a big drinker but when he did he tended to say what was on his mind.

Dan and his friend which I fiinally remembered as Max sat down at the end of the table talking to Lee.

I kept my eye on Matty who had gotten another drink and Jona was mumbling something from beside me.

"This is going to end badly. I just know it." Jona stated.

"Well stop it."

"I don't know how."

"Come on lil bird." Oli said pulling me from my chair and I laughed as he tried to get me to dance with him.

"Noooo." I said trying to pull him back to the table.

He laughed, "come on. It'll be fun plus, it's so uncomfortable ova there!"

"I know!"

"Fanks to yeh."

"What?! No. Thanks to Jona!"

"Eitha way. It comes back ta yeh."

I frowned and he chuckled, "Can't help yeh prettah now can yeh?"

"I'm not..."

"Bullocks." He said rolling his eyes and I kept glancing at the table.

"Yeh love him Hols. Why keep pretendin otha wise? Yeh only hurtin yehself."

"he has too much going on right now..."

"Holly, let me tell yeh somefin, Matt would put yeh before anyfing goin on in his life."

"I just...dont know..." I said.

He smiled, "don't be such a girl."

"Shut up Oli." I said shoving him lightly causing him to laugh and follow me back to the table.

Matt didn't look happy to be here at all and he finished his beer quickly.

"I'm leavin." He mumbled sliding the empty bottle away from him.

"You've been drinking."


"Matt, if you're leaving i'm leaving so I can drive you."

"I'll be fine." He said waving me off.

I looked over at Jona who shook his head no and I sighed as I got up quickly walking after Matt.

"Matty." I called as we reached the outside air.

"I said i'm fine."

"And I don't ccare."

He turned around and I came to a halt in front of him.

"I'm fine." He said seriously.

"Ok and I believe you. I'd just feel better if you let me drive. Why are you leaving anyways?"

He shrugged, "I don't need a reason." He mumbled continuing the journey to his car.

"Go back in there wif Dan." He said and I rolled my eyes, so that is what it was about.

"Matty." I said moving in front of his door and he rolled his eyes, "Move."

"No. Give me your keys."

"I can drive!"

"I don't care!"

"Don't make me have ta move yeh Holly."

"Matt! What is wrong? Stay. I don't want you to go."

He crossed his arms and I kept going, "if you leave i'm going to be worried so I mine as well not even stay here if you're leaving."

His eyes just stayed locked with mine and he turned around and headed back towards the pub.

"So, is this you staying?"

"Would look that way huh?"

"Why are you being a jerk?!"

"I'm not! Yeh said yeh want meh ta stay! I'm stayin aren't I?!"

I rolled my eyes and walked passed him and into the pub. I had his keys so I didn't care anymore.

"He's being a douche." I said sitting back beside Jona.

"Got his keys?"

I nodded and Matt finally joined us again sitting across from me.

Drinks and laughter passed throught the table, but I wasn't really happy anymore after that with Matt.

I sighed and placed my chin on the palm of my hand as I listened to Oli laugh with Lee.

I felt someone kick my foot and my eyes instantly went to Matt.

"Come here." He said softly ushering me to him with his hand.

I debated on it but of course gave in. I moved from my seat to Matt's lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek gently.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, "didn't mean ta raise my voice at yeh."

"It's ok." I said placing my arm around his neck to keep my balance.

"You want to go huh?" I asked brushing his hair back with my free hand.

"Yeah. Juss, this really isnt my fing anymore. Or maybe today. I dunno..."

"Well let's go then."

"Don't yeh wanna stay?"

"Nah not in the mood." I said honestly.

"Awe my precious lil girl is growin up." He teased as he grabbed my chin causing me to glare at him.

He laughed and kissed my cheek, "yeh gonna drive?"


"To my place or yehs?"


He nodded and I got up from his lap.

"We're gonna go." I stated to Jona.

"Mhm." He said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"See you tomorrow." Dan said with a grin as he walked past me.

Jona chuckled and I shoved him as I said bye to the others and followed Matt out.

Matt's hand found mine as we hit the sidewalk and I looked over at him as he stared absentmindingly at the sidewalk.

"How do you know you aren't going to walk into anything?" I asked and he looked up with a grin, "I trust yeh."

"That's some faith." I said with a smile.

"I know. Silly meh."

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his as we walked to his car.

"Yeh could've stayed yeh know?" He said as we reached his car.

"I know. But i'd rather go with you."


"Cause I love you." I said smiling cheesily and he chuckled as he rolled his eyes, "Yeah I can tell."

"Why doesn't that sound true?" I teased as we got in his car.

"Please dont kill my car." He stated.

"Shut up I know how to drive."

He chuckled as I started his car and we headed back to my place.

Of course we made it there in one piece and once we got in Matt thew himself on the couch.

"I fink I'm a bit buzzed..." he stated and I laughed, "well you drank a good bit in a short amount of time."

"I know..." he responded as I pulled my heels off and sat beside him.

He looked over at me before letting out a sigh and leaning his head against the back of the couch.

"Want to go to bed?" I asked and he nodded.

I grabbed his hand and he slowly got up and followed me to my room where he started stripping.

"Thanks for getting me dressed up for nothing." I joked.

"Oh no! I told yeh ta stay! Don't put that on meh." He said pulling his shirt off.

"Yeah yeah." I said before changing in the bathroom.

"Is that my shirt?" He asked as I crawled into bed with him.

"Probably since you're taking up half my closet."

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me.

"Yeh propa lovely." He whispered his nose touching mine and I did something usually he started. I kissed him. I couldn't help it.

"I fought we needed ta stop this?" Matt asked softly as he hovered over me.

I stared up at him and he closed the gap between us without waiting for a response.

His hand ran up my side as our kissing heated up quickly.

It was like a movie you didn't want to watch but that you couldn't turn off.

I swear my heart beat louder every time his skin came in contact with mine.

I should have stopped the next events that occurred but I ddn't want to and apparently neither did he.

I'd worry about the regret later.

The next morning when I woke up I was tangled in Matt and my blankets.

I buried my face into my pillow knowing when I really woke up i'd have to face the music. The music of sleeping with my best friend. Which is something that should never happen.

Oh I was so screwed and Jona was going to kill me. Ugh! I was becoming so stupid.

I looked over at a sleeping Matt and my heart began to flutter. It was hopeless. This feeling would never go away now.

I laid my arm over him and pressed my face into his shoulder.

I felt his arm go around me and I looked up at him. He didn't say anything just kissed my forehead and snuggled up to me.

I guess there was a sort of silent understanding between us. Then again my mind was racing with the possibilites.

I knew once we got out of this bubble we were in things were going to change dramatically and I wasn't ready for that.

I closed my eyes tightly as he trailed his fingers up and down my back.

"I'm going to shower." I said forcing myself to get up. He nodded as he pulled his arm from me and i wrapped the sheet around me to get up.

I don't think things could get any worse if we're being honest. I grabbed clothes quickly and almost ran to the bathroom.

Ok. I needed to calm down before I had a panic attack.

I breathed in deeply before getting into the shower. I will call Jona and he'll talk me off the ledge. Yes, that's what I would do. But until then Matt was only in the room over probably still in my bed and what would I do about that?

I should be shot for letting this happen.
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Look, As Above_ So Below, they got it on! Have you been hacking into my email?! :p haha.