Status: ACTIVE



Two Months Earlier

As Everett's crouched form knelt in the center of the room, I felt one word pulsating through my mind, begging to be released. It was the very same word that was inconveniently stuck in the pits of my throat.

Strings of white lights were everywhere.

Waves of them hung from the ceiling and dangled in the air; even more lined the walls. They glimmered. They sparkled. They glowed. They were beautiful.

They were the type of lights you'd use to decorate a tree, but instead they decked the walls of MNH's Rec Room. There, they dipped and rose, forming swooping U's. Petunias divided each wave of lights, and they too were beautiful. With cores the color of a canary's wing, they also rested on the walls. Their centers were a potent yellow that branched out and blended into their feathery white petals. Streams of light radiated in the dim room, illuminating each delicate flower and the entire Rec Room in their golden embrace.

Drawing my attention from the lights, I took in the appearance of the rest of the room.

All the furniture had been pushed against the walls, and a sea of wispy yellow rose petals littered the linoleum floor. That took me by surprise. I had noticed a lone one under my heel as I stumbled into the room, but then there were the lights to quickly distract me. Now, I saw that they too were everywhere. Like it did the petunias, the lights cast their incandescence upon the petals, making them appear to shake with radiance. The plethora of flowers released their natural aroma, and I let my eyes flutter shut whilst breathing in the sweet odor of springtime despite the approaching winter. The sent brewed in my lungs and offered a smile to my lips.

When my eyes crept open, they instantly fell upon him, and that's when everything began to register.

Suddenly, Mother's incomprehensible giddiness and Carol's forced cheerfulness made sense. So did the soldier's discreet comment and the reason why Everett could not walk me to work that morning.

Those gleaming lights were working their magic once again. Only this time they did so on that diamond ring he was holding, causing beams of color to ricochet off of it.

My vision blurred and my nose ran, and despite all that I could still feel that smile blossoming across my face. With a contented sigh, I felt that one word finally break free from its trap in my throat. I wanted to yell it, to shout it, to scream it for the whole world to hear. Instead, I settled for a quiet and shaky,

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