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You Said Forever, but It Seems Like Never



That's what I felt a few days later. I had just gotten back from a detention with Umbridge after causing havoc in the halls. Classes didn't even start yet! Carved into my hand were the words 'I must respect and follow the rules. I will not cause havoc.' It took up nearly the whole back of my hand. I had stopped once I felt the burning sensation but Umbridge urged or more like forced me to continue. Of course I bitched her out but that only earned me another detention with her tomorrow. She ordered me to not put Dittany on my hand so the scar remained. I think tomorrow I am going to be forced to write left handed so the other hand can be fucked up.

I hate that stupid fucking bitch! I can't wait until this shitty year fucking ends so she could just fuck off and die or something. I padded down the empty corridors, bumping into the golden trio.
"Hey!" I grinned, looking around. I didn't care if I got shunned for talking to them but they didn't deserve being hated on even more by the Slytherins and their own house to start hating them too. "Hey Braelyn." They greeted me back as we walked together, I ended up going in the opposite direction I was heading.

"Call me Lyn. No don't. I hate that name. Don't call me that. Continue calling me Braelyn. Yeah call me that. I like it, guess that is why I was named that huh? Cause people like it. I'm going to shut up now. No I'm not. Where are we going?" I was confusing myself so I Don't understand how they weren't. Maybe they just understood Braelyn ramble.

"Library." Hermione smiled, pointing at the entrance that I somehow missed.
"...To study?" I scrunched my nose.
"Yeah. To study." Both boys groaned. I laughed at their misery. "Well then. Bye." I waved as I ran off down the hall, hoping to find someone else to hang out. It got waayy to boring when I was alone. Being who I was you wouldn't think that but that was exactly how it was.

Luckily, I ran into Crabbe and Goyle who were on their way to find Draco. It was very rare his body guards weren't around him so I was surprised.

"So, where the hell we going?" I questioned, going to throw my arms around their shoulders but stopped, honestly they just smelled a bit funky. I casually lowered my arms and told them, "You guys really need to shower."

They nodded in agreement. "We know, but we just got back from quidditch practice." The muttered in unison. I 'Ahh'ed' and nodded my head. "But I though quidditch didn't start yet?" I was curious, why would they practice when it hasn't even started yet. And anyways, it wasn't like they were ever going to beat Gryffindor. OK, I take that back. Maybe it was too harsh. Maybe, one day they will beat them. I internally snorted, even though I would love it if they won I had to face it, they never were gonna.

Venturing the halls for a little while longer my legs were starting to hurt, I had done alot of running and walking in these past few days so they were extremely sore. "You know what? Just come find me once you find Draco. My legs hurt so I'm going to go bathe, or shower? I don't know. I'm going to go though." I bid them farewell before running off to the prefects bathroom. Even though I wasn't prefect Draco had given me the password incase I ever wanted to use it.

I muttered the password and frowned when the door wouldn't budge. Usually it would mean someone was in there but there wasn't any noise coming from the other side at all. I should have been able to hear something, so I used the easiet unlocking spell. With a hum of success I quietly mutely pushed the door open. If someone was in here I would want them to know I had walked in on them, it would be embarrasing for me and whomever.

I silently gasped, my eyes wide as saucers when my eyes saw what they did next.
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What is it? Hmmm Hmmm?!!!! I'm sure you can guess.

It's short, but for a small reason.