Status: One Shot

You're Completely Mad... But Only the Best People Are

One of One

“Hatter? Oh, Hatter, where ever did you go?” I frolicked around the tea table, looking about for my dear Mad Hatter. The March Hare laughed his usual nervous laugh as he watched me walk around the table.

“Hare, have you seen the Hatter?” I asked, looking into his yellowed eyes. He twitched and started to shake as he smiled, well, madly.

“No, but he’s late for tea!” I sighed and ran my hands down the front of my bright purple dress. I ducked as the Hare threw his tea cup in his usual burst of madness. He laughed again and I tied my purple ribbon into my long, blue-black hair. The Hare threw another cup, and this time, it broke on my foot.

“Oh, Hare, you got tea on my new boots!” I sighed again and leaned over to dab at the tea on my new bright red boots. In return, he laughed and started twitching again.

“My apologies for my long absence, but I have returned… with muffins.” I felt my features light up at Hatter’s voice and turned to face my love.

“Hatter, you’re back!” I jumped with glee and ran to him. His green eyes lit up and he smiled, exposing the small gap between his front teeth. Oh, how I loved that gap. He had hurriedly placed the basket of muffins upon the table in order to catch my slim body in his embrace.

“I missed you, my dear Annabel.” I smiled as he picked me up and twirled me around. The Hare’s maniacal laughter could be heard from behind us.

“Hatter, why did it take you so long to get back?” I turned to look at the Dormouse, who had finally come out of her little pot. The Hatter placed me back on my own two feet and handed me a berry muffin. As I took a small bite, he answered Dormouse’s question.

“The White Queen wanted to have a talk with me. It seems that our Alice is to return sometime soon.” I felt my expression change from curiosity to confusion as I spoke up.

“Who’s Alice?” I asked. The three of my friends turned to gaze at me.

“A-Alice?” The hare stuttered, his voice rising nervously.

“How do you not know who Alice is? Our hero, the slayer of the Jabberwocky? The one who helped our Queen get the throne back? You insensitive little-.”

“Dormouse! That is quite enough.” Hatter’s eyes flashed red. I was speechless. What was Dormouse about to call me? My muffin fell from my shaky hands and I hung my head, feeling like a small child. How did I not know of Alice? Was I so blind, stuck in my own small cabin, that I didn’t know who our savior was? The Hatter had only found me a couple of months ago, alone and cold in the forest.

“I’m sorry…” I muttered. I felt arms wrap around my waist and looked up to see those bright green eyes that I loved oh so much.

“Hatter, am I mad for not knowing Alice?” I asked, fearing the answer. He smiled and looked from my eyes to my mouth as my arms wrapped around his neck.

“You’re completely mad.” He breathed and I looked away, feeling the tears brimming in my eyes. “But only the best people are.” I looked up and he had a look in his eyes that suggested he was quoting someone, but I still smiled brightly. He smiled back, his eyes glittering with what I hoped was love.

“Kiss her, you fool!” Dormouse squeaked from the table, the Hare’s laugh following close behind. Hatter complied and his lips were soon touching mine. I smiled into the kiss and my hands moved up to hold his face.

We pulled apart and smiled at each other. We then walked back to the table, hand in hand, to enjoy our tea party.

“Happy Un-Birthday!” We all shouted and drank our tea. After we all finished, we started to dance around the table, all while singing the Un-Birthday song as loud as we could.

After hours of tea and singing, we all collapsed into our various chairs or pots. The Hare and the Dormouse fell asleep after a few minutes, leaving just me and my Hatter to talk.

We sipped more tea, listening to the birds off in the distance chattering away.

“Annabel?” I looked over at the Hatter, seeing the faraway gaze he was giving me.

“Yes, Hatter?” I asked, curious. He got up and sat in the chair right next to mine, taking my hand.

“I do believe that I love you, my dear Annabel.” He said softly. I felt my cheeks burst with color. My heart fluttered in my chest and my eyes filled with tears of joy.

“Oh, Hatter! I love you too!” I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him into my ecstatic embrace. He chuckled at my enthusiasm, but also wrapped his arms around my waist, making me feel safe. His bright orange hair tickled my cheeks and nose, making me giggle slightly.

The Hatter pulled away to lightly touch his lips to mine. I smiled and kissed him back. We pulled away and he rested his forehead on mine, looking at me with those bright, dazzling eyes.

“Come now,” he said as he stood slowly, taking my hand. “We must get ready for bed.” He smiled and I stood up with him. Together, we walked to our house, hand in hand, singing whatever merry song came to our heads.

We were just two lovers without a care in the world and a song in our hearts.
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Hope you liked it! ^_^ Comments, please!
