Status: In the middle of writing.

Two Is Company. Three's a Crowd.

Friends In Need

* Chris' Point Of View *

I stared down at my phone and read over the message for the millionth time “It's now or never dude. If you don't do it now, you'll never do it”.
It sounds so fucking simple.
“Easy for you to say, you're Jeff Johnston everyone loves you if it was you no one would care” was my reply.
I sat nervously on a stool in my mom's modern kitchen waiting for her to finish hoovering the living room.
I nearly jump when the phone rings again and I read “I love you bro, now don't reply until it's done”.
I sigh loudly as the noisy hoover stops.
A moment later my mother walks in and stands before me.
“Well what is it Christopher? What did you want to talk about?” she asks staring at me and causing me to sink lower in my seat.
I sit back up properly and cough nervously.
“I just feel I should be honest with you and quit lying. I know you won't like it but it's me, I can't stop it” I ramble on.
“Oh god Christopher are you doing drugs? Oh Chris, tell your mother the truth!”she says looking scared.

The truth, it always sounded so simple like being honest could hurt no one.
Sometimes lying is better, but lying gets tricky and annoying.
“Mom, I'm gay” I almost whisper.
“What?” she says in obvious disbelief.
“I'm a homosexual” I say sitting up straight with fake pride.
I watch as her face turns red with what I assume is anger and stare as she walks away.
I run into the hallway when I hear her foot hit the last step up the stairs.
I follow her up the stairs and into my room where she is ripping my clothes off their hangers and throwing them into my big black suitcase which lies open on the floor.
“Mom what are you doing?” I stupidly ask.
“I'm done Christopher, I'm done putting up with you. How could you do this to me?” she yells heart broken like.
“Do what? Mom you're not making any sense” I say sitting on the edge of my bed.
“Get out, get out. I want you gone now!” she almost sings it out like it means nothing to her.

She takes me by the wrist and forces me up off the bed.
“Gone, where? Why?” I ask.
“Get out” she screams right in my face.
“And take your crap with you, do us both a favour and don't come back!” she says kicking the suitcase before walking out of the room.
I sit in confusion on the floor for a moment before packing the rest of my things.
It doesn't take long since most of my possessions are books and cables for phones etc.
I pull the suitcase down the stairs with a backpack on my back and a rucksack in my other hand.
I don't bother with big dramatic bitter goodbyes, I walk straight out the front door in direction of the only place I have to go, Jace's house.

I arrive at his house just as his girlfriend, Rachel is leaving.
She plants a kiss on his cheek before walking away, not even saying hello as she walks past me.
Jace swears she doesn't hate me, I try so hard to believe him.
I walk up to the doorstep and his smile becomes a frown almost instantly.
“So how was it?” he asks more than likely knowing the answer.
“Bad. I think I need to stay here a few days” I say dropping the rucksack.
“Mom, Chris needs to stay here for awhile” he says loud enough for his mom inside to hear as he picks up the rucksack.
Surprisingly Jace's mother doesn't mind me much, she likes me but I can't help but think it's because she feels sorry for me half the time.
“Oh that's fine, how are you Christopher?” she asks as we walk into the kitchen.
“Not too good” I reply sitting on a stool almost identical to the one in the kitchen at home.
“Oh, how's your mother?” she asks looking at me.

“Probably worse than me” I frown.
“I'll have to give her a call so” she smiles a little picking up her phone from the counter behind her.
“Mom, wait! Chris just told her he's gay. I think she needs a bit of time by herself, you know to adjust or something” Jace interupts her politely.
“Oh, okay” his mom puts her phone back down on the counter.
“Oh Chris, I am so sorry. This must be hard, I'm sure she'll come around” she pats my back gently.
“I don't think so, she thinks I'll do what my dad did and leave her” I reply.
“Well that's in the past now darling. You won't leave her, I know that for sure” she smiles.
“I wish my dad wasn't gay, if he wasn't this would be so much easier. She wouldn't be so....homophobic” I frown as Jace and his mom exchange a frown.
“Well look, I'll call her later and see how she is. She atleast needs to know you're in safe hands” his mom nods to herself.
“I don't know if she cares” I say.
“Of course she does, she's your mother” she squeezes me gently.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well I told you I would do it & I have finally start.
This is the first chapter of the male version of my story, Two Is Company, Three's A Crowd.
So do let me know what you guys think of this chapter, the character & which one is your favourite.
Let me know! Enjoy!